Sunday, August 30, 2009
Great Birthday!
My family, of course, also made this day special for me. I was greeted with happy birthday's and I love you and at the family outing last night when it turnd midnight everyone sang to me. I loved it! lol. And my neighbor judy told my sister to buy me a cake and my mom (not knowing because they kept it a secret) also bought me cake mi (which we have not been able to eat yet, obviously). But my mom always asks us what we want for a birthday meal, so I chose pepperoni rolls (I love my mama's pepperoni rolls) so that was also very very nice!
But onto my last Sunday for awhile.... on the bus we did have a good number. I am trying to think of everyone who came to give an approximate number becuase I do not know the exact number. So having counted those who I remember I am getting the number 21, so it was atleast that many (not inclluding workers obviously), so I was excited about that!! They behaved okay on the way there, we had 4 lose their treats in 4 and 5 year olds class and two lost theirs on the way home. They I guess woke up on the way home because they did not behave very well!
Onto Sunday school class, I had, get this, just my class... 10 girls! I was vey happy, and they all did really really really well. 10 may not seem like a hole lot to you, however my average is probably like 3-5, so I was happy with 10.
Juniop church also went well, hawkeye was alittle tough at first but towards the end they started dropping like flies.. lol, so that made it easier.
On the way home, as I said earlier everyone was like awake and full of sugar or something. i did get Helena's cell phone number to call adn wake her up next Sunday, forgeting that I am not going to be here next Sunday, go figure right? But as long as I am on the same route this year (which I requested to be) then I do not leave until about 8:45 and so I will be able to call her at 8 as she requested, so all should be well. We then went to drop off Jaylin and noone was home, so we dropped off our lst stop returned to his house, and guess what, there was still noone home. So Devonte and I remembered that whenever we pick up Andrea and Alexis that he says his aunt lives in the same apartments, so we venture over back to Plaze View (with Jaylin, a 5 year old, telling us that we were suppose to turn left her and go straight here, all of which was wrong, so it is a good thing we did not listen, adn just went to Plaza View) so we make it there and his aunt and grandma were there thankfully, so all is well now, we hope!
Bro. Bruno preached tonight at churh and it was kind of bitter sweet because he and Mrs. Malepou are leaving for Africa as missionaries. We had a farewell that night at Pastor Royalty's for them and it went really well. There was a lot of people from out church that showed up and it really was a good time.
Well my schedule this week is running around alittle with my mom tomorrow then Tuesday morning breakfast with Rachel at our favorite Panera Bread (she is coming home tomorrow... I CAN'T WAIT!) then Wednesday is normal so far, and Thursday I leave (I am hoping that Pastor Joel and Mrs. Royalty call me atleast one of those nights so that I can watch the kids for them before I leave, so they can get out for alittle) ---Sidenote: I got to hold Alayna for the first time... SHE IS SOOOO CUTE!!!--- So that is all for me, busy day, full of fun, an wonderful blessings.
Oh, I almost forgot my secret sister also gave me a gift. This adorable little pillow with this really cute like rope I guess it is attached that says "Count Your Blessings" if today wasn't the perfect day for that, as well as some lotion from Bath and Body "Japenese Cherry Bossom". Now, my secret sister could not have know this but I bought a Country Apple soap for my self and a japenese cherry blosson and I just finish the apple so now I am on to the japenese cherry blossom, so now I have a lotion to go with it!!!! IT SMELLS SO GOOD! There are the fragrances from Bath and Body that I LOVE!!! although I like so many but they are 1.Country Apple (which is discontinued, but they still eell it on big sales-- go figure) 2. Japenese CHerry Blosson and 3. Dancing Waters. They are the greatest folks... trust me!
That is all for now. This is probably the most I have written in awhile so enjoy.
And with this I depart... It is so important to know were you stand and why you believe what you believe. If you go by what someone else tells you or by what you hear all the time but never actually study it for yourself then you will most likely end up losing that conviction and possibly even falling away from the things of God. So figure out what you believe and find out why you believe it! Don't go by someone else's convictions, let the Lord give you your own!
Goodnight all!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Looking forward to tomorrow!
In Sunday School, we are going to have a review/question and answer time. I even have a special treat for them... chocolate chip cookies. YUM! =] I have been doing a contest with the girls and they get points for such things as bringin their Bible, bringing a visitor, answering most questions in class, best girl, and being there ever Sunday of the month (Which Abby always gets the points for that. lol). But at the end of class the girl with the most points gets a special prize. The girls really seem to enjoy it, adn Abby has not won every week (actually I think she has only won twice) so the other girls are not left out.. no worries! I am going to miss them all very much though and will counting down the days until I get to see them again (which is September 27th thanks to my couisn getting married on the 26th) so I am looking forward to that. I really do have the greatest bus kids and the greatest Sunday school class (I hope everyone feels that way about their own bus kids and Sunday school class kids).
Plus there is a "back to school" afeterglow tomorrow. So I get to hang out with the teens from church on my birthday.. it is oging to be sooo much fun!!!
