Yesterday was the first day of our Christmas break, and do you wanna know where I am? Still at college. Why? Because I have a new job at Wal Mart (which I love) and I have to work most of break. I do get to go home for five days though, which is nice, sad, but nice. LOTS has gone on in the past well little over two months since I posted last, so much that I cannot even begin to remember it all. I somewhat purposely gave my blog a break just so I did not get too caught up in it, but also have been very busy. But, now I have some free time, and who knows when I will post again.
This semester is over though. I believe I passed all my finals, and have no doubts that I passed all my classes. (Now that I said that, I will flunk one, lol.) Anywho, I am going to be taking 19 credits next semester, that includes one voice class from Mr. Ives,I am really looking forward to that. =]
I am the only college student that did not go home this break. It has been hard staying in the dorm by myself. I have come to the conclusion that I am just terrified of being alone, and that is exactly what I am here. it seems wierd, but so true. It is only when I am alone that I started getting worried and scared, so me being alone, is not good. lol. Mrs. Knight invited me over earlier and I got to watch a movie there, then we went to the mall, and then I made dinner for the Propst and Speer kids (plus I made my mama's famous chocolate pudding, graham cracker, banana cake -minus the banana's.. I didnt have any - for desert and five of the six of them wantedn seconds, needless to say, it is all gone now, lol) but it is nights that are the worse. I know there are so many people on the same property as I am, but I still have the hole upstairs, and really this entire side of the building to myself. I felt like such a little girl last night because I left the light in one of the closets on. However, it seems as though every single verse that I have read in my devotions has applied to just about every feeling I have had the past couple days. Sad, lonely, tired, confused, frustrated, and even overjoyed. (Overjoyed about what? First, all the millions of blessings the Lord has given me this semester, and through out my entire life; second, finals are over; third, that I do get to go home for Christmas, even if it isn't as long as everyone else gets to be home.) I made a new rule for myself, that if ever I get sad or discouraged, I have to start naming all the blessings that I have been given from God, and dwell on those, instead of my discouragement. That has helped a lot. Nights are still bad (which it is night now, that is why I am on here), but I think it will get better.
"Schwartzie" (Heather Schwartz) has been nothing but a blessing to me though. She left me lots of notes around the room and kitchen, plus lots of food, lol, and has assured me that God is going to get me through this next month and that I will come out of it more mature. =] I love her, she also told me to sleep with one of my many stuffed animals.. lol, she doesn't even know the half of how many I have. ;) but she thinks that will make me feel better. So I am going to try it tonight.
I got to go visiting with Bro. Matt and Kristen this morning though. That was a lot of fun. It is not the bus route that I help out on, but I still know most of those kids and love em just as much. (I love bus kids... they're the greatest!!!) I am also excited that even though I am not home, my bus route here is just as much home to me as my actual home is. So Sundays will be the highlights of my weeks here by myself, plus I will hopefully be going to the Schwartz's house one of these weekends, and Ashley might come visit me as well, we will see I guess. And I have Bethy here, and I absolutely love her. She is the greatest!
The B's (Bernards) are my adopted family this school year though, and I absolutely love them. Mrs. B is always taking me to work and picking me up, and get this... there was this "Hoops and YoYo" mug from Hallmark that I really wanted, adn they got it for me for Christmas(thanks Kristen.. the most amazing adopted sister ever. hehe) plus LOTS of chocolate.. which I still have not finished (got it like two weeks ago) and I gave quite a bit away while teaching/sitting in on the kindergarten and first grade class. Plus, Schwartzie also had a couple pieces, I think.. she's probably the only other person I offered them too. hehe. Shhhhh!
Well, it is almost ten on Saturady night and since I have gotten very little sleep this week I think I will go to bed. (And if I am sleeping I cannot possibly think about being all alone over here.. hehe.) Although I did have a really wierd dream last night... and no Schwatzie I did not eat popcorn before bed this time... but I won't get into that, lets just say that Wal Mart loved me and did not want me to go home at all.. like ever. lol. Anywho, gonna finish my conversation with Schwartzie then off to bed. Any calls/emails at this time would be greatly appreciated. lol. If I am not busy! Miss you all, and cannot wait to see those of you who I am going to see next week. (Oh, by the way, I am coming home Wednesday =] )
And I am 100% okay with staying here if that means I get to keep my job at Wal Mart. I really do love it, and if I am not one of the ones to go after Christmas is over then I will be quiting Wendy's, so pray I get to keep this job, I really, really like it. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Two posts in one day... WOW!
This just does not happen anymore, but I am sitting here in the computer lab (Oleg has my computer... whatever he wanted to do he could not do on the computers in the lab for some reason) anyway, in the words of Mrs. Royalty "I digress"! I love her so much! But I am now just waiting for dating hours that way I can actually talk to Oleg and see what he is doing to my computer. lol, he is like a genius though, so i am sure it is nothing bad.. I hope. "I digress" once again. I miss so many people from back home. Looking at the Royalty blog though just reminded me of how much I miss them. This is going to seem really sad (on my part) but I even have a picture (as the screen saver on my computer) of Adelyn "Baby Chunk" and Brynna. They are not Royalty's, but i miss them soo much too. And just about every picture that I have of the Royalty's.. quite a few, has already had its fair share of being my screen saver. lol. But I really do miss them, and am hoping that they are still able to come up Monday of College Days.. which is a little over a week away! CRAZINESS!!! But the shirts this year are AWESOME!!!!!!!! lime green.. yes lime green! with blue print... very nice, and bright and bubbly.
But, back to the point of this post, not that there is one, but we will say there is. I am really looking forward to tomorrow. Sunday's just have a way of chasing all my worries and cares away. Nothing can hinder me on Sunday, and no one. It is the one day of the week that I get to sit and talk with the bus kids and see what is going on with them, the one day that I get to with so many of the church family, the one day were people put pettiness and selfishness aside and just sit and listen to the preaching of the Word of God. I know that not everyone forgets all pettiness and selfishness, but in my world, they do. So we will just go with that. Sunday is the perfect day though. The Lord's day. And it would do us all well to remember that.
I guess that is all for now. 15 minutes and then I can join the "dating" scene.. no I am not dating, and yes I am perfectly content with that... but it is still fun getting together with everyone and talking and playing games. We do have three dating couples this semester though.. if you count Felicia and Mike.. I don't think they even know if they are dating.. but they are! But that is two more than we had last semester...
Anywho, that really is all for now. Miss you all (unless you are at Faith right now and are reading this.. I see you all the time, so I don't miss you.. lol. just kidding. ) But I do miss everyone from back home!!!!!!! I will see you at Thanksgiving!!!! =]
But, back to the point of this post, not that there is one, but we will say there is. I am really looking forward to tomorrow. Sunday's just have a way of chasing all my worries and cares away. Nothing can hinder me on Sunday, and no one. It is the one day of the week that I get to sit and talk with the bus kids and see what is going on with them, the one day that I get to with so many of the church family, the one day were people put pettiness and selfishness aside and just sit and listen to the preaching of the Word of God. I know that not everyone forgets all pettiness and selfishness, but in my world, they do. So we will just go with that. Sunday is the perfect day though. The Lord's day. And it would do us all well to remember that.
I guess that is all for now. 15 minutes and then I can join the "dating" scene.. no I am not dating, and yes I am perfectly content with that... but it is still fun getting together with everyone and talking and playing games. We do have three dating couples this semester though.. if you count Felicia and Mike.. I don't think they even know if they are dating.. but they are! But that is two more than we had last semester...
Anywho, that really is all for now. Miss you all (unless you are at Faith right now and are reading this.. I see you all the time, so I don't miss you.. lol. just kidding. ) But I do miss everyone from back home!!!!!!! I will see you at Thanksgiving!!!! =]
Overdue Update
I have not posted in awhile, but I have so much going on, so I thought I would attempt to remember all of it now. First, PRAISE THE LORD I got a job. Wendy's.. I have not started yet, but soon.
Well I have been to applefest... an annual festival type thing in Franklin that takes hours to walk through and is very crowded... I went two separate days though, and it was crazy both. But to start with the first day... Mr. and Mrs. Wilsom took Dani and I, and we got LOTS of books. I spent two dollars on seven books.... and one of the dollars was a donation that I gave. They were all what I call "good" books (a certain college student of the male gender asked me if they were romance they were not, no worries, I don't read that junk.. no offense if you do! Anyway, the next day I got 6 or 7 more for FREE! Wow How. I was loving it... still all good books, of course. One book that I am very excited about is one by John R. Rice, I believe it is entitled "We Can Have Revival Now", something among those lines. The second day though Dani, Susan and I went with Jenn. That was fun, but we got a flat tire on the way back! Oops! We made it to the school safely though, so all was well.
One of the bus kids on my route got saved last Sunday... very exciting, very sweet girl who LOVES to talk.. trust me! But that was very exciting. We are starting the fall push this Sunday (tomorrow) and on one Sunday I am coming to church and junior church was Florence Nightingale... OH MY!!!!! I have to find an outfit that is Florence Nightingaleish and talk to the whole church as Florence Nightingale plus all the bus kids who are in junior church. But I'm excited. Just nervous about the costume part of it.
This week was a long, and tiresome one. Things are looking better but something went wrong everyday... no joke! I am reading tthrough Job in my devotions and the other day I was just finding verse after verse that encouraged me so I ended up reading 5 chapters. Well one verse that I literally laughed at when I read, because it made me think of me was, Job 3:19 "He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee.". It instantly made me think of my bad week and how Sunday was coming, and Sunday's are never bad days.... bus kids, church, junior church, primary church, etc, etc, etc. Sunday's are always just full of encouragement, no matter how hard the devil tries to destroy my spirit on Sunday's I am just always happy and ready for a new week. It is hard sometimes being away from home because I do not tell anyone here what is wrong when something is wrong, and I also don't wanna call anyone back home and gripe to them, so I just let it sink in, and hope that all my troubles just kind of go away. Which they have... so no worries. Plus, another encouragement to me was the fact that I received an email from Pastor Royalty, now the internet here has not been working for about a week, and alittle over a week ago I emailed Pastor telling him of my new job. I was not able to check my email all week but Thursday night when I checked it (in the middle of my horribly bad week) there was a email from Pastor Royalty. It was actually sent on the previous Saturday so had the internet been up and running and if I had checked it earlier than that, then it would not have been there to cheer me up when I was a little down.
Classes have been going good. I got an 88 on my first Pastor Setser quiz, which is HORRIBLE!!!! and I was very unhappy with myself.. but will do better. The quizes in Pastor Schwartz's class have been a little challenging and I need to do better on them, but am trusting that I will!
Tomorrow for the first Sunday of fall push we are having carnival day. Dani and I were put in charge of one game, so I went and got the stuff for the game and the candy today. I am looking forward to it, and the amount of kids that we will have on the bus!!!!! =]
I guess that is all for now... oh I have devotions this Monday night with the dorm girls plus Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Propst.. I am, surprisingly, not nervous yet, but probably will be once Monday comes around. We will see!!!!
Well I have been to applefest... an annual festival type thing in Franklin that takes hours to walk through and is very crowded... I went two separate days though, and it was crazy both. But to start with the first day... Mr. and Mrs. Wilsom took Dani and I, and we got LOTS of books. I spent two dollars on seven books.... and one of the dollars was a donation that I gave. They were all what I call "good" books (a certain college student of the male gender asked me if they were romance they were not, no worries, I don't read that junk.. no offense if you do! Anyway, the next day I got 6 or 7 more for FREE! Wow How. I was loving it... still all good books, of course. One book that I am very excited about is one by John R. Rice, I believe it is entitled "We Can Have Revival Now", something among those lines. The second day though Dani, Susan and I went with Jenn. That was fun, but we got a flat tire on the way back! Oops! We made it to the school safely though, so all was well.
One of the bus kids on my route got saved last Sunday... very exciting, very sweet girl who LOVES to talk.. trust me! But that was very exciting. We are starting the fall push this Sunday (tomorrow) and on one Sunday I am coming to church and junior church was Florence Nightingale... OH MY!!!!! I have to find an outfit that is Florence Nightingaleish and talk to the whole church as Florence Nightingale plus all the bus kids who are in junior church. But I'm excited. Just nervous about the costume part of it.
This week was a long, and tiresome one. Things are looking better but something went wrong everyday... no joke! I am reading tthrough Job in my devotions and the other day I was just finding verse after verse that encouraged me so I ended up reading 5 chapters. Well one verse that I literally laughed at when I read, because it made me think of me was, Job 3:19 "He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee.". It instantly made me think of my bad week and how Sunday was coming, and Sunday's are never bad days.... bus kids, church, junior church, primary church, etc, etc, etc. Sunday's are always just full of encouragement, no matter how hard the devil tries to destroy my spirit on Sunday's I am just always happy and ready for a new week. It is hard sometimes being away from home because I do not tell anyone here what is wrong when something is wrong, and I also don't wanna call anyone back home and gripe to them, so I just let it sink in, and hope that all my troubles just kind of go away. Which they have... so no worries. Plus, another encouragement to me was the fact that I received an email from Pastor Royalty, now the internet here has not been working for about a week, and alittle over a week ago I emailed Pastor telling him of my new job. I was not able to check my email all week but Thursday night when I checked it (in the middle of my horribly bad week) there was a email from Pastor Royalty. It was actually sent on the previous Saturday so had the internet been up and running and if I had checked it earlier than that, then it would not have been there to cheer me up when I was a little down.
Classes have been going good. I got an 88 on my first Pastor Setser quiz, which is HORRIBLE!!!! and I was very unhappy with myself.. but will do better. The quizes in Pastor Schwartz's class have been a little challenging and I need to do better on them, but am trusting that I will!
Tomorrow for the first Sunday of fall push we are having carnival day. Dani and I were put in charge of one game, so I went and got the stuff for the game and the candy today. I am looking forward to it, and the amount of kids that we will have on the bus!!!!! =]
I guess that is all for now... oh I have devotions this Monday night with the dorm girls plus Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Propst.. I am, surprisingly, not nervous yet, but probably will be once Monday comes around. We will see!!!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Home Again!
So I am back home until Sunday afternoon!!! YAY!
My mom and sister came to pick me up yesterday after helper's schedule... well first, lets start at the beginning of my VERY BUSY morning!
I was thinking that my mom and my brother were going to pick me up at like 4 or 5, however my sister decided to skip her last class at YSU to come with my mom to pick me up. I had to cram a lot into my morning. I needed to do my dorm duty, clean up all my stuff, clean the prophet's chamber for when the Ive's come (on Saturday) pack, and all before 12:45 when I had helper schedule. I told my mom and sister that the soonest I could get out of helper schedule was 2:30, so they made plans to be at my school at 2:30... CRAZINESS!!!!
So, I started with cleaning my room then doing my dorm duty, then I went downstairs at about 9:50 to eat something real quick (which didn't happen because the kitchen was left dirty and Dani was in helper's schedule adn it was her dorm duty so I knew she would not be able to go re-clean it, so I did the dishes so she didn't get demerits..... which was after Jenn had cleaned off the stove, someone left it very messy after Danielle had already cleaned it) Anywho, so I then went to the prophet's chamber. While cleaning in there Mrs. Williams told me that Mrs. Ives likes it very very clean, so what I thought was only going to take about an hour, took almost two because I wanted to make sure it was nice. In the middle of cleaning Danielle comes and gets me to tell me that Mrs. Knight would like me to come and see what she is doing for the kindergarten's art, because that is what I was going to be doin for first grade. So, knowing that I needed to see what I was doing, I went to her class, watched/helped the art project and then went back to finish cleaning. I finished just in time to eat lunch, spend 10 minutes packing and then get to helper's schedule. TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I was!
So I had helper's schedule, I dismissed them at 2:30 went upstairs to get my suitcase when my sister sent me a text saying they were here. So I went downstairs (with my buddy "Schwartz" and then I left for home (actualy Arby's.... but then home).
I was extremely tired, but went outside and played with the neighbor girls until about 7:30ish then my mom and I went to Wal Mart.. Fun!
Now, for the rest of my weekend..... tonight (probably between 5 or 6, that is the norm) I will be babysitting for Pastor Joel and Mrs. Royalty. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!! THen tomorrow is my cousin Samantha's wedding, then Sunday is bus/church, then when I get home from bus I will be leaving to go back to Faith!!!! I am tired just thinking about it. And I am in nursery Sunday night at Faith. lol. =] But with Susan, I love Susan. I am going to be so sad next semester when she is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =[ DON'T LEAVE ME SUSAN, I NEED YOU!
Anywho, my hair is up in a towel, I am going to go get myself as pretty as I get and then get something for the Royalty kids then see when I am watching them! =] I can't wait to see them and my buskids!!!!!!!!! =]
And with this I depart... it is good to be home, but I miss school too. lol.
Oh, and... the Kerlin's have been gone for a week now (went on vaca) Oleg also went home last weekend, and let me tell you, the weekend drug on like nothing else. School is not the same without the jokesters (Brad and Drew)or without Seb, and when over half the guys are gone in one weekend, there is not much entertainment.. that's why we got silly string though. HeHe HaHa!!!! Next weekend should be exciting though, since I don't believe anyone is going home who is not suppose to be! =]
My mom and sister came to pick me up yesterday after helper's schedule... well first, lets start at the beginning of my VERY BUSY morning!
I was thinking that my mom and my brother were going to pick me up at like 4 or 5, however my sister decided to skip her last class at YSU to come with my mom to pick me up. I had to cram a lot into my morning. I needed to do my dorm duty, clean up all my stuff, clean the prophet's chamber for when the Ive's come (on Saturday) pack, and all before 12:45 when I had helper schedule. I told my mom and sister that the soonest I could get out of helper schedule was 2:30, so they made plans to be at my school at 2:30... CRAZINESS!!!!
So, I started with cleaning my room then doing my dorm duty, then I went downstairs at about 9:50 to eat something real quick (which didn't happen because the kitchen was left dirty and Dani was in helper's schedule adn it was her dorm duty so I knew she would not be able to go re-clean it, so I did the dishes so she didn't get demerits..... which was after Jenn had cleaned off the stove, someone left it very messy after Danielle had already cleaned it) Anywho, so I then went to the prophet's chamber. While cleaning in there Mrs. Williams told me that Mrs. Ives likes it very very clean, so what I thought was only going to take about an hour, took almost two because I wanted to make sure it was nice. In the middle of cleaning Danielle comes and gets me to tell me that Mrs. Knight would like me to come and see what she is doing for the kindergarten's art, because that is what I was going to be doin for first grade. So, knowing that I needed to see what I was doing, I went to her class, watched/helped the art project and then went back to finish cleaning. I finished just in time to eat lunch, spend 10 minutes packing and then get to helper's schedule. TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I was!
So I had helper's schedule, I dismissed them at 2:30 went upstairs to get my suitcase when my sister sent me a text saying they were here. So I went downstairs (with my buddy "Schwartz" and then I left for home (actualy Arby's.... but then home).
I was extremely tired, but went outside and played with the neighbor girls until about 7:30ish then my mom and I went to Wal Mart.. Fun!
Now, for the rest of my weekend..... tonight (probably between 5 or 6, that is the norm) I will be babysitting for Pastor Joel and Mrs. Royalty. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!! THen tomorrow is my cousin Samantha's wedding, then Sunday is bus/church, then when I get home from bus I will be leaving to go back to Faith!!!! I am tired just thinking about it. And I am in nursery Sunday night at Faith. lol. =] But with Susan, I love Susan. I am going to be so sad next semester when she is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =[ DON'T LEAVE ME SUSAN, I NEED YOU!
Anywho, my hair is up in a towel, I am going to go get myself as pretty as I get and then get something for the Royalty kids then see when I am watching them! =] I can't wait to see them and my buskids!!!!!!!!! =]
And with this I depart... it is good to be home, but I miss school too. lol.
Oh, and... the Kerlin's have been gone for a week now (went on vaca) Oleg also went home last weekend, and let me tell you, the weekend drug on like nothing else. School is not the same without the jokesters (Brad and Drew)or without Seb, and when over half the guys are gone in one weekend, there is not much entertainment.. that's why we got silly string though. HeHe HaHa!!!! Next weekend should be exciting though, since I don't believe anyone is going home who is not suppose to be! =]
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Last night was great. Both Heather's, Dani, Susan and myself went out for alittle. I took lots of pics and when we returned some of us had a silly string fight in the dorm room... and Susan recorded it. =] So take a look at some of the pics and then look at the awesome video we made. What else is there to do in college? hehe.
Susan and I. She just woke up so still looks tired, and I am just being me!
Susan... once again, she had just waken up!
This was after the silly string fight.. I was putting the video on Schwartz's computer and trying to get mine to work.
Me, Dani and Heather in Wal Mart
Me looking studious while reading a book on hunting turkeys. (Some guy walked past while Heather was taking this and startd laughing at me... it was great. lol)
This was the first one we took.. Susan got in the way though, lol. But I like it better anyway!
If you do not know yet... then there's something wrong with you, but I like chocolate!
Drinking salad dressing
Heather "the other" and I
Schwartz/... while we were playing Susan's awesome new game called "Urban Myth"
Susan and I. She just woke up so still looks tired, and I am just being me!
Susan... once again, she had just waken up!
This was after the silly string fight.. I was putting the video on Schwartz's computer and trying to get mine to work.
Me, Dani and Heather in Wal Mart
Me looking studious while reading a book on hunting turkeys. (Some guy walked past while Heather was taking this and startd laughing at me... it was great. lol)
This was the first one we took.. Susan got in the way though, lol. But I like it better anyway!
If you do not know yet... then there's something wrong with you, but I like chocolate!
Drinking salad dressing
Heather "the other" and I
Schwartz/... while we were playing Susan's awesome new game called "Urban Myth"
Friday, September 18, 2009
Other Pictures
Just some pictures of the semester so far. Many many more to come.
But, there's some of us playing Skip-Bo in the student lounge and Tyler in Olivia Propst's pretty pink sunglasses, plus some of the academy students, and then all the guys (minus Christian) during the tent meetings!! Fun Fun.. however, Heather Dani possibly Beth and myself are going to go play something! =]


