Okay, so this may turn out to be the longest post to date. However, I have not been on for like 5 days, so I have a lot to say. I want to start by saying that Commonground Baptist Camp (they changed the name this year) is the best camp I have ever been to. They literally have something for the kids to do every minute. We had to rush to get ready in the morning and rush to to go to sleep. It was great, so here goes....
Monday: I am going to try to remember everything, or atleast a lot of what happened this past week. We were one of the first groups to arrive. So, both guys and girls got to pick out which room we wanted in the cabin's we were assigned to. The girls had the Nurse Dorm. the guys were right across the street, but I do not know the name. We chose room 3... all three rooms had a bunk bed and then a double bed, one room had a cot. Well, we chose the best room.. trust me! Leslie was on top bunk, I was on bottom and Lydia and Abs got the double bed. We quickly unpacked what we wanted to and got organized, and then, the girls wanted to jump on the bed. I had to let them, I wanted to jump on the bed it looked so, well nice to jump on. So I did let them once or twice, but that was all. =] We then had a meeting with everyone, then campers were dismissed and camp staff watched them while counselors had a meeting. I enjoyed it because the girls and guys were seperated through most of it.. and were even competing against each other over all. We then got the kids together and from there I believe we went back to our cabins, then dinner, then service. The first day wasn't too bad, busy, but we it started later than the other days, so not too crazy.
Tuesday: We all took a shower the night before... with 340 people we had like 5 minutes to take a shower, some of us took less than that. Anyway, so we all woke up at 7.. our whole cabin.. and had to be at the flagpole at 7:45. The earliest we are allowed to leave our cabins is 7:30 though. So, we then did pledges and some morning aerobics, then to breakfast we went. At 8:15 (which usually ended up being 8:20 or 8:25) we went to counselor meeting while the campers waited in the dining room. Then we had devotions and then combined games. I think everyone enjoyed these, and I must say that "Girls really are the greatest"! I think Tuesday we played a flying dart game and a game where you had to carry one player who "hurt their foot" to the other side of the room.... my team ("SHining Stars") came in second all together, but we were first for the girls! WooHoo! Next was the afternoon service. We played Zonk there, which was fun, and our girls enjoyed it. The girls sit on one side of the "tabernacle" and the boys sit on the other. Afterwards we all go to the snack shop and stay there until we are dismissed and given lights out time. My girls all did real well with lights out, but there was one girl who hardly sleeps. Her mom has taken her to doctors for it before, and they say there is nothing wrong with her, she just doesn't need that much sleep. Go figure. But she laid there quietly for the most part, so all went well.
Wednesday: Started at the flag again. By this time I had met and gotten to know some new people, and so had the girls, so we were all having fun and enjoying ourselves. This day for free time we got to go swimming. Tuesday it rained so we were not able to. But the pool is nice, it gets really crowded though. This year they had more campers than ever and some poeple even had to stay in homes that were nearby. It was great though. Pastor Krohn said that he felt the Lord leading him that way. He said he would ahve liked to of had 50 or so people moved to the first week but that he felt the Lord was telling him tht the first week of juniors was going to need more special attention, and that the second week was gonna be the ones who would listed better and wanna play, and just be more enthused.. so I think that is exactly how it worked out. There was a lot of enthusiasm. =] But they also have this water slide... wow, it was cool. I mean some poeple go so fast going down that, it is just unbelieveable. The girls really enjoyed it! Everything after that was normal.. dinner, service.. oh and this day they had the dunk tank.. a really neat contraption that they made, not like a normal dunk tank. But Bro. Chris (the future husband of Elizabeth Troyer) was the first nominee. It was so funny because he was making fun of everyone.. it made a lot of fun. One girl.. Destiny bought quite a few tickets, and hit the target I think 7 times, but 5 times was right in a row... it was great!