I leave on Thursday, and have recently found out who my roomies are this year, adn am SOOOOO excited. There is Heather (who I requested to be my roomie) plus Susan (the cheerful "mom" who I absolutely love-- she takes care of us and puts us in our place when we need it) then Jenn (my Son, who will make the room very interesting adn entertaining... trust me), so i am looking forward to it. We are going to have the best room with the most craziness. Susan is the sweetest ever but when she gets tired her Jenn and I just have the time of our lives. We go crazy and it is nothing but laughs from there!
(On a sidenote: today is Cierra Kerin's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ce Ce.. although you may never read this!!!!)
So I am looking forward to this semester although I will miss many people back home. Oh, and to top it off, I saw my Aunt Terry to day. She drives truck with my Uncle Bob so I do not get to see her very often, she greeted me with a hug and just made me feel great. lol. Even though I looked horrible.. trust me. =]
Speaking of, I think I am going to go make myself presentable now. My mom and I are going to go put some flowers on my grampas grave, today was his birthday. So I think that is all for now. I am getting nervous that is why I am typing more and more useless blogs!! Just so yall know!
Last words for the night.. I promise I am going to bed soon!
Second. my blog is now viewable to all, no more invite only, so enjoy! My life is not that fascinating though.. although with college starting back up, I am sure I will have much more to post about!!! =]
Friday, August 28, 2009
No more Taco Bell until Christmas!! Nice!!
I also ordered all of my books for this semester... I got them for less than half the prize I would have had to pay had I gone through the schoo. Gotta love Amazon!!! But don't gotta love shipping and handling... one book cost me 20 cents but shipping on all books as 3.99! So the shipping was much more expensive than the book itself. lol. After Wal Mart we then went to Rulli Brothers because my mom is making her YUMMMY peperoni rolls on my bday and she loves Ruli Brothers cheese. Well I picked out a half watermelon and bananas and Sweet Tea.. and my sister got some cookies and stuff... the two of us ended up picking out more than my mom though.. very rare. lol. Oh, and my sister foung purple peppers... they were grown in water and for some reason that made em purple.. my sister loves peppers and loves purple. lol.
We then went next door and spent some time with the neighbors. We love em, they are the greatest neighbors ever!! Jimmy, is the commander at the Struther V.F.W and does a lot a lot a lot of work for them, but that is really nice of him. And they do not pay him for as much as he does... trust me.. I know what he does, and I know what he gets paid! lol
I then went to the Royalty's to watch the kiddos once again! We made cards this time for Mrs. Royalty and Pastor Joel and hid them around the house... one in the (mirror) cabinet in the bathroom, one on their bed, one on the blue chair, one just on the table, and my favorite spot... one in the fridge! Gotta love Caleb's thinking! I then gave them ring pops because they all behaved well. Then off to bed they went, Isaac came up the stairs and told me Caleb was not sleeping but they he brought "toys" in his bed and was playing, I told him to have Caleb put the toys down and go to sleep. Moments later Caleb came upstairs crying saying that the so called "toys" Isaac was speaking if was Caleb's stuffed animal that he always sleeps with. lol. Poor Caleb, my own fault though, I should have gone downstairs and taken care of it myself. I love them all, and when they say something nice it just sticks with me for forever!!! Anna is still on the "Miss Teara, are you going home yet?" kick. Man, she is just too cute. As much as she wants me to go home (which who can blame her.. she wants her mommy and daddy) I still think it is just the cutest ever!!! But Caleb and Isaac drew me a picture.. both are so nice adn I jsut love em; and Abby made me a card and picked me three raspberry's. She is just the sweetest. I am going to miss them all so much when I go to college!!!! =[ But, as Pastor Joel said, I need to follow God not man. =] Otherwise, maybe I would just stay!!
Well, I think that is all for now. I may be up at midnight and if so, I will make sure to post the fact that my bday is tomorrow. Speaking of, I got a nother card today, this time from Pastor Royalty... I know I say it on occasion, but not nearly enough.. I LOVE MY CHURCH!!!!!!!! =]
And with this I depart (I have not said that in awhile)... Trust in the Lord. There is no need to fear or to worry that is just telling God that you do not believe He can protect and lead you. I have to remind myself of this rather often but am hopefully getting better and am increasing my faith with each situation that God takes care of. Praise the Lord!!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Good Morning, Kind of Bad Day, Good Night!
My morning got even better after trying the St. Ives stuff that Mrs. Bender got me (bady wash, apricot scrub and moisturizer) it was just awesome! I loved all of it, and will be buying the same stuff regularly from now on! =] =]
Then to work. It was a rough day, but it wasn't as horrible as it could have been. Within the first, probably 10 minutes on the clock, i burnt three of my fingers pretty good. Incase you are reading this and do not yet realize how well dumb I can be, I will not say how. I fryed for like 4 and a half hours though.. yes, normaly I like to fry, but 4 1/2 hours!!!!! And it was just very stressful because I had to fry plus do most the prep for 4 adn the entire prep for 8.. luckily Amber and Paula helped me with th 8, so tht I could finish frying and then go home! Plus, Amber Cierra Lashawnda and I are going to have a girls night tomorrow before I leave for school. This outta be interesting.