But, there's some of us playing Skip-Bo in the student lounge and Tyler in Olivia Propst's pretty pink sunglasses, plus some of the academy students, and then all the guys (minus Christian) during the tent meetings!! Fun Fun.. however, Heather Dani possibly Beth and myself are going to go play something! =]
Great Night
So last night did go very well. When we arrived a the Annson's some of the girls watched the guys play football while, Beth, Miss Leah and i went to get pizza. We then returned ate pizza (obviously) played some games (Catch Phrase, then I went inside and played Imagine Iff with some of the others.) It was a full night, that I wish would have gone longer. But anywho, the girls then picked a verse from the Bible (each of us picked one) and the guys had to preach from whatever verse they picked out of the hat. it was interesting and very entertaining. Then for the second round we just shouted out topics and the guys had to preach on those we had... fast food, homework, coffee, boogey man, and another topic that I will not say incase anyone whom it applies to is reading this. It was a lot of fun though and Jenn Heather Shwartz Felicia and I made it back to the dorm 5 minutes before curfew. lol. Then we had fun in the dorm room, but I will not get into that as of yet... pictures of that to be posted later... Maybe!
But here are some pics of he night, so enjoy...

Oleg and Zachary were taking a picture so I jumped in as well. Oleg refused to flex his muscles though... Hmmmm!

Oleg took this picture and afterwards he was like.. I think you moved when I snapped it because I don't think you meant to make that face. I love it though.. Heather and Dani look so cute and I look like Popeye

I did not take a serious picture the hole night!!!! It was great!

Heather and Carl.. how precious

Dani and Bethy

Guys playing football.. there was only one injury.. poor Zachary! =[

Miss Leah was the "gonger" for when the guys went past their allowed preaching time! hehe. It was fun!

Bethy.. smiling and her eyes are opened.. impressive!
Guys looking up the verse while either Oleg or Mike was preaching!

Oleg preaching.
Tyler preaching

Mike preaching.. he was so nervous, we seriously thought he was going to cry when he was done!

