Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I have the greatest friends in the world. I am so thankful for each and every one of them. The ones that I have here at home, as well as the ones at Faith (who I miss soooooo much). Once again, Carl like made my night, and all he had to do was say that he missed me and tell me to smile. =] I'm easy to make happy. I am seriously so thankful for the friends I have made at Faith (I love all my friends here as well), but it has been great getting to know everyone at school. They all have a place in my heart (even though all of us did not always get along) but I do not know that this past year would have been half as enjoyable if it where not for a selected few: 1. Jen (my "Son"), she is such an encouragement to me, and our late night drives, getting back seconds before curfew, while having our encouraging talks will always be remembered; 2. Bethy (my "Favorite person in the world"), i just got closer to her this semester but she is so great. She is so nice, and such an encouragement to all of us students, plus she always makes me laugh; 3. Carl (my "Bro"), he is always there to make me smile when I am down, and he has had my back more than anyone else this past semester, he has stood up for me (when someone who I thought would have, did not), and I appreciate that so much; 4. Tyler (I am his "fav person in the world" - atleast that's what it says when I call him -- I have no idea who would put that as my name in his phone) I must admit at the beginning of the semester i could not stand him and his brother, but as I got to actually know them, and talk to them more, he became the person who I always turned to when I had something pressing that I needed prayer about, and when I needed advice about a certain situation, it was his words that really helped me to realize what I should do; 4. Zachary (I don't have a nickname for him, except I call him Zachary when almost everyone else calls him Zach) he is always thinking of others before he thinks of himself, and has been such an encouragement to me this year. I am so grateful for the great friends that I have, and have learned something from everyone at Faith this past year, so I am thankful to all of them! =]

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