But the girls next door greeted me when I returned home. One of them, even begged me for some of cheesy potatoes... don't tell her mom, but I gave in! She is just too cute!!! man, if I could have recorded her and the facial expressions she makes.. absolutely hilarious and unexplainable.
Anywho, I am noe enjoying a piece of my mama's scrumptious corn on the cob!! YUM!!!! Then off to bed! =]
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Work, Pizza, Church!!
On to better news though. The neighbors along with their daughters and families invited our family for yet another pizza party. YUM! It was lots of fun and after pizza we even had Klondike bars. Talk about a perfect dinner! =] I just love the girls and enjoy playing with chalk and playing ball with them.. I cannot wait to hopefuly (Lord willing) have my own little ones one day.
Church went well as always. During special music a dear family who I love very much realized that they had a kid missing, I did not want the mother to have to leave the others so I went looking for him (already determined that he was probably in the nursery). Sure enough, he was. You gotta love him though, he is so cute! Then Kathryn brought me a bag after church with a card and birthday gift from her mom. (My birthday is Sunday.. remember that.. lol) and I tell you, Mrs. Bender KNOWS what a college student needs (or maybe wants.. lol): THere was shampoo and conditioner (which I have smelled several times already, man does it smell good) along with lotion and shower gel and face scrub and moisturizer, and I was just so thankful when I opened it. She is just the sweetest!
As the days get closer and closer for school though I get more and more nervous as well as more and more excited. I have never claimed to be normal. and certainly am getting further and further away from it as the years go. This year will be well though. I know it!
That is all for now. I do need to update my countdowns, but that will be my next post. =]
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Excited, Nervous... can I be both at the same time?
I have heard several times though that your roommates are actually preparing you for how your future husband will be. Well I have had many different roomies (11 so far) and they are all different for the most part. We all have our selfish moments but these girls all differ in characteristics and personality traits. So I guess I will see.
I have learned something fromm all of them though, and have in a private notebook, things that I learned from every fellow student I attended college with last year. I read through them last night and am just praying that there is way less drama this year than there was last. There is only 1 person from last year who what I learned from there was completely possitive and because this person truly did his best at all times and showed forth a serveant's heart at all times. But at the same time I learned something good from all of them, and am so thankful that they were all placed at Faith when I was. I do not regret having met any of them, yes, there was hard times, but life would be boring if it was all dandy all the time. So I appreciate each and every one of them for different reasons and in different ways.
This year may be more challengig than last, but I can also look back and say "Well I overcame that trial last year, so I am sure the Lord will get me through this one as well!" I am excited, and I am nervous. But there is no doubt in my mind as to that I am in God's will and doing what He has planned for me!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Getting excited, but sad at the same time!
I did well last semester and the first semester I did okay, but this year I am going to apply myself even harder than last. (This second semester I had all A's and B's, including one A plus but that was Pastor Setser's class, and no offense but that class was a breeze, shame on anyone who failed it! =])
I also watched the Royalty children briefly this morning. I got there early and the kiddos were still sleeping. I loved it! Abby was so excited that she could hardly sleep and while I was lying on the couch I was awoken to Nasey and when I asked him what he was doing, he smiled and said "I just wanted to see if you were here"!!!!! That just melted my heart, of course Anna who I love to death was not as excited to see me, but can you blame her? She loves her daddy adn her mommy. When Pastor Joel adn Mrs. Royalty walked in the door she said "Teara are you going home?" to which I replied, even though I already knew the answer "Do you want me to go home?" and as is the norm she said "yes" lol. But man if she is not the cutest.
Which reminds me of something that happened yesterday... two of my young boy bus kids lost their treat for fighting in class. Well, Donte is just a little truble maker so i was not too surprised about him, but the other was a new boy Xavion who just loves church and is a great kid. He told me, of course, that he didn't do anything and when I asked Donte what happened he said he had kicked him and that he started it and so I asked what exactly Xavion had done to him and he goes "He game me a wedgy" I am cracking up about that still, and as hard as I tried and as much as I covered my mouth I could not hold back in laughter in front of this boy. I probably could have done alittle better but Miss Toni (Sheldon's mom) also lost it and could not hold back her laugh and when I saw her and Sheldon laughing I just knew that I could not keep it in any longer. Luckily alittle 5 year old boy who is too concerned with the kids outside did not care that I was lughing at his very serious injury. lol.
Anywho, I am going to get ready for bed now. I have work tomorrow.. only two days of Taco Bell left! =]
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Sunday Morning with no Mayville's!... =[ (But it went well)
For Sunday School I decided to have a review this week. Next Sunday is my last Sunday before I leave for school! =[ I need to remember to tell Miss Holland that!!!! But the review went well, I had 8 girls in my class. I was so excited!!!!! They remembered a lot and even knew some things from lessons they weren't there for. Abby Royalty is the only one who has been there every single Sunday this summer; we had one visitor though and she answered almost every question right as well. We also had the largest amount in offering that we have had all summer.. which most weeks was nothing... I do not know exactly how much there was this week but I know that it was the most so far!!