And last but not least.. Carl preaching, with his sunglasses on! HaHa!!! =]
But here are some pics of he night, so enjoy...
Oleg and Zachary were taking a picture so I jumped in as well. Oleg refused to flex his muscles though... Hmmmm!
Oleg took this picture and afterwards he was like.. I think you moved when I snapped it because I don't think you meant to make that face. I love it though.. Heather and Dani look so cute and I look like Popeye
I did not take a serious picture the hole night!!!! It was great!
Heather and Carl.. how precious
Dani and Bethy
Guys playing football.. there was only one injury.. poor Zachary! =[
Miss Leah was the "gonger" for when the guys went past their allowed preaching time! hehe. It was fun!
Bethy.. smiling and her eyes are opened.. impressive!
Guys looking up the verse while either Oleg or Mike was preaching!
Oleg preaching.
Tyler preaching
Mike preaching.. he was so nervous, we seriously thought he was going to cry when he was done!
And last but not least.. Carl preaching, with his sunglasses on! HaHa!!! =]
Thursday, September 17, 2009
It's Gonn Be A Good Day!
We have had tent meetings this week, and last night was the last night. Bro. Stewart preaches here every year about this time for the meetings, this year was his tenth year doing so. We heard lots of great preaching, and since we had services every night the dating couples got more dating time, and the rest of us girls go to hang out with the guys.
Which leads me to last night... I was beaten up with pillows by Jono and Tyler. Amusing, yes; painful, deffinately. MY head is still throbbing. But, so I got my water bottle (spray one) and started spraying them. Jono, being much smarter than I was able to get it off of me... TWICE and needless to say, I was so soaked you would have thought I took a shower with my clothes on. lol. But it was fun!
Classes have been going good. I still enjoy them all, but I think Pastor Setser's "General Epistles" is my favorite so far. Hard to believe that such a nice guy with an absolutely awesome wife has a son who likes to beat up girls.. lol j/k.
Tonight we have an activity at the Annson's. I am looking forward to it for the fun that we will have, but even more so for what is going to happen to a certain off-campus girl if she drives in. lol. It will be fun, I will explain that at a later time!! =] I love my roomates this year. There is not a one that is not just absolutely WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!! Heather is the master mind around this "plan" that we have tonight and Dani and I are only assisting. It is all in good fun though! No harm done.. or will be done.
Anywho, Mrs. Knight just checked our room duties so I am going to go see if I got any demerits (I did mine and Jenn's today, I know that I most likely did not get any, but I have to check on Jenn's job.)
I AM COMING HOME ON THE 25TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =]
Which leads me to last night... I was beaten up with pillows by Jono and Tyler. Amusing, yes; painful, deffinately. MY head is still throbbing. But, so I got my water bottle (spray one) and started spraying them. Jono, being much smarter than I was able to get it off of me... TWICE and needless to say, I was so soaked you would have thought I took a shower with my clothes on. lol. But it was fun!
Classes have been going good. I still enjoy them all, but I think Pastor Setser's "General Epistles" is my favorite so far. Hard to believe that such a nice guy with an absolutely awesome wife has a son who likes to beat up girls.. lol j/k.
Tonight we have an activity at the Annson's. I am looking forward to it for the fun that we will have, but even more so for what is going to happen to a certain off-campus girl if she drives in. lol. It will be fun, I will explain that at a later time!! =] I love my roomates this year. There is not a one that is not just absolutely WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!! Heather is the master mind around this "plan" that we have tonight and Dani and I are only assisting. It is all in good fun though! No harm done.. or will be done.
Anywho, Mrs. Knight just checked our room duties so I am going to go see if I got any demerits (I did mine and Jenn's today, I know that I most likely did not get any, but I have to check on Jenn's job.)
I AM COMING HOME ON THE 25TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =]
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Sunday again!
The bus did run this morning.. praise the Lord! We were all late however. Last semester we did not leave until 8:45, and so whe Heather and I walked out to the bus at 8:30 we were greeted By Mr. Kephart who said we need to be at the bus at 8:25. It would not have been too horrible, cept I told Zachary that we did not leave until 8:45, so I made him late as well. OOPS!
I was thrilled to see the bus kids though. We had 30 on the bus, and Mr. Kephart is thinking about running the bus home every Sunday, instead of putting them all on the van on the way home, which makes more room!!! YAY! Today Mr. kephart asked me to ride the bus back, so I was really excited (I normally ride the van anyway, but being asked to ride the bus, was just great) but none of the guys wanted to ride. And, I obviously cannot ride with just Mr. Kephart and I, but Mike gave in and decided to ride as well. So, I was very thankful,and kristen ended up riding as well.
I miss my kids back home SOOOO much, and I also miss the willingness. Here there are quite a bit of workers, however, not all are as attached to the bus ministry as I am. At home everyone wants to help, adn volunteers to, but here sometimes they just have to so their hole heart is not always in it. Danielle and I are the only two bus kids here though (I believe) so I guess we would feel more for the bus ministry than what some others might. I do not want to miss a Sunday bus though!!!
I was happy to see Bethy and Mr. Pitser back from Honduras. They had a good time, and the team that went saw I believe it was 63 people saved. Amen!
I am going to take a nap though now, maybe. We will see
Oh, and Shawn emailed me.. it was great to hear from her. I miss her so much!
And, lastly, tent meetings for us start tonight. One couple came forward this morning during the invitation after Evangelist Stuart preached and go saved. They live on my bus route. I was really excited for that. So please pray all goes well!!!
I was thrilled to see the bus kids though. We had 30 on the bus, and Mr. Kephart is thinking about running the bus home every Sunday, instead of putting them all on the van on the way home, which makes more room!!! YAY! Today Mr. kephart asked me to ride the bus back, so I was really excited (I normally ride the van anyway, but being asked to ride the bus, was just great) but none of the guys wanted to ride. And, I obviously cannot ride with just Mr. Kephart and I, but Mike gave in and decided to ride as well. So, I was very thankful,and kristen ended up riding as well.
I miss my kids back home SOOOO much, and I also miss the willingness. Here there are quite a bit of workers, however, not all are as attached to the bus ministry as I am. At home everyone wants to help, adn volunteers to, but here sometimes they just have to so their hole heart is not always in it. Danielle and I are the only two bus kids here though (I believe) so I guess we would feel more for the bus ministry than what some others might. I do not want to miss a Sunday bus though!!!
I was happy to see Bethy and Mr. Pitser back from Honduras. They had a good time, and the team that went saw I believe it was 63 people saved. Amen!
I am going to take a nap though now, maybe. We will see
Oh, and Shawn emailed me.. it was great to hear from her. I miss her so much!
And, lastly, tent meetings for us start tonight. One couple came forward this morning during the invitation after Evangelist Stuart preached and go saved. They live on my bus route. I was really excited for that. So please pray all goes well!!!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Going Great! =]
I must start by saying, Amelia, if you are reading this then I am going to email you very quickly (actually later tonight when I have more time) but I love you and miss you bunches!! I promise I am not ignoring you!
Anywho, my week has been great. Things are going better, still not quite the same as last semester but good. I have made lots of embarrassing stories in the past week (most that I do not wish to share with all, but if you are of the female gender and wanna hear a REAL embarrassing one then ask me about it later.. YOU WILL DIE!! lol, maybe. But today Dani Heather Schwartz and I went to the mall (Miss Sarah dropped us off) adn we walked back.. I was bored out of my mind going through the mall, however, the walk back through the field was SOOOO much fun! We had a blast.
I cannot wait to ride the bus tomorrow though, and am very excited to be going home the weekend of the 25th to see my bus kids there as well. Yup, I will be home Friday-Sunday afternoon.. so Mrs. Royalty, I can babysit Friday night!!! =]
I also received a call today from Brittany Nielsen so I enjoyed talking and catching up with her. I miss her and Shawn a lot!! But am so excited for them! Senior year.. that is AWESOME!! =] lol!
That is about all for now, I do not remember half of what has gone on this past week. But, I am helping Danielle with something so I need to go. Plus I need to put together a game for bus tomorrow. Keep me in your prayers!!! =]
Anywho, my week has been great. Things are going better, still not quite the same as last semester but good. I have made lots of embarrassing stories in the past week (most that I do not wish to share with all, but if you are of the female gender and wanna hear a REAL embarrassing one then ask me about it later.. YOU WILL DIE!! lol, maybe. But today Dani Heather Schwartz and I went to the mall (Miss Sarah dropped us off) adn we walked back.. I was bored out of my mind going through the mall, however, the walk back through the field was SOOOO much fun! We had a blast.
I cannot wait to ride the bus tomorrow though, and am very excited to be going home the weekend of the 25th to see my bus kids there as well. Yup, I will be home Friday-Sunday afternoon.. so Mrs. Royalty, I can babysit Friday night!!! =]
I also received a call today from Brittany Nielsen so I enjoyed talking and catching up with her. I miss her and Shawn a lot!! But am so excited for them! Senior year.. that is AWESOME!! =] lol!
That is about all for now, I do not remember half of what has gone on this past week. But, I am helping Danielle with something so I need to go. Plus I need to put together a game for bus tomorrow. Keep me in your prayers!!! =]
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Great Start, But Going Down Hill!!
Okay, I know it has been awhile since I have updated. Pastor Annson had my computer for awhile installing the BeSafe on it and hooking up our new wireless internet. That's right, we now have wireless internet. How awesome is that! I absolutely love it.
School has been going very well. Today however, has been, well not very good. Some of the guys have turned into complete jerks this year. But the two new guys are nice, and have a completely different energy from the rest, which is absolutely awesome. I love it!
Classes have been going very well. I was way bummed though becasue Sunday they did not run our bus. THye just took out the van because Bro. Kephart sadi that not many were coming because of Labor Day. So, I did not get to ride the bus, so I am REALLY looking forward to riding this week. I cannot wait.
I have been alittle bummed because I now have noone to talk to about just anything. Last semester there was someone who I trusted and now, well, don't. lol. So, when I need to release any worries or fears I have to call someone back home, which is a hasel in itself because I do not have much time to do that, and have to work around the schedules of those back home. But, oh well, God knows. Kepping to myself isn't such a bad thing after all.
I am terribly missing my bus kids and church family. This semester is deffinatley different than last, and all of the fears that I have this past summer are being conformed. But no worries, I am not discouraged and am still keeping on.
Sebastian, who is not here this year is stopping in tomorrow to get some stuff that he left over the summer and what not. I am looking forward to seeing him. I got to see Ashley last night and the night before, so that was kind of nice, but kind of well confusing.
I am stil without a job, and am still praying that the Lord will provide. The Lord knows, right? So we will see!
I am however, super excited about my roomates. I got every roommate that I wanted, so that was a tremendous blessing to me. =] God knows what adn who I need, praise the Lord.
I, for some reason, felt as though blogging right now was going to make me feel a lot better, however, I still feel the same, but am now missing home as well. Hopefully tomorrow will be better! =]
Please just keep me in your prayers, that is what I need!
School has been going very well. Today however, has been, well not very good. Some of the guys have turned into complete jerks this year. But the two new guys are nice, and have a completely different energy from the rest, which is absolutely awesome. I love it!
Classes have been going very well. I was way bummed though becasue Sunday they did not run our bus. THye just took out the van because Bro. Kephart sadi that not many were coming because of Labor Day. So, I did not get to ride the bus, so I am REALLY looking forward to riding this week. I cannot wait.
I have been alittle bummed because I now have noone to talk to about just anything. Last semester there was someone who I trusted and now, well, don't. lol. So, when I need to release any worries or fears I have to call someone back home, which is a hasel in itself because I do not have much time to do that, and have to work around the schedules of those back home. But, oh well, God knows. Kepping to myself isn't such a bad thing after all.
I am terribly missing my bus kids and church family. This semester is deffinatley different than last, and all of the fears that I have this past summer are being conformed. But no worries, I am not discouraged and am still keeping on.
Sebastian, who is not here this year is stopping in tomorrow to get some stuff that he left over the summer and what not. I am looking forward to seeing him. I got to see Ashley last night and the night before, so that was kind of nice, but kind of well confusing.
I am stil without a job, and am still praying that the Lord will provide. The Lord knows, right? So we will see!
I am however, super excited about my roomates. I got every roommate that I wanted, so that was a tremendous blessing to me. =] God knows what adn who I need, praise the Lord.
I, for some reason, felt as though blogging right now was going to make me feel a lot better, however, I still feel the same, but am now missing home as well. Hopefully tomorrow will be better! =]
Please just keep me in your prayers, that is what I need!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Yesterday was, well a bad day, to say the least. But I will not get into that. Today, however, was wonderful! It started normal, actualy the past few days I have benn waking up rather early and end up going back to sleep; today was the same. I woke up at iike 6 something and then went back to sleep and did not get back up until like 10 something. (So that was wierd, but oh well)
Then while waiting for a message or call from Rachel (we were supposed to have breakfast however she did not get back in until 3 this morning, so we switched to lunch which turned into almost a supper thing because she had to take her sister in law to the airport) and tell me when she was going to be able to pick me up. While waiting I received a call from Pastor Joel asking me to watch the kids... of course I was thrilled and instantly began thinking of anything that I had, because I always bring something for us to do. So I told Rachel, however, she was already on her way back so we were still able to go out.
