Thursday, August 27, 2009

Good Morning, Kind of Bad Day, Good Night!

So, this morning went as anyother morning goes until..... my mom handed me some mail. It was a birthday card from my favorist person in the world, Bethy. Of course, it was Hoops and YoYo because we absolutely LOVE Hoops and YoYo and is sooo cute! Today was her birthday, so of course I called and wished her happy bday, but thought it funny that on her birthday I got a card from her for me.
My morning got even better after trying the St. Ives stuff that Mrs. Bender got me (bady wash, apricot scrub and moisturizer) it was just awesome! I loved all of it, and will be buying the same stuff regularly from now on! =] =]

Then to work. It was a rough day, but it wasn't as horrible as it could have been. Within the first, probably 10 minutes on the clock, i burnt three of my fingers pretty good. Incase you are reading this and do not yet realize how well dumb I can be, I will not say how. I fryed for like 4 and a half hours though.. yes, normaly I like to fry, but 4 1/2 hours!!!!! And it was just very stressful because I had to fry plus do most the prep for 4 adn the entire prep for 8.. luckily Amber and Paula helped me with th 8, so tht I could finish frying and then go home! Plus, Amber Cierra Lashawnda and I are going to have a girls night tomorrow before I leave for school. This outta be interesting.

But the girls next door greeted me when I returned home. One of them, even begged me for some of cheesy potatoes... don't tell her mom, but I gave in! She is just too cute!!! man, if I could have recorded her and the facial expressions she makes.. absolutely hilarious and unexplainable.

Anywho, I am noe enjoying a piece of my mama's scrumptious corn on the cob!! YUM!!!! Then off to bed! =]

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