After we got back from bus I waited for the Davis' to return because Mrs. Davis was taking home. It was not much of a wait but I did clean one of the Sunday School rooms because it was left pretty trashed. By the time I was done with that though the Davis' were back from bus, so it worked out perfecetly!
I am looking forward to tonight, for no specific reason just that I am always looking forward to Sunday night!!! =]
Friday, August 21, 2009
Work has been the same, tiring, but good. There hasn't been any problems, and everything is running smoothly, which means something bad is bound to happen. =]
My allergies are well the same. Not much improvement from camp. They still swell up every once inawhile, but not as bad as that last Thursday at camp.. that was the worst ever! I now have an allergy department in my store, okay that was an exaggeration but I have never had this problem with allergies before, I have Clariton, Benadryl and Visine A. They were real bad today as far as watering burning and itchy go.
The Mayvilles are not here this weekend, in fact, Shawn is heading back to school after a wedding that she is attending this weekend! I miss her already! We worked out a plan were I would go to Fairhaven the first semester adn she would come to Faith the second, we decided too late though, so it didn't work. lol. But so, Bro. Bob will not be driving the bus Sunday and Mrs will not be there to keep everythin in order! =[ We do not know who is going to be driving, I guess I will find out Sunday morning. But pray all goes well there!! PLEASE!!
That is all for now. It's been an emotional couple days so that is all I will elaborate on!!!
Til next time!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Funny Moments!
My Day, and Crazy Dream!
I went into work knowing that I was scheduled to go in at 4 haivng looked at the schedule a couple times only to find that I was not actually scheduled until 5... blonde moments? I never have those. So I clocked in alittle early, after looking at the schedule to see whoelse was going to be coming in. I was quickly, well, disappointed when I looked at what I refer to as "Our wonderfully new but lack of ability employees"!! Yes, we had 3 or 4 people scheduled who knew register and just my and Kerri who knew food. And Kerri was scheduled to leave at 7, and next in was Geoff. Well 5 O'Clock came around and one of our 5 O'Clockers did not show... go figure! We were rather slow at this time though, so it was not too bad. By the time 7 hit though we got slammed. Geoff ended up making drive thru orders (with some help from Sandy) and I did front regsiter orders. I was in a really good mood, surprisingly, and I thought that Geoff was going to be in a bad mood once he saw the schedule, but he wasn't either. So although there were only 2 (sometimes 3) of us making food when there should have been atleast 4 it went well and at 8 C.J. and John came in. That was all I needed, most of our guys that work there are funny easy going guys, so I was looking forward to them coming in to help ease the little tention that was there, and they did. John and I fought over drive thru orders, we kept talking at the same time trying to be the first to tlak to the customer and it ended in an ice fight, very fun though!!
I am not sure what went on last night though but everyone who came through at about 10-midnight was drunk. It was very discouraging but one car pulled up to drive thru a gril kept mumbling over the guy who was ordering and by the time they got to the window the girl was passed out. The guy had to search through her purse to find money because his was missing from his pocket. She woke up once to say over and over (and somewhat loudly) that she wanted fire sauce, then fell back out of it as he was about to drive away. Very sad, but I am grateful to have been spared from that kind of meaningless lifestyle.
But, my shift was over at midnight, since I was on register I did not get out until about 15 minutes after.
This morning I opened... YIKES!! No, I was not scheduled to work til midnight then be at work at 9 the next morning, I said yes when asked to come in. They just wanted me to fry though, so I knew it was not going to be a rough morning work wise. I like to fry. lol. And althugh they asked me to work a 5 hour shift to fry, I got everything done that I needed to in less than 2 hours, so I was out of there!!! =] Praise the Lord! Because I was sooo tired and still had to get ready for the second night (my first night) of Revival services in Cleveland! So I took a nap and got ready for that. There was a very good outcome and I cannot wait to see how many show up.
Everynight there is two speakers, tonight first was Pastor Royalty.. yes, my Pastor!!!!! and then Bro. Flanders is always last. Pastor Royalty's message was the one that i really needed. He preached on "Appetite" and Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." He spoke on having an appetite for the Word of God and it was just a great messge, and when I get it from Shawn I will probably listen to it a million times over and then make everyone at Faith listen to it as well!
We then headed back for home, and now I am just anxiously awaiting tomorrow's services. Oh, and I almost had to work tomorrow until 5, which we leave church at 5:15, needless to say I would not have been able to go had I worked til 5. But Lorenda, God bless her said she would work my shift for me... YAY! Praise the Lord, I get to agian tomorrow!
Now before I end this, I have to tell you all of my dream. Now remember I was extremely tired before my nap this afternoon and had the craziest dream. It wasn't too crazy at first, wierd, but not crazy.. started off as some family reunion turned into a revival meeting and then my mom and I were making Taco Bell orders, but not at Taco Bell.. but the crazy part (which I blame on Daryn, my neighbors son--in-law who was recently tlaking about denturs and how Jimmy looses his teeth every night) was in my dream my teeth kept falling out. They were my actual teeth though and they grew right back. I could like feel them falling out though, very creepy, and I am still paranoid about this! lol! I checked to make sure I had all my teeth like 5 times after I woke up. (which I do)!