So Rachel and I went t0 Panera (iced Mocha coffee... it was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) then to Kohl's (she got new shoes, I got a new purse.. hehe) then to Wal Mart (were I bought play dough for the kiddos) and then to her house to see Lydia (her niece.. Amanda is in town). We had a great time though, and I missed Rachel so much and am so glad that I was home when she got back from Colorado because we got to catch up and go out again, which we have not done for atleast a year. When I returned home, the Avon that I had ordered from a friend was in.. my brother got it from her and brought it home. (A pretty necklace in the shape of a heart with a "C" in the middle). I was happy!!! Once again!!! lol
Then my mama took me to the Royalty's. Tonight was PTF at Gospel and since they now have 3 kiddos in school and Pastor Joel teaches there, that's where they were headed. So with much to do and alittle bit of time to do it we got started. First on the list was dinner, went smooth as always. Then showers, then snack, and then play dough (all before quarter til 8, which was time to get changed for bed, adn then bed). They made many different things and set it aside so that it could harden. I do not know what everything is that they made but I am sure in their minds it makes sence. lol. Everything went well and it was a good night all together!
I am looking forward to tomorrow but it is going to be very bitter sweet. I have to say goodbye to everyone but I am excited to go back to school. I still have an important prayer request for a job at Faith, so please pray that it all works out!
Then while waiting for a message or call from Rachel (we were supposed to have breakfast however she did not get back in until 3 this morning, so we switched to lunch which turned into almost a supper thing because she had to take her sister in law to the airport) and tell me when she was going to be able to pick me up. While waiting I received a call from Pastor Joel asking me to watch the kids... of course I was thrilled and instantly began thinking of anything that I had, because I always bring something for us to do. So I told Rachel, however, she was already on her way back so we were still able to go out.
So Rachel and I went t0 Panera (iced Mocha coffee... it was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) then to Kohl's (she got new shoes, I got a new purse.. hehe) then to Wal Mart (were I bought play dough for the kiddos) and then to her house to see Lydia (her niece.. Amanda is in town). We had a great time though, and I missed Rachel so much and am so glad that I was home when she got back from Colorado because we got to catch up and go out again, which we have not done for atleast a year. When I returned home, the Avon that I had ordered from a friend was in.. my brother got it from her and brought it home. (A pretty necklace in the shape of a heart with a "C" in the middle). I was happy!!! Once again!!! lol
Then my mama took me to the Royalty's. Tonight was PTF at Gospel and since they now have 3 kiddos in school and Pastor Joel teaches there, that's where they were headed. So with much to do and alittle bit of time to do it we got started. First on the list was dinner, went smooth as always. Then showers, then snack, and then play dough (all before quarter til 8, which was time to get changed for bed, adn then bed). They made many different things and set it aside so that it could harden. I do not know what everything is that they made but I am sure in their minds it makes sence. lol. Everything went well and it was a good night all together!
I am looking forward to tomorrow but it is going to be very bitter sweet. I have to say goodbye to everyone but I am excited to go back to school. I still have an important prayer request for a job at Faith, so please pray that it all works out!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Great Birthday!
Today was without a doubt one of the best birthdays I have evr had. I was very excited that it was on a Sunday because then I would get to spend my birthday with my church family. Well as everyone already knows (if you have been reading my blog) Mrs. Bender started my birthday last Wednsday with an awesome awesome gift of just bath stuff that I needed and absolutely LOVE!!!!!!! I still can't get over it! Anywho, I recieved many cards today as well, including two from Bender girls, which made me feel even so much more special! =]I did not tell anyone this (1. Becuase I did not wanna worry my family or friends and 2. becuase I wanted to see what God could do) but with going back to Faith I needed the last of my recent check to pay for some of my first bill, deciding that it was more important to pay what I can and not worry about food right now. So I resting on faith that the Lord would provide the money that I needed to get food with for shcool (incase you did not know, we cook and buy our own food at Faith), well the Royalty's not even knowing it started the blessin for me by giving me a gift card for Wal Mart and I was able to get EVERYTHING that I neeeded as far as school supplies goes, plus sitll have 1 dollar some left, lol, but I received some money today in almost every card, and I literly almost started crying (and I am never ever moved to tears, infact I do not like crying so there is just not much that causes me to tear up). I am just so thankful that God used my church family to supply that need.
My family, of course, also made this day special for me. I was greeted with happy birthday's and I love you and at the family outing last night when it turnd midnight everyone sang to me. I loved it! lol. And my neighbor judy told my sister to buy me a cake and my mom (not knowing because they kept it a secret) also bought me cake mi (which we have not been able to eat yet, obviously). But my mom always asks us what we want for a birthday meal, so I chose pepperoni rolls (I love my mama's pepperoni rolls) so that was also very very nice!
But onto my last Sunday for awhile.... on the bus we did have a good number. I am trying to think of everyone who came to give an approximate number becuase I do not know the exact number. So having counted those who I remember I am getting the number 21, so it was atleast that many (not inclluding workers obviously), so I was excited about that!! They behaved okay on the way there, we had 4 lose their treats in 4 and 5 year olds class and two lost theirs on the way home. They I guess woke up on the way home because they did not behave very well!
Onto Sunday school class, I had, get this, just my class... 10 girls! I was vey happy, and they all did really really really well. 10 may not seem like a hole lot to you, however my average is probably like 3-5, so I was happy with 10.
Juniop church also went well, hawkeye was alittle tough at first but towards the end they started dropping like flies.. lol, so that made it easier.
On the way home, as I said earlier everyone was like awake and full of sugar or something. i did get Helena's cell phone number to call adn wake her up next Sunday, forgeting that I am not going to be here next Sunday, go figure right? But as long as I am on the same route this year (which I requested to be) then I do not leave until about 8:45 and so I will be able to call her at 8 as she requested, so all should be well. We then went to drop off Jaylin and noone was home, so we dropped off our lst stop returned to his house, and guess what, there was still noone home. So Devonte and I remembered that whenever we pick up Andrea and Alexis that he says his aunt lives in the same apartments, so we venture over back to Plaze View (with Jaylin, a 5 year old, telling us that we were suppose to turn left her and go straight here, all of which was wrong, so it is a good thing we did not listen, adn just went to Plaza View) so we make it there and his aunt and grandma were there thankfully, so all is well now, we hope!
Bro. Bruno preached tonight at churh and it was kind of bitter sweet because he and Mrs. Malepou are leaving for Africa as missionaries. We had a farewell that night at Pastor Royalty's for them and it went really well. There was a lot of people from out church that showed up and it really was a good time.
Well my schedule this week is running around alittle with my mom tomorrow then Tuesday morning breakfast with Rachel at our favorite Panera Bread (she is coming home tomorrow... I CAN'T WAIT!) then Wednesday is normal so far, and Thursday I leave (I am hoping that Pastor Joel and Mrs. Royalty call me atleast one of those nights so that I can watch the kids for them before I leave, so they can get out for alittle) ---Sidenote: I got to hold Alayna for the first time... SHE IS SOOOO CUTE!!!--- So that is all for me, busy day, full of fun, an wonderful blessings.
Oh, I almost forgot my secret sister also gave me a gift. This adorable little pillow with this really cute like rope I guess it is attached that says "Count Your Blessings" if today wasn't the perfect day for that, as well as some lotion from Bath and Body "Japenese Cherry Bossom". Now, my secret sister could not have know this but I bought a Country Apple soap for my self and a japenese cherry blosson and I just finish the apple so now I am on to the japenese cherry blossom, so now I have a lotion to go with it!!!! IT SMELLS SO GOOD! There are the fragrances from Bath and Body that I LOVE!!! although I like so many but they are 1.Country Apple (which is discontinued, but they still eell it on big sales-- go figure) 2. Japenese CHerry Blosson and 3. Dancing Waters. They are the greatest folks... trust me!
That is all for now. This is probably the most I have written in awhile so enjoy.
And with this I depart... It is so important to know were you stand and why you believe what you believe. If you go by what someone else tells you or by what you hear all the time but never actually study it for yourself then you will most likely end up losing that conviction and possibly even falling away from the things of God. So figure out what you believe and find out why you believe it! Don't go by someone else's convictions, let the Lord give you your own!
My family, of course, also made this day special for me. I was greeted with happy birthday's and I love you and at the family outing last night when it turnd midnight everyone sang to me. I loved it! lol. And my neighbor judy told my sister to buy me a cake and my mom (not knowing because they kept it a secret) also bought me cake mi (which we have not been able to eat yet, obviously). But my mom always asks us what we want for a birthday meal, so I chose pepperoni rolls (I love my mama's pepperoni rolls) so that was also very very nice!
But onto my last Sunday for awhile.... on the bus we did have a good number. I am trying to think of everyone who came to give an approximate number becuase I do not know the exact number. So having counted those who I remember I am getting the number 21, so it was atleast that many (not inclluding workers obviously), so I was excited about that!! They behaved okay on the way there, we had 4 lose their treats in 4 and 5 year olds class and two lost theirs on the way home. They I guess woke up on the way home because they did not behave very well!
Onto Sunday school class, I had, get this, just my class... 10 girls! I was vey happy, and they all did really really really well. 10 may not seem like a hole lot to you, however my average is probably like 3-5, so I was happy with 10.
Juniop church also went well, hawkeye was alittle tough at first but towards the end they started dropping like flies.. lol, so that made it easier.
On the way home, as I said earlier everyone was like awake and full of sugar or something. i did get Helena's cell phone number to call adn wake her up next Sunday, forgeting that I am not going to be here next Sunday, go figure right? But as long as I am on the same route this year (which I requested to be) then I do not leave until about 8:45 and so I will be able to call her at 8 as she requested, so all should be well. We then went to drop off Jaylin and noone was home, so we dropped off our lst stop returned to his house, and guess what, there was still noone home. So Devonte and I remembered that whenever we pick up Andrea and Alexis that he says his aunt lives in the same apartments, so we venture over back to Plaze View (with Jaylin, a 5 year old, telling us that we were suppose to turn left her and go straight here, all of which was wrong, so it is a good thing we did not listen, adn just went to Plaza View) so we make it there and his aunt and grandma were there thankfully, so all is well now, we hope!
Bro. Bruno preached tonight at churh and it was kind of bitter sweet because he and Mrs. Malepou are leaving for Africa as missionaries. We had a farewell that night at Pastor Royalty's for them and it went really well. There was a lot of people from out church that showed up and it really was a good time.
Well my schedule this week is running around alittle with my mom tomorrow then Tuesday morning breakfast with Rachel at our favorite Panera Bread (she is coming home tomorrow... I CAN'T WAIT!) then Wednesday is normal so far, and Thursday I leave (I am hoping that Pastor Joel and Mrs. Royalty call me atleast one of those nights so that I can watch the kids for them before I leave, so they can get out for alittle) ---Sidenote: I got to hold Alayna for the first time... SHE IS SOOOO CUTE!!!--- So that is all for me, busy day, full of fun, an wonderful blessings.
Oh, I almost forgot my secret sister also gave me a gift. This adorable little pillow with this really cute like rope I guess it is attached that says "Count Your Blessings" if today wasn't the perfect day for that, as well as some lotion from Bath and Body "Japenese Cherry Bossom". Now, my secret sister could not have know this but I bought a Country Apple soap for my self and a japenese cherry blosson and I just finish the apple so now I am on to the japenese cherry blossom, so now I have a lotion to go with it!!!! IT SMELLS SO GOOD! There are the fragrances from Bath and Body that I LOVE!!! although I like so many but they are 1.Country Apple (which is discontinued, but they still eell it on big sales-- go figure) 2. Japenese CHerry Blosson and 3. Dancing Waters. They are the greatest folks... trust me!
That is all for now. This is probably the most I have written in awhile so enjoy.
And with this I depart... It is so important to know were you stand and why you believe what you believe. If you go by what someone else tells you or by what you hear all the time but never actually study it for yourself then you will most likely end up losing that conviction and possibly even falling away from the things of God. So figure out what you believe and find out why you believe it! Don't go by someone else's convictions, let the Lord give you your own!
I just got home from a family outing, it is 1:2p somthing in the morn and I am tored!!!! =] But had to say that today is my birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!
Goodnight all!
Goodnight all!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Looking forward to tomorrow!
Well, tomorrow is my last Sunday of the summer. Well, my last at Gospel! I am looking forward to Rachel coming home for a week before she goes to college and hope to meet up with her for lunch or something, but I am still sad, yet excited that the summer is over. However, I am looking forward to bus and Sunday School tomorrow. I am praying that we have many riders so that I can say goodbye to them all. I am going to miss them very much but also am excited to see my bus kids back at Faith.
