Well, I am thankful to say that I got about 8 hours of sleep last night.. Yes, 8. The most in, well awhile. And I did not get a headache today, so I do believe that it was my lack of sleep that was causing my headaches. So hopefully I will have no more problems sleeping.
Today started off as normal, nothing new, nothing fun. Then I went into work. I only had a 4 hour and 15 minute shift today though, so it wasn't bad. I steemed the whole time, and we had some HUGE orders, but it was all okay. I finally worked with Gerald, who I have not worked with in forever, and he is always the one to make me laugh... every second he is saying something or doing something to make us all laugh. (and it's all good stuff, like nothing, well bad... so that is extra good). We had a really good crew today.... John, Gerald, Ashley, Neka, and Angel... they are some of my fav.'s, so I was thankful to get to work with them.
I then went home, and surprise surprise... the Arielle and Kristen were over (actually we had my mom, my dad, Jimmy and Judy (the neighbors), Daryn and Amy (their daughter and son-in-law), Arielle and Kristen (the granddaughters)... all on our patio. We played ball though.. with about 6 different balls, and we caught lightening bugs (9 in total, if I remember correctly). There was one that had a broken wing and could not fly and stayed on me for about 5 minutes, so we decided to name it, and came up with the name Louis. Well I put Louis in the grass, and Arielle hopped off the patio to see him, when all of a sudden as soon as my dad and I said "I hope you didn't step on him" a slight glow came from underneath Arielle's sandal. We quickly moved her foot, and did not see another light after that. So i am thinking it is safe to say that Louis is dead! Do lightening bugs go to heaven? hmmmm! I doubt it! ;)
Well, my sister and I are going to Sprint tomorrow to upgrade her cell phone, so I will prob be up early, which means i should prob go to sleep now. =] So until tomorrow.. well maybe a couple days, because I am off for the next 6 days so there may not be much happening tomorrow. We will see.
And with this I depart... There are some poeple in our lives that we just have to let go of. When we first meet someone, they may appear to be someone they are not. When they fall into sin we have to seperate ourselves from them, to show them that we know that what they are doing is wrong. Pray for them, when you see them say hi to them, don't ignore them; but you cannot allow that friendship to continue. Realize that when a hard time comes in their life, that it may be the Lord trying to get their attention. Continue to pray for them, but do not allow them to tear you down.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Still No Fireworks, Yet! :)
This weekend has been good. Tomorrow I work, then have 6 days in a row off, I think I am oging to try and take someones shift on Thursday though, we will see. Um, I don't really remember Friday too much, and I may have already posted about Friday, I don't remember. Yesterday, Saturday was okay. I was suppose to work a 10 hour shift, but I got to go early. I think my head was killing me all day yesterday, then my stomach started bothering me really bad, so I was glad to go home early, even though I lsot the hours. I hope I don't go into work til the afternoon tomorrow, and I hope that I am able to sleep in. I think my lack of sleep is what is causing my headaches, but the problem is that I have not been able to sleep, I just like lay there, I don't know, but it can only get better. =]
This morning I only had 4 in my Sunday School class, but I am praising the Lord for the 4 that I had. And I found out that Mrs. Royalty had her baby... lilttle Alayna Ruth Royalty. Please continue to pray though, neither of them are out of the hospital yet, and both, well need our prayers.
Then, I was in nursery tonight. Lydia and I had 3 little munchkins with us. We had the three best girls: Anna, Adelyn and Dani... I was looking forward to having Joey in there as well, but he was not there tonight. I just love them, and Anna, I don't know, she just is so precious and I jsut wanna hug and kiss her all the time, and I love it when she says my name. =]
Then we had an afterglow, I was not going to attend, because I was going to go to the Davis's then go to fireworks with them, well I was talked into going to the afterglow, and it ended up ending late, and I completely missed the fireworks, I was alittle bummed because I have not seen fireworks yet, adn they were atleast the 2nd ones that I have missed now, but Lord willing I will not miss anymore. The afterglow was fun though... we did a scavenger hunt arund Boardman, hehe. On my team we had Ben, Rashaad, Uriah, Amy and I... now I must admit that in the beggining I was alitle discouraged about our team but, we prevailed and ended up winning, with a total of 340 points, second place 225 points, so we did great. We even got to sit in a police car (which was 50 points) then one of us was handcuffed, which got us an extra 100 points,.... =] Yay us! So today was good over all.