I think I should try and go to sleep now. It is after 2 and I need to finish reading the book that I borrowed from Shawn tomorrow. She leaves fro college on Friday (well actually a friends, then college) and I want to return it before she leaves, and tomorrow will most likely be the last time I will see her before she leaves! =[ She's so great!
And with this I depart... We oftentimes go through trials that seem huge at the time, but in a wide view of things they are rather small. THere is always someone who is going through something worse than you are. I was tihnking of my alergies, I am so sick of watering eyes and swollen eyes and what not; but then I thought of a wonderful lady from church whose her and some in her families allergies are much worse than mine are, and they are just the sweetest people ever, never let it show when they do not feel well. I was also thinking of yet another sweet family I know. They have had trial after trial the past few months and have just been the greatest blessing to me and so sweet and so possitive, which encourages me to stay strong and possitive as well. After all, if these poeple who are going through much more than I am are still serving the Lord and going strong, then I most certainly can to. So remember, there is always someone who has it worse than you.. follow the Lord, and let Him guide you through every circumstance. And look to those who are older and wiser and have gone through more than you have! =]
Monday, August 17, 2009
It Is Possible!
With that said, I recently came across a picture of a friend from Hyles of her and her husbands wedding. Her dress was modest in every way, not showing anything that she shouldn't have been. (It may be your wedding, but your husband is not the only one who is going to be seeing you). So I started talking to other married friends from Hyles (Yes, I have friends my age, and younger who are married... hey, mines coming... maybe! Well, if it's Gods will for me) and asked to see pictures of weddings, and I found these beautiful ladies in modest wedding dresses, and loved it. So I just had to post a few pictures. It is possible ladies, you may have to look harder or make some extra alterations, but it is possible...

Bethany (Butler) Beil and I were in the same division at Hyles. She is just the sweetest ever, and is soooo gorgeous. Notice though, her dress is competely modest. =]

I do not know the girl (well I know her name is Andrea) but I also went to school with Matt Waterhouse, very talented at playing piano and singing, and her dress is absolutely beautiful!
The following pictures are of my friend Amy's wedding. She has just the sweetest spirit, is absolutely crazy and mine and her busses were often combined during my first year of college. She was on Bethany's route (first picture shown) so are two bus routes were really close!

Christy (MacRae) Fryman, I do not remember how I met her, I think through a mutual friend, but she was just the sweetest girl, and one of the girls at Hyles who I really enjoyed being around!

I did not know Tarynn and Max all that well, but Tarynn oftentimes ended up sitting at the same table as my friends and I at lunch, and Max was on security at the college, so everyone knew who he was.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
My Busy, But Exciting Weekend!
Friday was a long day at work. 2-midnight, no fun (atleast that is what I was assuming). Geoff, the manager who hardly ever ever gives me a break from steaming (the hottest position at the Bell) was super nice to me this day. When I walked in he said that since he always makes me steam that he was gonna put me on drive thru. I was sooo excited. I figured that it would not last my hole 10 hour shift, although I would be perfectly happy if it did; then Geoff shattered my dreams by saying that only after 2 short hours that I was coming off. He quickly did a double take at the schedule though and realized that we had several people coming in who could steam, but noone who could run drive thru like I could, so he decided to keep me there! Yeah! We did have a good crew and it was a fun day at work but I was just looking forward to spending the night with Shawn, and that was all I kept thinking about. We were bad hours so I kept telling Neko she could send me early. She kept telling me no but at about 11:00ish she was like Clara go count your drawer. I looked at her with a confused face (my normal face, lol) and she said, you wanted to go early right? I could not believe it. But I did get to leave a little early and was very thankful for that.
So to the Mayvill's house I went. I must admit I was kind of worried because I did not want to end up keeping Shawn up later than she normally is, but we had so much fun. We watched a movice "Anna and the Horse".. happiness, sadness, comedy, tragedy all in one. It was great. We stayed up til I think it was 2:35. But come on now, we are college students we are use to the late nights and early mornings thanks to week of finals, so it was all good. Of course Austin was with us and so he woke Shawn up at like 7, I did not wake up until 7:30 though.