In Sunday School, we are going to have a review/question and answer time. I even have a special treat for them... chocolate chip cookies. YUM! =] I have been doing a contest with the girls and they get points for such things as bringin their Bible, bringing a visitor, answering most questions in class, best girl, and being there ever Sunday of the month (Which Abby always gets the points for that. lol). But at the end of class the girl with the most points gets a special prize. The girls really seem to enjoy it, adn Abby has not won every week (actually I think she has only won twice) so the other girls are not left out.. no worries! I am going to miss them all very much though and will counting down the days until I get to see them again (which is September 27th thanks to my couisn getting married on the 26th) so I am looking forward to that. I really do have the greatest bus kids and the greatest Sunday school class (I hope everyone feels that way about their own bus kids and Sunday school class kids).
Plus there is a "back to school" afeterglow tomorrow. So I get to hang out with the teens from church on my birthday.. it is oging to be sooo much fun!!!
I leave on Thursday, and have recently found out who my roomies are this year, adn am SOOOOO excited. There is Heather (who I requested to be my roomie) plus Susan (the cheerful "mom" who I absolutely love-- she takes care of us and puts us in our place when we need it) then Jenn (my Son, who will make the room very interesting adn entertaining... trust me), so i am looking forward to it. We are going to have the best room with the most craziness. Susan is the sweetest ever but when she gets tired her Jenn and I just have the time of our lives. We go crazy and it is nothing but laughs from there!
(On a sidenote: today is Cierra Kerin's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ce Ce.. although you may never read this!!!!)
So I am looking forward to this semester although I will miss many people back home. Oh, and to top it off, I saw my Aunt Terry to day. She drives truck with my Uncle Bob so I do not get to see her very often, she greeted me with a hug and just made me feel great. lol. Even though I looked horrible.. trust me. =]
Speaking of, I think I am going to go make myself presentable now. My mom and I are going to go put some flowers on my grampas grave, today was his birthday. So I think that is all for now. I am getting nervous that is why I am typing more and more useless blogs!! Just so yall know!
In Sunday School, we are going to have a review/question and answer time. I even have a special treat for them... chocolate chip cookies. YUM! =] I have been doing a contest with the girls and they get points for such things as bringin their Bible, bringing a visitor, answering most questions in class, best girl, and being there ever Sunday of the month (Which Abby always gets the points for that. lol). But at the end of class the girl with the most points gets a special prize. The girls really seem to enjoy it, adn Abby has not won every week (actually I think she has only won twice) so the other girls are not left out.. no worries! I am going to miss them all very much though and will counting down the days until I get to see them again (which is September 27th thanks to my couisn getting married on the 26th) so I am looking forward to that. I really do have the greatest bus kids and the greatest Sunday school class (I hope everyone feels that way about their own bus kids and Sunday school class kids).
Plus there is a "back to school" afeterglow tomorrow. So I get to hang out with the teens from church on my birthday.. it is oging to be sooo much fun!!!
I leave on Thursday, and have recently found out who my roomies are this year, adn am SOOOOO excited. There is Heather (who I requested to be my roomie) plus Susan (the cheerful "mom" who I absolutely love-- she takes care of us and puts us in our place when we need it) then Jenn (my Son, who will make the room very interesting adn entertaining... trust me), so i am looking forward to it. We are going to have the best room with the most craziness. Susan is the sweetest ever but when she gets tired her Jenn and I just have the time of our lives. We go crazy and it is nothing but laughs from there!
(On a sidenote: today is Cierra Kerin's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ce Ce.. although you may never read this!!!!)
So I am looking forward to this semester although I will miss many people back home. Oh, and to top it off, I saw my Aunt Terry to day. She drives truck with my Uncle Bob so I do not get to see her very often, she greeted me with a hug and just made me feel great. lol. Even though I looked horrible.. trust me. =]
Speaking of, I think I am going to go make myself presentable now. My mom and I are going to go put some flowers on my grampas grave, today was his birthday. So I think that is all for now. I am getting nervous that is why I am typing more and more useless blogs!! Just so yall know!
Last words for the night.. I promise I am going to bed soon!
Just wanted to say two things, one being that my allergies are doing a lot better. For about 4 or 5 days there I had some real bad days with burning water and itchy eyes, but my eye drops got me through that, Praise the Lord, and now I have not had problems with my eyes (allergy wise) for about 4 days, and am very thankful for that. my sinus' are another stroy.. horrible sinus headaches, but hey, life goes on.
Second. my blog is now viewable to all, no more invite only, so enjoy! My life is not that fascinating though.. although with college starting back up, I am sure I will have much more to post about!!! =]
Second. my blog is now viewable to all, no more invite only, so enjoy! My life is not that fascinating though.. although with college starting back up, I am sure I will have much more to post about!!! =]
Friday, August 28, 2009
No more Taco Bell until Christmas!! Nice!!
I woke up this morning and my first thoughts were... I wonder what time I work today. Of course on second thought I remembered that I don't. Very nice thought. My sister mom and I went shopping. I needed a snack for Sunday School plus a card for Beth's bday, which my sister so nicely paid for all of it. I didn't even ask.. she just did! And the card I got for Beth... WAY CUTEE!!!!! Hoops and YoYo of course. I cannot go into detail though just incase she is reading this before it reaches her in the mail!
I also ordered all of my books for this semester... I got them for less than half the prize I would have had to pay had I gone through the schoo. Gotta love Amazon!!! But don't gotta love shipping and handling... one book cost me 20 cents but shipping on all books as 3.99! So the shipping was much more expensive than the book itself. lol. After Wal Mart we then went to Rulli Brothers because my mom is making her YUMMMY peperoni rolls on my bday and she loves Ruli Brothers cheese. Well I picked out a half watermelon and bananas and Sweet Tea.. and my sister got some cookies and stuff... the two of us ended up picking out more than my mom though.. very rare. lol. Oh, and my sister foung purple peppers... they were grown in water and for some reason that made em purple.. my sister loves peppers and loves purple. lol.
We then went next door and spent some time with the neighbors. We love em, they are the greatest neighbors ever!! Jimmy, is the commander at the Struther V.F.W and does a lot a lot a lot of work for them, but that is really nice of him. And they do not pay him for as much as he does... trust me.. I know what he does, and I know what he gets paid! lol
I then went to the Royalty's to watch the kiddos once again! We made cards this time for Mrs. Royalty and Pastor Joel and hid them around the house... one in the (mirror) cabinet in the bathroom, one on their bed, one on the blue chair, one just on the table, and my favorite spot... one in the fridge! Gotta love Caleb's thinking! I then gave them ring pops because they all behaved well. Then off to bed they went, Isaac came up the stairs and told me Caleb was not sleeping but they he brought "toys" in his bed and was playing, I told him to have Caleb put the toys down and go to sleep. Moments later Caleb came upstairs crying saying that the so called "toys" Isaac was speaking if was Caleb's stuffed animal that he always sleeps with. lol. Poor Caleb, my own fault though, I should have gone downstairs and taken care of it myself. I love them all, and when they say something nice it just sticks with me for forever!!! Anna is still on the "Miss Teara, are you going home yet?" kick. Man, she is just too cute. As much as she wants me to go home (which who can blame her.. she wants her mommy and daddy) I still think it is just the cutest ever!!! But Caleb and Isaac drew me a picture.. both are so nice adn I jsut love em; and Abby made me a card and picked me three raspberry's. She is just the sweetest. I am going to miss them all so much when I go to college!!!! =[ But, as Pastor Joel said, I need to follow God not man. =] Otherwise, maybe I would just stay!!
Well, I think that is all for now. I may be up at midnight and if so, I will make sure to post the fact that my bday is tomorrow. Speaking of, I got a nother card today, this time from Pastor Royalty... I know I say it on occasion, but not nearly enough.. I LOVE MY CHURCH!!!!!!!! =]
And with this I depart (I have not said that in awhile)... Trust in the Lord. There is no need to fear or to worry that is just telling God that you do not believe He can protect and lead you. I have to remind myself of this rather often but am hopefully getting better and am increasing my faith with each situation that God takes care of. Praise the Lord!!
I also ordered all of my books for this semester... I got them for less than half the prize I would have had to pay had I gone through the schoo. Gotta love Amazon!!! But don't gotta love shipping and handling... one book cost me 20 cents but shipping on all books as 3.99! So the shipping was much more expensive than the book itself. lol. After Wal Mart we then went to Rulli Brothers because my mom is making her YUMMMY peperoni rolls on my bday and she loves Ruli Brothers cheese. Well I picked out a half watermelon and bananas and Sweet Tea.. and my sister got some cookies and stuff... the two of us ended up picking out more than my mom though.. very rare. lol. Oh, and my sister foung purple peppers... they were grown in water and for some reason that made em purple.. my sister loves peppers and loves purple. lol.
We then went next door and spent some time with the neighbors. We love em, they are the greatest neighbors ever!! Jimmy, is the commander at the Struther V.F.W and does a lot a lot a lot of work for them, but that is really nice of him. And they do not pay him for as much as he does... trust me.. I know what he does, and I know what he gets paid! lol
I then went to the Royalty's to watch the kiddos once again! We made cards this time for Mrs. Royalty and Pastor Joel and hid them around the house... one in the (mirror) cabinet in the bathroom, one on their bed, one on the blue chair, one just on the table, and my favorite spot... one in the fridge! Gotta love Caleb's thinking! I then gave them ring pops because they all behaved well. Then off to bed they went, Isaac came up the stairs and told me Caleb was not sleeping but they he brought "toys" in his bed and was playing, I told him to have Caleb put the toys down and go to sleep. Moments later Caleb came upstairs crying saying that the so called "toys" Isaac was speaking if was Caleb's stuffed animal that he always sleeps with. lol. Poor Caleb, my own fault though, I should have gone downstairs and taken care of it myself. I love them all, and when they say something nice it just sticks with me for forever!!! Anna is still on the "Miss Teara, are you going home yet?" kick. Man, she is just too cute. As much as she wants me to go home (which who can blame her.. she wants her mommy and daddy) I still think it is just the cutest ever!!! But Caleb and Isaac drew me a picture.. both are so nice adn I jsut love em; and Abby made me a card and picked me three raspberry's. She is just the sweetest. I am going to miss them all so much when I go to college!!!! =[ But, as Pastor Joel said, I need to follow God not man. =] Otherwise, maybe I would just stay!!
Well, I think that is all for now. I may be up at midnight and if so, I will make sure to post the fact that my bday is tomorrow. Speaking of, I got a nother card today, this time from Pastor Royalty... I know I say it on occasion, but not nearly enough.. I LOVE MY CHURCH!!!!!!!! =]
And with this I depart (I have not said that in awhile)... Trust in the Lord. There is no need to fear or to worry that is just telling God that you do not believe He can protect and lead you. I have to remind myself of this rather often but am hopefully getting better and am increasing my faith with each situation that God takes care of. Praise the Lord!!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Good Morning, Kind of Bad Day, Good Night!
So, this morning went as anyother morning goes until..... my mom handed me some mail. It was a birthday card from my favorist person in the world, Bethy. Of course, it was Hoops and YoYo because we absolutely LOVE Hoops and YoYo and is sooo cute! Today was her birthday, so of course I called and wished her happy bday, but thought it funny that on her birthday I got a card from her for me.
My morning got even better after trying the St. Ives stuff that Mrs. Bender got me (bady wash, apricot scrub and moisturizer) it was just awesome! I loved all of it, and will be buying the same stuff regularly from now on! =] =]
Then to work. It was a rough day, but it wasn't as horrible as it could have been. Within the first, probably 10 minutes on the clock, i burnt three of my fingers pretty good. Incase you are reading this and do not yet realize how well dumb I can be, I will not say how. I fryed for like 4 and a half hours though.. yes, normaly I like to fry, but 4 1/2 hours!!!!! And it was just very stressful because I had to fry plus do most the prep for 4 adn the entire prep for 8.. luckily Amber and Paula helped me with th 8, so tht I could finish frying and then go home! Plus, Amber Cierra Lashawnda and I are going to have a girls night tomorrow before I leave for school. This outta be interesting.
But the girls next door greeted me when I returned home. One of them, even begged me for some of cheesy potatoes... don't tell her mom, but I gave in! She is just too cute!!! man, if I could have recorded her and the facial expressions she makes.. absolutely hilarious and unexplainable.
Anywho, I am noe enjoying a piece of my mama's scrumptious corn on the cob!! YUM!!!! Then off to bed! =]
My morning got even better after trying the St. Ives stuff that Mrs. Bender got me (bady wash, apricot scrub and moisturizer) it was just awesome! I loved all of it, and will be buying the same stuff regularly from now on! =] =]
Then to work. It was a rough day, but it wasn't as horrible as it could have been. Within the first, probably 10 minutes on the clock, i burnt three of my fingers pretty good. Incase you are reading this and do not yet realize how well dumb I can be, I will not say how. I fryed for like 4 and a half hours though.. yes, normaly I like to fry, but 4 1/2 hours!!!!! And it was just very stressful because I had to fry plus do most the prep for 4 adn the entire prep for 8.. luckily Amber and Paula helped me with th 8, so tht I could finish frying and then go home! Plus, Amber Cierra Lashawnda and I are going to have a girls night tomorrow before I leave for school. This outta be interesting.
But the girls next door greeted me when I returned home. One of them, even begged me for some of cheesy potatoes... don't tell her mom, but I gave in! She is just too cute!!! man, if I could have recorded her and the facial expressions she makes.. absolutely hilarious and unexplainable.
Anywho, I am noe enjoying a piece of my mama's scrumptious corn on the cob!! YUM!!!! Then off to bed! =]
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Work, Pizza, Church!!