Thursday: I have been failing to mention (actually I kind of forgot) that before I left camp on monday I woke up with swollen eyes. It got worse day after day. Tuesday ngiht I took allergy medicine but it didnt help, Wednesday night I put ice on my eyes and forhead (my forhead was starting to swell as well) and when I woke up Thursday morning, it was the worst it had been all week. I was embarassed to leave my cabin, and Miss Joanna and this other lady, who i cannot even remember her name, were SOOOOOOO sweet and really comforted me a lot and their concern made me feel better, but some poeple made me feel worse, asking what was wrong with me and looking at me like I had some sort of disease, so that didn't make me feel all that great. But my girls constantly told me that it was going away and getting better, I love them girls! I am super super super glad though that Miss Joanna Williams was there. I just love her, and she took me to the nurse, with all her girls, after everyone was dismissed, but it was really nice, because it was obvious that she cared. I always feel bad though, and tried to make my talk with the nurse as quick as possible, because I did not want to waste her or the girls time. The girls were real sweet about it though too, and I jsut loved seeing all the girls frm Faith, and Hannah from Pastor Foote's church. I missed them sooooooo much! And I guess I missed the guys..lol, I did.. especialy Jo "my little man"! But anyway, the day started out like all the others, continued to go like all the others, free time we almost were not able to go swimming because it rained, but only for like a minute. So they re-opened the pool at the girls got to go swimming. But, Ashley came to visit, so her myself and Miss Joanna watched the girls swim and go down the water slide. And, I forgot to say that Wednesday one of the games we played was "Medic" the girls had to run to a piile of bandaids in the middle of hte field, run back to the counselors and put the bandaids on us.. I have pictures of that, it is hillarious. But today, we played something like ultimate football, but it was more like ultimate basketball. We had to get like 30 some balls into the basket on the other side of the field, but once we got a ball we couldnt run, we had to throw it or shoot. Mrs. Troyer was not on my team, and man does she pay to win.. I LOVED IT THOUGH! She was always right there when I was trying to get a ball into their basket, and she, I think, always got it off of me. It was soooo much fun, I have pics of thtat too. But Miss Joanna threw a couple balls to me, and just as Mrs. Chrone was saying that there was 15 seconds left, I heard "Miss Clara" I turned around and there was Miss Joanna about to throw a ball my way, she threw it, I almost missed it, but cought it was one hand, shot it, and made the basket right as Mrs. Chrone said 1. I was to excited, time was up and Miss Joanna and I had just made the last basket for our team.. we still lost though.. oh well. =] It was fun. We had the normal dinner and services after that.
Friday: I had all the girls pack jut about everything the night before. So we would not have much to do this morning. We then made it to the flag pole, then breakfast, then the counselors got together and voted on the rewards for the week.. best camper, christian attitude, servant's heart, etc. None of our group won, but if I had to pick one camper of the week out of the girls it would have been lydia.. she had such a servant's heart the entire week, never talked back, and when I told her to do something she did it right away, plus she memorized the most verses. It was a good week, and I enjoyed it. Now I am home, and well exhausted. =] But I have lots of pictures to show from it.. my much anticipated tan and lots of good memories!!!!
As we were leaving devotions on Thursday, one of the girls on staff, stopped and asked to take our picture.. I was thrilled, and so excited. Even though my face looks the worse it did all week, you can't tell too much in this.
Here it is... the picture that I love.. me, and the other counselors (minus Somer) with our pretty neon bandaids! It was great! (We also had some on our arms and Taylor... far left.. had two on her toes)
"Shining Stars" flag.. the blue one. The girls had to make it themselves, no counselors were allowed to help!
Our team this year was the "Shining Stars"! Here we are doing our cheer for all the other girls.. it was really cute, and we really enjoyed it! (Our team was our entire cabin.. so the wonderful ladies from Faitt Bible Baptist... plus a group who stayed in Tabernacle 3.)
Levi was selected to help during one of Pastor Dressner's messages. This was about what kind of friends you have on your rope, and are they helping you pull away from the devil, or are they pulling with the devil! Very good message!
Our group doing devotions on Thrusday!
The group from Faith, having devotions with Mrs. Williams (Bro. Abe had to go to work this day, so she had to keep track of guys and girls, and did a great job at it!) They were a great group of kids though!!!
Another time that Mrs. Troyer got me.. I think here someone was trying to throw the ball to me and she was blocking me from catching it... she is jsut the sweetest though, and I really had fun "competing" with her.. I wasn't much competiton though!
Here is one of the many times that Mrs. Troyer
got the ball off of me. She was so great, she is so sweet and I really enjoyed her. Notice.. we are both smiling (well you cant see mine in this one) but because it was friendly competition.. another reason why girls are better than boys!
Abby and Olivia Propst (from Faith in Seneca) are in this picture. This particular game, Abby did great in. She stayed covered the whole time until they said that everyone had to come out, and was the last on standing on her team the first time, and every time after that made it to the end as well. I was so glad to see them. I missed those two sooo much!!!
The theme this year was "He Took the Hill" so they had a game called Take the Hill where we had to run up the hill.. campers.. I like this picture because Leslie looks so happy here, so I just had to post it!!
We shared a cabin with a group form Faith Bible Baptist in New York. The Yancey's were very sweet, and we enjoyed all of their girls.. here are two of them, Adreana and Paige.
The three best girls (in their matching shirts)... Lydia, Abby, Leslie... I made them stop jumping on the bed for a second so that I could take this pic... hehe haha)
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