Saturday was ful of funt times though. We had pancakes and fruit for breakfast.. YUM!!! And blueberry pancakes on top of that.. yes, she spoiled me, big time! Austin showed me his room and was a very nice host as well. =] We then went down stairs and wathed this hilarious video that Shawn has that gives the truth about male and female brains... if you ever get the chance to see it, you just have to!!! Then we debated on where to go since it was so hot outside. Shawn does know this (however she may be reading this.. lol) but that morning I woke up and really wanted a coolata from Dunkin Donuts. Okay, I always want one, but we won't go there. However, I did not want to suggest it, actually I did not want to suggest anything I just wanted everything to be normal for her and I knew I would be happy whereever we went, and I know she would have felt the same but I still felt like I was there to keep her company and I wanted her to decide. So, I prayed. Yes I know this sounds so silly and if you did not know how wierd I truly am before, you are about to. I literally pray about everything that comes to my mind. I do mean wants or desires so much but anytime I feel that a certain person or place needs prayer, I always stop and pray about it. So this time I was selfish, I admit but I did pray in God's will, so, I told the Lord that I would not suggest Dunkin Donuts and if that was where He wanted Shawn and I to go then that Shawn would suggest it. Sure enough, we went through the morning and Shawn said that we needed to do something and then shw spoke the words that were music to my ears (more than she knew) "What about Dunkin Donuts".. okay that is not exact quotation, but it was something like that. I agreed trying to remain calm and not getting over excited. Once again I just want to say that I do not normally pray so selfishly and that when I do the answer is often a no, but still I was very thankful for something even as small as a coolata from Dunkin Donuts. (See, it doesn't take that much to make me happy). We then returned back to their house and ate lunch. Shawn and I also had a really really really good talk and it was so nice to tlak to her, like, it was just a great talk. I just love her and am so sad that we go to seperate colleges!!!!! =[ We will stay in touch though.. no worries about that!
Then the saddest moment of the day... time to go home. =[ I had to work that afternoon, lovely. But it was only a 5 hour shift. It was actually a really good night at work. I did steam most of it, except when John relieved me alittle, but it was a great night. I worked with mainly the guys.. which once again, is better than some well a lot of the girls there, and we had myself and Jess (who I absolutely love) on line until she left then it was myself and Geoff, and on back line we had Gerald and John. Manny was on front counter. And it's worked out lately that I am either work with one of the three guys (Gerald, John or Manny) or all three of them! Which is good, because they make it fun and we tend to have potatoes fight in between orders to pass the time.. lots of fun! So work was well, and Geoff thanked me when I left, he let me leave 15 minutes early (becuase everything was cought up and there was like nothng to do) and told me tht I did a good job... he never ever says that.. lol. But the night went well! Praise the Lord!
This morning (Sunday) was good. Bus number was alittle low and I only had two in my Sunday school class, but everyone went into "big church" this morning (main service) so I am sure it was hardly noticed that I only had 2, lol. It was mission emphasis Sunday and we had three different families. I always love mission emphasis Sunday, but this one was just great. I instantly saw a girl who I recognized but could not think of where. Then Bro. Scott (I believe is who it was) said he was going to Vietnam and that he had two girls from there with him. Then it clicked, these girls looked so famiiar becuase I had seen them just alittle over a week ago at teen camp. They had come to camp with Bro. Gipp's church, the two from Vietnam and Bro. Scott's two girls. I was so thrilled to see them, to hear their testimonies and to hear them sing. They were all four very sweet and was so neat that they ended up at our church. =]
I love my church and everyone in it. And I cannot wait for the Revival meetings this week in Cleveland (I believe is where it is, I know I should know by now where it is... good thing I'm not driving) I cannot wait for that. i cannot go Monday and am still unsure about Thursday, btu will forsure be there Tuesday and Wednesday! Shawn, by dear friend leaves on Friday. Oh, and she also let me borrow two books (that happen to go along with the topic of our conversation) and I am on the first one and absolutely love it so far. I cannot wait to finish it and the second one! She is too sweet, and well I told you she spoiled me! I cannot wait til Christmas break when I get to see her again! lol. And of course Brittany, however Amber assured me that the best sister (herself of course) is not leaving, lol.
But that was my very exciting weekend, and hopefully I did not bore you too much!!!! Have a great night all!
(Once again no words of wisdom.. right now my eyes are wtering like crazy, it looks like I'm crying, and they itch... allergies.. grr. So, thinking is not priority number one. lol) =]
More Videos from Camp! =]
This video is of the game "Take the Hill". The man nearest the camera with the nerf gun is Bro. Bill. He was on our team, and was shooting at the others! =] It was a lot of fun!
This video is of the "Rangers" they were one of the 12 teams this past year at teen camp and they had the most energy and were very creative. They did not do all that well in the games but they said more than double the amount of verses as any other team and ended up running overall for the week.
This is the teens singing "There is Victory For Me"!
Teens singing "Let the Lord Have His Way" during camp week!
Zachary and Tyler singing "We Shall See Jesus"
Thursday, August 13, 2009
No Work! and the Monkey Story!