I was kind of bummed when I found out that I worked this morning, you see, I thought that I had today off and that tomorrow was my last day however I worked today, but tomorrow is still my last. Today went kind of bad, it was just girls most of my shift, but they were not the teenage drama attention getting girls, so that was a plus, but it was still a stressful day. I was on drive my entire shift and am not use to drive at lunch time. YIKES! I was kind of nervous but figured "I am like the drive thru pro" so it has been awhile since I've done drive at lunch, but I will be fine. I did my best but there were times when I slipped so I was rather bummed about that.
On to better news though. The neighbors along with their daughters and families invited our family for yet another pizza party. YUM! It was lots of fun and after pizza we even had Klondike bars. Talk about a perfect dinner! =] I just love the girls and enjoy playing with chalk and playing ball with them.. I cannot wait to hopefuly (Lord willing) have my own little ones one day.
Church went well as always. During special music a dear family who I love very much realized that they had a kid missing, I did not want the mother to have to leave the others so I went looking for him (already determined that he was probably in the nursery). Sure enough, he was. You gotta love him though, he is so cute! Then Kathryn brought me a bag after church with a card and birthday gift from her mom. (My birthday is Sunday.. remember that.. lol) and I tell you, Mrs. Bender KNOWS what a college student needs (or maybe wants.. lol): THere was shampoo and conditioner (which I have smelled several times already, man does it smell good) along with lotion and shower gel and face scrub and moisturizer, and I was just so thankful when I opened it. She is just the sweetest!
As the days get closer and closer for school though I get more and more nervous as well as more and more excited. I have never claimed to be normal. and certainly am getting further and further away from it as the years go. This year will be well though. I know it!
That is all for now. I do need to update my countdowns, but that will be my next post. =]
On to better news though. The neighbors along with their daughters and families invited our family for yet another pizza party. YUM! It was lots of fun and after pizza we even had Klondike bars. Talk about a perfect dinner! =] I just love the girls and enjoy playing with chalk and playing ball with them.. I cannot wait to hopefuly (Lord willing) have my own little ones one day.
Church went well as always. During special music a dear family who I love very much realized that they had a kid missing, I did not want the mother to have to leave the others so I went looking for him (already determined that he was probably in the nursery). Sure enough, he was. You gotta love him though, he is so cute! Then Kathryn brought me a bag after church with a card and birthday gift from her mom. (My birthday is Sunday.. remember that.. lol) and I tell you, Mrs. Bender KNOWS what a college student needs (or maybe wants.. lol): THere was shampoo and conditioner (which I have smelled several times already, man does it smell good) along with lotion and shower gel and face scrub and moisturizer, and I was just so thankful when I opened it. She is just the sweetest!
As the days get closer and closer for school though I get more and more nervous as well as more and more excited. I have never claimed to be normal. and certainly am getting further and further away from it as the years go. This year will be well though. I know it!
That is all for now. I do need to update my countdowns, but that will be my next post. =]
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Excited, Nervous... can I be both at the same time?
So as excited I am for this school year, I am also kind of nervous. There will be a couple new people (including Heather Schwartz, and I already know her so I cannot wait to see her and hopefully be roomies with her as well) and some people will be missing from last year. Some of the drama from last year has been popping back into my head recently though and I am very thankful to have 3 friends there who I trust and are consistant and unwavering in their beliefs and convictions. Plus some of the drama is gone this year! Actually, to be honest, most of the drama is gone this year. I am sure there will be other people, I mean other situations there to cause more drama for everyone! I guess it is part of the experience.
I have heard several times though that your roommates are actually preparing you for how your future husband will be. Well I have had many different roomies (11 so far) and they are all different for the most part. We all have our selfish moments but these girls all differ in characteristics and personality traits. So I guess I will see.
I have learned something fromm all of them though, and have in a private notebook, things that I learned from every fellow student I attended college with last year. I read through them last night and am just praying that there is way less drama this year than there was last. There is only 1 person from last year who what I learned from there was completely possitive and because this person truly did his best at all times and showed forth a serveant's heart at all times. But at the same time I learned something good from all of them, and am so thankful that they were all placed at Faith when I was. I do not regret having met any of them, yes, there was hard times, but life would be boring if it was all dandy all the time. So I appreciate each and every one of them for different reasons and in different ways.
This year may be more challengig than last, but I can also look back and say "Well I overcame that trial last year, so I am sure the Lord will get me through this one as well!" I am excited, and I am nervous. But there is no doubt in my mind as to that I am in God's will and doing what He has planned for me!
I have heard several times though that your roommates are actually preparing you for how your future husband will be. Well I have had many different roomies (11 so far) and they are all different for the most part. We all have our selfish moments but these girls all differ in characteristics and personality traits. So I guess I will see.
I have learned something fromm all of them though, and have in a private notebook, things that I learned from every fellow student I attended college with last year. I read through them last night and am just praying that there is way less drama this year than there was last. There is only 1 person from last year who what I learned from there was completely possitive and because this person truly did his best at all times and showed forth a serveant's heart at all times. But at the same time I learned something good from all of them, and am so thankful that they were all placed at Faith when I was. I do not regret having met any of them, yes, there was hard times, but life would be boring if it was all dandy all the time. So I appreciate each and every one of them for different reasons and in different ways.
This year may be more challengig than last, but I can also look back and say "Well I overcame that trial last year, so I am sure the Lord will get me through this one as well!" I am excited, and I am nervous. But there is no doubt in my mind as to that I am in God's will and doing what He has planned for me!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Getting excited, but sad at the same time!
I recieved some more info from Faith today and although I am still nervous (even though I often deny it) about my job situation out there, the letter made me even more excited than I already was! I am looking forward to new faces and a new schedule and I will miss some old faces adn a lot of people here at home, but I am just anticipating every step and every day that the Lord is going to give me.
I did well last semester and the first semester I did okay, but this year I am going to apply myself even harder than last. (This second semester I had all A's and B's, including one A plus but that was Pastor Setser's class, and no offense but that class was a breeze, shame on anyone who failed it! =])
I also watched the Royalty children briefly this morning. I got there early and the kiddos were still sleeping. I loved it! Abby was so excited that she could hardly sleep and while I was lying on the couch I was awoken to Nasey and when I asked him what he was doing, he smiled and said "I just wanted to see if you were here"!!!!! That just melted my heart, of course Anna who I love to death was not as excited to see me, but can you blame her? She loves her daddy adn her mommy. When Pastor Joel adn Mrs. Royalty walked in the door she said "Teara are you going home?" to which I replied, even though I already knew the answer "Do you want me to go home?" and as is the norm she said "yes" lol. But man if she is not the cutest.
Which reminds me of something that happened yesterday... two of my young boy bus kids lost their treat for fighting in class. Well, Donte is just a little truble maker so i was not too surprised about him, but the other was a new boy Xavion who just loves church and is a great kid. He told me, of course, that he didn't do anything and when I asked Donte what happened he said he had kicked him and that he started it and so I asked what exactly Xavion had done to him and he goes "He game me a wedgy" I am cracking up about that still, and as hard as I tried and as much as I covered my mouth I could not hold back in laughter in front of this boy. I probably could have done alittle better but Miss Toni (Sheldon's mom) also lost it and could not hold back her laugh and when I saw her and Sheldon laughing I just knew that I could not keep it in any longer. Luckily alittle 5 year old boy who is too concerned with the kids outside did not care that I was lughing at his very serious injury. lol.
Anywho, I am going to get ready for bed now. I have work tomorrow.. only two days of Taco Bell left! =]
I did well last semester and the first semester I did okay, but this year I am going to apply myself even harder than last. (This second semester I had all A's and B's, including one A plus but that was Pastor Setser's class, and no offense but that class was a breeze, shame on anyone who failed it! =])
I also watched the Royalty children briefly this morning. I got there early and the kiddos were still sleeping. I loved it! Abby was so excited that she could hardly sleep and while I was lying on the couch I was awoken to Nasey and when I asked him what he was doing, he smiled and said "I just wanted to see if you were here"!!!!! That just melted my heart, of course Anna who I love to death was not as excited to see me, but can you blame her? She loves her daddy adn her mommy. When Pastor Joel adn Mrs. Royalty walked in the door she said "Teara are you going home?" to which I replied, even though I already knew the answer "Do you want me to go home?" and as is the norm she said "yes" lol. But man if she is not the cutest.
Which reminds me of something that happened yesterday... two of my young boy bus kids lost their treat for fighting in class. Well, Donte is just a little truble maker so i was not too surprised about him, but the other was a new boy Xavion who just loves church and is a great kid. He told me, of course, that he didn't do anything and when I asked Donte what happened he said he had kicked him and that he started it and so I asked what exactly Xavion had done to him and he goes "He game me a wedgy" I am cracking up about that still, and as hard as I tried and as much as I covered my mouth I could not hold back in laughter in front of this boy. I probably could have done alittle better but Miss Toni (Sheldon's mom) also lost it and could not hold back her laugh and when I saw her and Sheldon laughing I just knew that I could not keep it in any longer. Luckily alittle 5 year old boy who is too concerned with the kids outside did not care that I was lughing at his very serious injury. lol.
Anywho, I am going to get ready for bed now. I have work tomorrow.. only two days of Taco Bell left! =]
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Sunday Morning with no Mayville's!... =[ (But it went well)
This morning went well. Bro. Toni Arnoto drove our bus and it was alittle rough because there were some stops that we took alittler bit longer way than normal but we got back to the church just in time. We had 12 riders and 4 workers on the bus, not the best we've done!!
For Sunday School I decided to have a review this week. Next Sunday is my last Sunday before I leave for school! =[ I need to remember to tell Miss Holland that!!!! But the review went well, I had 8 girls in my class. I was so excited!!!!! They remembered a lot and even knew some things from lessons they weren't there for. Abby Royalty is the only one who has been there every single Sunday this summer; we had one visitor though and she answered almost every question right as well. We also had the largest amount in offering that we have had all summer.. which most weeks was nothing... I do not know exactly how much there was this week but I know that it was the most so far!!
After we got back from bus I waited for the Davis' to return because Mrs. Davis was taking home. It was not much of a wait but I did clean one of the Sunday School rooms because it was left pretty trashed. By the time I was done with that though the Davis' were back from bus, so it worked out perfecetly!
I am looking forward to tonight, for no specific reason just that I am always looking forward to Sunday night!!! =]
For Sunday School I decided to have a review this week. Next Sunday is my last Sunday before I leave for school! =[ I need to remember to tell Miss Holland that!!!! But the review went well, I had 8 girls in my class. I was so excited!!!!! They remembered a lot and even knew some things from lessons they weren't there for. Abby Royalty is the only one who has been there every single Sunday this summer; we had one visitor though and she answered almost every question right as well. We also had the largest amount in offering that we have had all summer.. which most weeks was nothing... I do not know exactly how much there was this week but I know that it was the most so far!!
After we got back from bus I waited for the Davis' to return because Mrs. Davis was taking home. It was not much of a wait but I did clean one of the Sunday School rooms because it was left pretty trashed. By the time I was done with that though the Davis' were back from bus, so it worked out perfecetly!
I am looking forward to tonight, for no specific reason just that I am always looking forward to Sunday night!!! =]
Friday, August 21, 2009
I have much to say but am just so tired and what not that I just do not feel like saying it all. But Revival services were great, they were a tremendous blessing to all who attended and everyone is talking about next years Revival already!
Work has been the same, tiring, but good. There hasn't been any problems, and everything is running smoothly, which means something bad is bound to happen. =]
My allergies are well the same. Not much improvement from camp. They still swell up every once inawhile, but not as bad as that last Thursday at camp.. that was the worst ever! I now have an allergy department in my store, okay that was an exaggeration but I have never had this problem with allergies before, I have Clariton, Benadryl and Visine A. They were real bad today as far as watering burning and itchy go.
The Mayvilles are not here this weekend, in fact, Shawn is heading back to school after a wedding that she is attending this weekend! I miss her already! We worked out a plan were I would go to Fairhaven the first semester adn she would come to Faith the second, we decided too late though, so it didn't work. lol. But so, Bro. Bob will not be driving the bus Sunday and Mrs will not be there to keep everythin in order! =[ We do not know who is going to be driving, I guess I will find out Sunday morning. But pray all goes well there!! PLEASE!!
That is all for now. It's been an emotional couple days so that is all I will elaborate on!!!
Til next time!!
Work has been the same, tiring, but good. There hasn't been any problems, and everything is running smoothly, which means something bad is bound to happen. =]