Now for alittle sidenote, I think that some of what I am saying may sound too negative sometimes, but I do not mean for it to come across as such. Yes, I have been facing some trials, but I have not gotten discouraged about any of it. It has become a summer ritual for me to come home and end up loosing another friend, or something like that.. not to say that I am use to it, but now I know that the Lord is truly with me, and that He is all I need, and He will guide me. So I do apologize if I sound negative or depressed or anything, becuase I am not. I am truly thankfu for the friends that I have, and the Godly people who influence my life.
Bethy Williams, I absolutely love you and I was so excited when I listened to your voicemail.. yes, I was sleeping, you know me too well. And then I did not listen to it (actually I did not turn my phone on) until I was out the door leaving for church... go figure, Right? But thanks soooooo much!
I am going to try to sleep long tonight, please pray these headaches go away, and who knows, maybe a 6 day break is what I need. I did not ask for it, but maybe it is part of the Lord's will for me right now.
And with this I depart... Sometimes we are going to get discouraged and get down because we do not get to do what we wnat to do, or because we miss something that we didn't want to miss. But we have to remember to enjoy every moment, and not to dwell on what we are missing, but to be thankful for what we are recieving. We are going to be dissapointed a lot in life, so we need to move on and move past those disapointments and look at life as another day to serve the Lord. His will is always best after all. =]
This morning I only had 4 in my Sunday School class, but I am praising the Lord for the 4 that I had. And I found out that Mrs. Royalty had her baby... lilttle Alayna Ruth Royalty. Please continue to pray though, neither of them are out of the hospital yet, and both, well need our prayers.
Then, I was in nursery tonight. Lydia and I had 3 little munchkins with us. We had the three best girls: Anna, Adelyn and Dani... I was looking forward to having Joey in there as well, but he was not there tonight. I just love them, and Anna, I don't know, she just is so precious and I jsut wanna hug and kiss her all the time, and I love it when she says my name. =]
Then we had an afterglow, I was not going to attend, because I was going to go to the Davis's then go to fireworks with them, well I was talked into going to the afterglow, and it ended up ending late, and I completely missed the fireworks, I was alittle bummed because I have not seen fireworks yet, adn they were atleast the 2nd ones that I have missed now, but Lord willing I will not miss anymore. The afterglow was fun though... we did a scavenger hunt arund Boardman, hehe. On my team we had Ben, Rashaad, Uriah, Amy and I... now I must admit that in the beggining I was alitle discouraged about our team but, we prevailed and ended up winning, with a total of 340 points, second place 225 points, so we did great. We even got to sit in a police car (which was 50 points) then one of us was handcuffed, which got us an extra 100 points,.... =] Yay us! So today was good over all.
Now for alittle sidenote, I think that some of what I am saying may sound too negative sometimes, but I do not mean for it to come across as such. Yes, I have been facing some trials, but I have not gotten discouraged about any of it. It has become a summer ritual for me to come home and end up loosing another friend, or something like that.. not to say that I am use to it, but now I know that the Lord is truly with me, and that He is all I need, and He will guide me. So I do apologize if I sound negative or depressed or anything, becuase I am not. I am truly thankfu for the friends that I have, and the Godly people who influence my life.
Bethy Williams, I absolutely love you and I was so excited when I listened to your voicemail.. yes, I was sleeping, you know me too well. And then I did not listen to it (actually I did not turn my phone on) until I was out the door leaving for church... go figure, Right? But thanks soooooo much!
I am going to try to sleep long tonight, please pray these headaches go away, and who knows, maybe a 6 day break is what I need. I did not ask for it, but maybe it is part of the Lord's will for me right now.
And with this I depart... Sometimes we are going to get discouraged and get down because we do not get to do what we wnat to do, or because we miss something that we didn't want to miss. But we have to remember to enjoy every moment, and not to dwell on what we are missing, but to be thankful for what we are recieving. We are going to be dissapointed a lot in life, so we need to move on and move past those disapointments and look at life as another day to serve the Lord. His will is always best after all. =]
Friday, June 26, 2009
I have to catch up on sleep.