So my mom and I went to the store did some grocery shopping and then she took me to the Royalty's so that I could babysit the little munchkins! While at the grocery store I came up with the idea to bake cookies for Pastor Joel adn Mrs. Royalty while they were gone, not wanting to use their stuff and not wanting to walk into the house carrying butter eggs oil etc. I bought some already made dough stuff. I also bought some iced tea which turned out to be an okay thing (but leads me to another story, this is a huge sidenote but please bear with me. I know that it is almost impossible to cut out every company who supports homosexuality but since I am greatly against it, I still insist on cutting somethings out of my life. How I decide is I do some extreme extreme research on these companies and find out how much money they give to these causes, and the ones that give so high of a percentage that no matter what some of your money is going to some homosexual causees those are the ones that I ban form my life. Well, Pepsi is one of those companies and Lipton is a Pepsi product. I LOVE TEA... So giving up Lipton tea was kind of a let down, plus Dorritos adn a bunch of other snacks and foods that the Pepsi corporation distributes. But with that said while at the store in the middle of my Sweet Tea craving I decided to but a bottle before going to the Royalty's. And wouldn;t you know it.. the only Sweet Tea in a individua bottle was Lipton. I broke down and bought it though thinking almost the hole time that the Kerlin's -who feel the same as I on the subject- would be possibly alittle stunned by this purchase.) But it turned out good because when I walked into the Royalty house I asked if I could put my bag with Sweet Tea in it into the fridge (the bag also had the frozen cookie dough, hehe... but they didn't know that) lol. So I snuck it in succesfully. When they left the kids were outside playing in bins of water and having the time of their lives. =] I watched them for alittle bit then began to bake the cookies. It was not too much longer before Abby joined me and then after Nathan got hit in the head (and after hearing three different versions of the story) I decide the rest should come in as well. He was, of course, fine.. hardly crying adn once I told him that I would cut off his nose so that the pain went away he quickly started laughing, that was of course followed by a stare of "is she serious?" but still, his nose was perfecty fine, and he was back to laughing. We then finished the cookies, I cleaned up alittle and then we watched a movie and ate popcorn. Bed time went as normal, no better no worse, and Caleb got to stay up with the "old kids" tonight. He was excited. I always tell Isaac and Abby a story after putting the youngens to bed, and for the first time Caleb got to join in on it. =] He was more excited than you might think. My story tonight was probably my favorite so far, and by far the one that kids enjoyed the most so far. At one point Anna came out of her room and I went to put her back in bed, when I came out the kids decided to put on a play of how the story had gone so far, and acted it out, scene perfect, and almost word for word perfect, I was shocked! They remembered the littlest details and it was just really cute! It was a monkey story and the main characters were Caleb monkey, Abby monkey and Isaac monkey. Caleb ended up in a large hole and was too big for Isaac and Abby to pull him up on the vine because the vine snapped once he started climbing. No worries though because Abby monkey's hair was as long as Repunzels (however you spell it) and so he was able to climb up her hait to safety. There was obviously more to the story but you will have to use your own imagination for the rest. It was a good one though, atleast we though it was!) I was able to finish my story with some interruptions from Anna, but nothing major, and even got to tell a second story. =] * I must say though that Nathan after the nose incident fell off a stool on the living room and got hurt (no tears, just a miss clara I fell off the stool) and when I asked him to come to me he hesitated and just stared. I could not figure out why at first but then it hit me.. he probably thinks that I am going to cut off a body part like I said I could do for his nose to relieve his pain... so I assured him I would not cut off wherever he got hurt. He then came over to me and all was well! lol. Gotta love it though! They are just too cute!!
Now I am at home, being smothered by a cat who I am alergic to but refuses to leave me alone. She is laying right in front of my comp making it kind of difficult to type. But I guess I should go to sleep now. Tomorrow is going to be busy. I am looking forward to it though!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Busy Day, and more to come! But I love it!!
Next on the agenda was a short bit of time at home and then church. I was in nursery tonight with Kathryn Bender. We had a blast!!!!!! We built houses and towes out of blocks.. rood blocks and normal play blocks... fun fun! And the hole time Adelyn (my baby chunk) was sitting on my lap. Every once in awhile she would put a block on "our house" but it was usually one that did not fit well and ended up causing our house to fall over. I just love her though, SHE IS SO CUTE!!! But besides me Owen and Anna enjoyed the blocks the most, and surprisingly they all enjoyed cleaning them up! In fact, when Owen accidentally fell over the box of blocks everyone helped in picking them up again... both times they started picking them up they were not asked to, they just did, we had a great bunch of kids though. =] And for the secret that I mentioned earlier this week.. about staying the night at a friends.. well it is official, and I am so excited. Bro. Bob Mayvilee (my bus captain) his birthday is this month and his wife is taking him camping this Friday so I am going to spend the night there and keep Shawn company!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!! I just love the Mayville's and Shawn and I are the same age and will just talk and talk I am sure. However, I do have to work until midnight, so I am sure there may not be much talking Friday night, but we always have Saturday, lol!
Now, to the business of the rest of my week (which once I again, I love being busy and having something to do), tomorrow I work 10 to 4 and then I am going to the Royalty's to watch the kids! I just love them, so I do not mind this at all. Then Friday I work 2-midnight! Yikes.. but I already checked the schedule and I am wrking with some people who I want to work with, so all is well there, then I am going to the Mayville's. Then I am assuming that Shawn and I will go buscalling Saturday morning and then I work agan 4-9 (only 5 hours after a busy weekend, am I lucky or what?). Then Sunday is of course church!! Which reminds me that I need to go buy a treat for my Sunday School class.. one more thing to add to my list!!! =]
As for now, I need to wash my uniform and well there was alittle accident today at work (my zipper broke... Jaqui saved the day with safety pins) but for tomorrow and the rest of the summer I will probably end up wearing my nice black skirt instead. But, I still need to go wash clothes and then get some sleep!