My allergies are well the same. Not much improvement from camp. They still swell up every once inawhile, but not as bad as that last Thursday at camp.. that was the worst ever! I now have an allergy department in my store, okay that was an exaggeration but I have never had this problem with allergies before, I have Clariton, Benadryl and Visine A. They were real bad today as far as watering burning and itchy go.
The Mayvilles are not here this weekend, in fact, Shawn is heading back to school after a wedding that she is attending this weekend! I miss her already! We worked out a plan were I would go to Fairhaven the first semester adn she would come to Faith the second, we decided too late though, so it didn't work. lol. But so, Bro. Bob will not be driving the bus Sunday and Mrs will not be there to keep everythin in order! =[ We do not know who is going to be driving, I guess I will find out Sunday morning. But pray all goes well there!! PLEASE!!
That is all for now. It's been an emotional couple days so that is all I will elaborate on!!!
Til next time!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Funny Moments!
Okay you know how those random out of nowhere funny moments are already hilarious in and of themselves, well whenyou add a very tired me and coffee to the mix, it is even more funny! (I did have funnier but changed it knowing that Mrs. Nielsen would not be too happy with me if I hadn't... I am constantly remembering what Mrs. Nielsen tought in class, if that's not a good teacher then what is?) Anywho, so I am still tired drinking coffee and while in the kitchen getting my toaster strudel because my mom sister and I are about to go out shopping for school, my mom goes out of nowher "Steve Sr. (that's my daddy) I think you need to fix the toilet downstairs, it keeps flushing by itself" I LOST IT!!!!! I am still laughing about it and it was like 5 minutes ago. My sister replied that it was prob by brother (his room is in the basement) but my mom assured us that it was about 3 times in a half an hour (and the chances of my brother being up before being woken up, is highly unlikely)! So there you have it, I had to tell you all this!!
My Day, and Crazy Dream!
It is rather late, or early depending on how you look at it and I am just not able to fall asleep, so I said to myself, lets blog about how yesterday and today went. So to start, yesterday...
I went into work knowing that I was scheduled to go in at 4 haivng looked at the schedule a couple times only to find that I was not actually scheduled until 5... blonde moments? I never have those. So I clocked in alittle early, after looking at the schedule to see whoelse was going to be coming in. I was quickly, well, disappointed when I looked at what I refer to as "Our wonderfully new but lack of ability employees"!! Yes, we had 3 or 4 people scheduled who knew register and just my and Kerri who knew food. And Kerri was scheduled to leave at 7, and next in was Geoff. Well 5 O'Clock came around and one of our 5 O'Clockers did not show... go figure! We were rather slow at this time though, so it was not too bad. By the time 7 hit though we got slammed. Geoff ended up making drive thru orders (with some help from Sandy) and I did front regsiter orders. I was in a really good mood, surprisingly, and I thought that Geoff was going to be in a bad mood once he saw the schedule, but he wasn't either. So although there were only 2 (sometimes 3) of us making food when there should have been atleast 4 it went well and at 8 C.J. and John came in. That was all I needed, most of our guys that work there are funny easy going guys, so I was looking forward to them coming in to help ease the little tention that was there, and they did. John and I fought over drive thru orders, we kept talking at the same time trying to be the first to tlak to the customer and it ended in an ice fight, very fun though!!
I am not sure what went on last night though but everyone who came through at about 10-midnight was drunk. It was very discouraging but one car pulled up to drive thru a gril kept mumbling over the guy who was ordering and by the time they got to the window the girl was passed out. The guy had to search through her purse to find money because his was missing from his pocket. She woke up once to say over and over (and somewhat loudly) that she wanted fire sauce, then fell back out of it as he was about to drive away. Very sad, but I am grateful to have been spared from that kind of meaningless lifestyle.
But, my shift was over at midnight, since I was on register I did not get out until about 15 minutes after.
This morning I opened... YIKES!! No, I was not scheduled to work til midnight then be at work at 9 the next morning, I said yes when asked to come in. They just wanted me to fry though, so I knew it was not going to be a rough morning work wise. I like to fry. lol. And althugh they asked me to work a 5 hour shift to fry, I got everything done that I needed to in less than 2 hours, so I was out of there!!! =] Praise the Lord! Because I was sooo tired and still had to get ready for the second night (my first night) of Revival services in Cleveland! So I took a nap and got ready for that. There was a very good outcome and I cannot wait to see how many show up.
Everynight there is two speakers, tonight first was Pastor Royalty.. yes, my Pastor!!!!! and then Bro. Flanders is always last. Pastor Royalty's message was the one that i really needed. He preached on "Appetite" and Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." He spoke on having an appetite for the Word of God and it was just a great messge, and when I get it from Shawn I will probably listen to it a million times over and then make everyone at Faith listen to it as well!
We then headed back for home, and now I am just anxiously awaiting tomorrow's services. Oh, and I almost had to work tomorrow until 5, which we leave church at 5:15, needless to say I would not have been able to go had I worked til 5. But Lorenda, God bless her said she would work my shift for me... YAY! Praise the Lord, I get to agian tomorrow!
Now before I end this, I have to tell you all of my dream. Now remember I was extremely tired before my nap this afternoon and had the craziest dream. It wasn't too crazy at first, wierd, but not crazy.. started off as some family reunion turned into a revival meeting and then my mom and I were making Taco Bell orders, but not at Taco Bell.. but the crazy part (which I blame on Daryn, my neighbors son--in-law who was recently tlaking about denturs and how Jimmy looses his teeth every night) was in my dream my teeth kept falling out. They were my actual teeth though and they grew right back. I could like feel them falling out though, very creepy, and I am still paranoid about this! lol! I checked to make sure I had all my teeth like 5 times after I woke up. (which I do)!
I think I should try and go to sleep now. It is after 2 and I need to finish reading the book that I borrowed from Shawn tomorrow. She leaves fro college on Friday (well actually a friends, then college) and I want to return it before she leaves, and tomorrow will most likely be the last time I will see her before she leaves! =[ She's so great!
And with this I depart... We oftentimes go through trials that seem huge at the time, but in a wide view of things they are rather small. THere is always someone who is going through something worse than you are. I was tihnking of my alergies, I am so sick of watering eyes and swollen eyes and what not; but then I thought of a wonderful lady from church whose her and some in her families allergies are much worse than mine are, and they are just the sweetest people ever, never let it show when they do not feel well. I was also thinking of yet another sweet family I know. They have had trial after trial the past few months and have just been the greatest blessing to me and so sweet and so possitive, which encourages me to stay strong and possitive as well. After all, if these poeple who are going through much more than I am are still serving the Lord and going strong, then I most certainly can to. So remember, there is always someone who has it worse than you.. follow the Lord, and let Him guide you through every circumstance. And look to those who are older and wiser and have gone through more than you have! =]
I went into work knowing that I was scheduled to go in at 4 haivng looked at the schedule a couple times only to find that I was not actually scheduled until 5... blonde moments? I never have those. So I clocked in alittle early, after looking at the schedule to see whoelse was going to be coming in. I was quickly, well, disappointed when I looked at what I refer to as "Our wonderfully new but lack of ability employees"!! Yes, we had 3 or 4 people scheduled who knew register and just my and Kerri who knew food. And Kerri was scheduled to leave at 7, and next in was Geoff. Well 5 O'Clock came around and one of our 5 O'Clockers did not show... go figure! We were rather slow at this time though, so it was not too bad. By the time 7 hit though we got slammed. Geoff ended up making drive thru orders (with some help from Sandy) and I did front regsiter orders. I was in a really good mood, surprisingly, and I thought that Geoff was going to be in a bad mood once he saw the schedule, but he wasn't either. So although there were only 2 (sometimes 3) of us making food when there should have been atleast 4 it went well and at 8 C.J. and John came in. That was all I needed, most of our guys that work there are funny easy going guys, so I was looking forward to them coming in to help ease the little tention that was there, and they did. John and I fought over drive thru orders, we kept talking at the same time trying to be the first to tlak to the customer and it ended in an ice fight, very fun though!!
I am not sure what went on last night though but everyone who came through at about 10-midnight was drunk. It was very discouraging but one car pulled up to drive thru a gril kept mumbling over the guy who was ordering and by the time they got to the window the girl was passed out. The guy had to search through her purse to find money because his was missing from his pocket. She woke up once to say over and over (and somewhat loudly) that she wanted fire sauce, then fell back out of it as he was about to drive away. Very sad, but I am grateful to have been spared from that kind of meaningless lifestyle.
But, my shift was over at midnight, since I was on register I did not get out until about 15 minutes after.
This morning I opened... YIKES!! No, I was not scheduled to work til midnight then be at work at 9 the next morning, I said yes when asked to come in. They just wanted me to fry though, so I knew it was not going to be a rough morning work wise. I like to fry. lol. And althugh they asked me to work a 5 hour shift to fry, I got everything done that I needed to in less than 2 hours, so I was out of there!!! =] Praise the Lord! Because I was sooo tired and still had to get ready for the second night (my first night) of Revival services in Cleveland! So I took a nap and got ready for that. There was a very good outcome and I cannot wait to see how many show up.
Everynight there is two speakers, tonight first was Pastor Royalty.. yes, my Pastor!!!!! and then Bro. Flanders is always last. Pastor Royalty's message was the one that i really needed. He preached on "Appetite" and Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." He spoke on having an appetite for the Word of God and it was just a great messge, and when I get it from Shawn I will probably listen to it a million times over and then make everyone at Faith listen to it as well!
We then headed back for home, and now I am just anxiously awaiting tomorrow's services. Oh, and I almost had to work tomorrow until 5, which we leave church at 5:15, needless to say I would not have been able to go had I worked til 5. But Lorenda, God bless her said she would work my shift for me... YAY! Praise the Lord, I get to agian tomorrow!
Now before I end this, I have to tell you all of my dream. Now remember I was extremely tired before my nap this afternoon and had the craziest dream. It wasn't too crazy at first, wierd, but not crazy.. started off as some family reunion turned into a revival meeting and then my mom and I were making Taco Bell orders, but not at Taco Bell.. but the crazy part (which I blame on Daryn, my neighbors son--in-law who was recently tlaking about denturs and how Jimmy looses his teeth every night) was in my dream my teeth kept falling out. They were my actual teeth though and they grew right back. I could like feel them falling out though, very creepy, and I am still paranoid about this! lol! I checked to make sure I had all my teeth like 5 times after I woke up. (which I do)!
I think I should try and go to sleep now. It is after 2 and I need to finish reading the book that I borrowed from Shawn tomorrow. She leaves fro college on Friday (well actually a friends, then college) and I want to return it before she leaves, and tomorrow will most likely be the last time I will see her before she leaves! =[ She's so great!
And with this I depart... We oftentimes go through trials that seem huge at the time, but in a wide view of things they are rather small. THere is always someone who is going through something worse than you are. I was tihnking of my alergies, I am so sick of watering eyes and swollen eyes and what not; but then I thought of a wonderful lady from church whose her and some in her families allergies are much worse than mine are, and they are just the sweetest people ever, never let it show when they do not feel well. I was also thinking of yet another sweet family I know. They have had trial after trial the past few months and have just been the greatest blessing to me and so sweet and so possitive, which encourages me to stay strong and possitive as well. After all, if these poeple who are going through much more than I am are still serving the Lord and going strong, then I most certainly can to. So remember, there is always someone who has it worse than you.. follow the Lord, and let Him guide you through every circumstance. And look to those who are older and wiser and have gone through more than you have! =]
Monday, August 17, 2009
It Is Possible!
Okay so recently I have just been not discouraged but kind of, I guess shocked at the weddings I've been to or seen pictures of that these Christian girls are wearing imodest dresses. It just drives me crazy. Alittle bit ago I was at a wedding of a girl who I know rather well, and I always knew that she liked to look "up to date" with the latest fashions but I never thought that she would be so consumed with it that her wedding dress would be so imodest. I know a lot of people say that dress standard are a matter of opinion and conviction, and I agree with that to a certain extent. But there are some basic dressing issues that I feel are not a matter of conviction but a matter of right and wrong. If whatever you are wearing is causing guys to look at you then you are in the wrong. I am not going to get into specifics but I think everyone knows what I am talking about. It just aggravates me. There are standards set for a us for a reason, there are rules there for a reason, not to keep us locked up or dressing like "old ladies", but to protect us and those around us from looking at us in an ungodly way.
With that said, I recently came across a picture of a friend from Hyles of her and her husbands wedding. Her dress was modest in every way, not showing anything that she shouldn't have been. (It may be your wedding, but your husband is not the only one who is going to be seeing you). So I started talking to other married friends from Hyles (Yes, I have friends my age, and younger who are married... hey, mines coming... maybe! Well, if it's Gods will for me) and asked to see pictures of weddings, and I found these beautiful ladies in modest wedding dresses, and loved it. So I just had to post a few pictures. It is possible ladies, you may have to look harder or make some extra alterations, but it is possible...