I do not know why, but I have just not been able to sleep lately. This mornin I woke up at 5, forced myself to go back to sleep by 7 becase I knew I would be dead at work, if I did not get more sleep. Which, my mom woke me up at 10 telling me I was suppose to be at work at 11, not 4, like I thought. So I went into work, but luckily I was on front register adn drive thru all day. It was extremely hot, so register was where I wanted to be, because I would not have to work around all the hot food. Usually, when I work morning I am on register atleast the first half of my shift. My good news is that, I requested off for the 4th whne I came back from school, well I was 5th in line to request off so I did not get it. Well my cousin Mike is coming back so my awesome RGM asked him, for me, if he would want to work it.. and he said yes. So now, I get to spend the 4th with the fam, I am super excited!!!!! I was hoping that since I had an ealry shift today, that I would tomorrow too so that I could go to fireworks, however, I do not get off until 11. =[ it's all good thugh because I still get to go to Boardman's on Sunday. Work went real well today. I had maybe 3 rude costumers.. THAT'S IT; and a lot of nice ones. Plus, the girl at work who is, well phsyco and was rude last night, she came in today and was completely going out of her way to be nice to me. I was seriously confused, but now I know even better to stay as far away from her as possible. Geoff was even nice to me today. Kerri and Jacqui were the other 2 managers that i worked with today.. I love Kerri and Jacqui, they are soooo great! They both laugh at all the same stupid things that I laugh at, and Jacqui is even more crazy than I am. So, it works.
My night has been very predictable lately... somenights I am outside playing with the girls (depending on if they are next door or not), then I go inside, get a massive headache within an hour tops of being off work, and become extremely tired from my lack of sleep. It takes me forever to fall asleep, adn then I do not sleep very long. I am not stressed out, I don't think, but this is what happened when I was at Hyles.. only then I was, well projecting bodily fluids, as well. Tonight though, I am going to take some allergy meds (yes, two cats are much much much worse than one when you are allergic to them), but hopefully that will take care of my allergy problem for alittle, plus knock me out for a good 7 or 8 hours.
Well, I should try and go to sleep now (allergy med, here I come). Plus I am talking to Jenn and Ashley right now, so I should prob pay attention to them.
And with this I depart... Faith is something that all Christians must have. Faith that God will meet our needs and will provide when we need it. As our trials and struggles increase, so should our faith. Worrying is a sin, and God wants us to trust Him and to trust that He will provide. So there is no need to worry really. If we are living lives that are glorifying to God, then He is sure to provide for us. So serve the Lord, and have faith that He will provide.
My night has been very predictable lately... somenights I am outside playing with the girls (depending on if they are next door or not), then I go inside, get a massive headache within an hour tops of being off work, and become extremely tired from my lack of sleep. It takes me forever to fall asleep, adn then I do not sleep very long. I am not stressed out, I don't think, but this is what happened when I was at Hyles.. only then I was, well projecting bodily fluids, as well. Tonight though, I am going to take some allergy meds (yes, two cats are much much much worse than one when you are allergic to them), but hopefully that will take care of my allergy problem for alittle, plus knock me out for a good 7 or 8 hours.
Well, I should try and go to sleep now (allergy med, here I come). Plus I am talking to Jenn and Ashley right now, so I should prob pay attention to them.
And with this I depart... Faith is something that all Christians must have. Faith that God will meet our needs and will provide when we need it. As our trials and struggles increase, so should our faith. Worrying is a sin, and God wants us to trust Him and to trust that He will provide. So there is no need to worry really. If we are living lives that are glorifying to God, then He is sure to provide for us. So serve the Lord, and have faith that He will provide.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Well, I got up this morning at 9, then went back to sleep until 11. Yes, that is like 4 1/2 hours of sleep that I got, but I cannot sleep late, never could. So I went through the day tired as can be, but loving it.
I got my secret sister a gift today, and I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!! I hope she likes it even half as much as I did. It all fit into a theme, and there was a soap dispenser, two picture frames, Bath and Body works soap, and a little figurine with a Bible, praying hands and an encouraging note in the background (she is not on my blog, so my secret sister will not see this, no worries).