And I hope you all enjoy the new layout of my blog. I use to love change, not all that much anymore, but there are still things that I like to change every once in awhile! =]
I have no words of wisdom tonight, so goodnight all!!!! God Bless!!!!
Monday, August 10, 2009
You Never Know Who Is Watching!
Anywho, this got me thinking. There are so many times in our lives were we think that what we do and what we say is never going to effect anyone else. We so quickly forget that there is always someone watching us and our actions may cause someone else to stumble rather than pick them up. How horrible it would be when we get to Heaven to stand before God and to have Him say that because of one little thing we did, that we didn't realize anyone saw, caused someone else to fall away from God. I guess what I am trying to say is that it is obvious that noone is perfect, and we all do wrong, but if we do wrong publicly we need to correct it publicly. If someone is there to see you kind of fall away, then they also need to be there to hear you admit your wrong and to continue serving the Lord.
So you never know who is watching you, but you can be sure that there is always someone who watches what you do and who might turn their back on God if you do. The difference is, where you may return back to God's will, they may not. So stand strong now, live a life that is honoring God now; and there won't be anything to worry about later. Determine to serve Him, and be comitted to that determination! Someone may be watching that you would never expect!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Crazy, but exciting!
I had a good Sunday school class however. We had 8, which is good for us! Praise the Lord! Actually 9 if you count Mary, who is 4 years old, but refuses to go to class without her sister who was recently promoted to the 1st grade Sunday school class. She behaved in my class, but she is not allowed back until she can handle going to her right class. It's sad because now none of them will end up comng, but it is something that needs to be done. If you compromise in one area, before long you will compromise in others. Junior church went well though, Shawn did hawkeye, which gave me the opportunity to watch Mary better. So that deffinately worked out, plus I am always doing hawkeye, so it gave her the opportunity so that I am not always the only one up there.. which was deffinately a good thing.
Then Sunday night, the campers who went to teen camp plus Josh and I gave testimonies of how our week went. I was so nervous. I know everyone at church, but still get nervous when I have to speak in front of everyone.. go figure. I did better though then I did last time (nerve wise). Then one kid was absolutely hilarious during church. his dad (I am leaving names out on purpose, I believe the mother of the children about to be mentioned would prefer that I do that) had to leave for a second and so the kids were by themselves for a few moments, I was trying to make sure they were paying attention so I corrected them a couple times, but nothing major; but one boy, he was chewing on a rubberband, then wanted to stand, and was very squirmish, then to top it off, the event that Renee and I just could not hold back our laughter... he had the rubberband (which was previously in his mouth) stretched out across two hymnals as if he was about to launch it (at this point we were into the Lord's supper and although his dad had returned to the service, he was now upfront - I hope I am not making this too obvious as to who it is), I quickly stopped him and told him to put it down and leave it there until church was competely over. I can see it now... rubberband goes flying across the auditorium as everyone is partaking in the Lord's supper. It may have been a "I guess you had to be there moment" but he was literally seconds away from letting the rubberband go, and luckily Renee and I just happened to look at the same time.. which I had just gotten done praying and had just opened my eyes, a couple seconds longer and someone may have been smacked with a very thick and yellow colored rubberband, that was also covered in slobber no doubt. Very humerous though, the situation was.
Then Renee and I went to Target to return curtains of her, then to Wal Mart because she needed a new book shelf. Which, if you would have been there with the two of us trying to get this box with shelves in it you would have died in laughter. It was great fun, and we did eventualy get the box that she wanted. A few difficulties but nothing too major. After all, it was Renee and I, of course us two inteligent beings could figure it out! ;)
So, that was my day, and tomorrow I have work! So I am off to bed again, possibly. My allergies are better, but my eyes are still watering constantly and my eyes still burn and itch alittle. But, I really do look worse than i feel, I think. And, Lord willing I have plans to stay with a friend this weekend, it is kind of a secret so far, so i will keep you updated with that as time goes on!
And with this I depart... It is very important to establish your standards and to have Biblical reasoning behind what you believe. So many people fall away from the standards that they once felt so strong about. It is sad to see so many Christians fall away from the things of the Lord. So do some studying and figure out what it is that you believe, and then why you believe it. You cannot live your life based on someone else's standards, so it is important that each and every person has their own reasonings and their own convictions behind each and every standard!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
"Dippy Dippy Dip" and "He Took the Hill"
Pastor Gipp leads the singing on the weeks that Bro. Huber is not there.. this week at teen camp Pastor Krohn had Pastor Gipp come up and teach the song.. afterwards Bro. Huber "thanked" him for teaching him that song. The teens love it though, and our group was singing it before they even got to camp!
The theme this year was "He Took the Hill" and they played this video during each week. I did not take this video and there are some parts were it gets fuzzy but the focus does come back in. If this does not touch you then I don't know what will. He took the hill, that is why we are here today and why we can enjoy Heaven!