Bethany (Butler) Beil and I were in the same division at Hyles. She is just the sweetest ever, and is soooo gorgeous. Notice though, her dress is competely modest. =]

I do not know the girl (well I know her name is Andrea) but I also went to school with Matt Waterhouse, very talented at playing piano and singing, and her dress is absolutely beautiful!
The following pictures are of my friend Amy's wedding. She has just the sweetest spirit, is absolutely crazy and mine and her busses were often combined during my first year of college. She was on Bethany's route (first picture shown) so are two bus routes were really close!

Christy (MacRae) Fryman, I do not remember how I met her, I think through a mutual friend, but she was just the sweetest girl, and one of the girls at Hyles who I really enjoyed being around!
I just love the picture of her and her bridesmaids.

I did not know Tarynn and Max all that well, but Tarynn oftentimes ended up sitting at the same table as my friends and I at lunch, and Max was on security at the college, so everyone knew who he was.
With that said, I recently came across a picture of a friend from Hyles of her and her husbands wedding. Her dress was modest in every way, not showing anything that she shouldn't have been. (It may be your wedding, but your husband is not the only one who is going to be seeing you). So I started talking to other married friends from Hyles (Yes, I have friends my age, and younger who are married... hey, mines coming... maybe! Well, if it's Gods will for me) and asked to see pictures of weddings, and I found these beautiful ladies in modest wedding dresses, and loved it. So I just had to post a few pictures. It is possible ladies, you may have to look harder or make some extra alterations, but it is possible...

Bethany (Butler) Beil and I were in the same division at Hyles. She is just the sweetest ever, and is soooo gorgeous. Notice though, her dress is competely modest. =]

I do not know the girl (well I know her name is Andrea) but I also went to school with Matt Waterhouse, very talented at playing piano and singing, and her dress is absolutely beautiful!
The following pictures are of my friend Amy's wedding. She has just the sweetest spirit, is absolutely crazy and mine and her busses were often combined during my first year of college. She was on Bethany's route (first picture shown) so are two bus routes were really close!

Christy (MacRae) Fryman, I do not remember how I met her, I think through a mutual friend, but she was just the sweetest girl, and one of the girls at Hyles who I really enjoyed being around!

I did not know Tarynn and Max all that well, but Tarynn oftentimes ended up sitting at the same table as my friends and I at lunch, and Max was on security at the college, so everyone knew who he was.
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