Then I went to church. Becky Phelps and I talked and sat by each other at church, I love her, she is so great. She went to the pool yesterday, and you know what she did? She did not swim, she knitted, lol. And she is almost done knitting her blanket, I love her, she is so cute, but she got VERY burnt. She is beat red, especially her legs. Mrs. Royalty was also there tonight. I think she said she is at 33 weeks now, and she wants to make it to 35, 36 weeks, so keep praying for her, I love her so much and cannot wait to babysit the 6 kids. Isaac and Abby asked me today who my favorite Royalty was, so I told them that "I have 6 favorite Royalty children" then went on to say "Well 5, and one on the way". I love those kids so much. I then rode home with the Nielsen's, and well Brittany and Ben gave directions to my house... you'd have to be there to understand. =]
Then I went home and played ball with the two girls next door again. We ate cake too, my mom baked chocolate cake... YUM!
My night quickly turned alittle discouraging when I had to cancel the slumber party because I was so tired, and I realized that Cierra moved in with a girl from work who does not have a good repuation and is not saved. I then recieved an angry message from that girl (who had no idea that I canceled because I did not want to hang out with her not to mention sleep at her house), needless to say, I am not rescheduling that slumber party.
I am talking to Carl and Jenn now though, and they are cheering me up to some extent. lol. I am so thankful for the Lord's leading in my life, adn feel complete peace about the friendships that I have chosen to end. Remember, bad always changes good, not the other way around.
I should really get to sleep soon though. I am exhausted.
And with this I depart... if you are asked to do something or take something or anything, and have any doubts about it, then don't do it. I have found that everytime I was not sure about something, when I went and did it anyway it always ended badly; but when I resisted and didn't do it, it was always a wise decision. Follow God's leading for your life. If you do have doubt about someting pray and ask God to give you the wisdom to make the right decision, but then you have to make that decision and not ignore what you are being told. We are going to go through many trials in life, but God will direct us through each and every one of them if we allow Him to, and if we follow His guidance. So trust the Lord, and remember that He wants us to place all our burdens on Him. We cannot carry them, but He can, and loves us enough to carry them for us!!
I got my secret sister a gift today, and I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!! I hope she likes it even half as much as I did. It all fit into a theme, and there was a soap dispenser, two picture frames, Bath and Body works soap, and a little figurine with a Bible, praying hands and an encouraging note in the background (she is not on my blog, so my secret sister will not see this, no worries).
Then I went to church. Becky Phelps and I talked and sat by each other at church, I love her, she is so great. She went to the pool yesterday, and you know what she did? She did not swim, she knitted, lol. And she is almost done knitting her blanket, I love her, she is so cute, but she got VERY burnt. She is beat red, especially her legs. Mrs. Royalty was also there tonight. I think she said she is at 33 weeks now, and she wants to make it to 35, 36 weeks, so keep praying for her, I love her so much and cannot wait to babysit the 6 kids. Isaac and Abby asked me today who my favorite Royalty was, so I told them that "I have 6 favorite Royalty children" then went on to say "Well 5, and one on the way". I love those kids so much. I then rode home with the Nielsen's, and well Brittany and Ben gave directions to my house... you'd have to be there to understand. =]
Then I went home and played ball with the two girls next door again. We ate cake too, my mom baked chocolate cake... YUM!
My night quickly turned alittle discouraging when I had to cancel the slumber party because I was so tired, and I realized that Cierra moved in with a girl from work who does not have a good repuation and is not saved. I then recieved an angry message from that girl (who had no idea that I canceled because I did not want to hang out with her not to mention sleep at her house), needless to say, I am not rescheduling that slumber party.
I am talking to Carl and Jenn now though, and they are cheering me up to some extent. lol. I am so thankful for the Lord's leading in my life, adn feel complete peace about the friendships that I have chosen to end. Remember, bad always changes good, not the other way around.
I should really get to sleep soon though. I am exhausted.
And with this I depart... if you are asked to do something or take something or anything, and have any doubts about it, then don't do it. I have found that everytime I was not sure about something, when I went and did it anyway it always ended badly; but when I resisted and didn't do it, it was always a wise decision. Follow God's leading for your life. If you do have doubt about someting pray and ask God to give you the wisdom to make the right decision, but then you have to make that decision and not ignore what you are being told. We are going to go through many trials in life, but God will direct us through each and every one of them if we allow Him to, and if we follow His guidance. So trust the Lord, and remember that He wants us to place all our burdens on Him. We cannot carry them, but He can, and loves us enough to carry them for us!!
Two Shifts... One Day!
It is almost 6 in the morning, and I just got home alittle bit ago from my second shift of the night at work. But, I will start with my day as of this morning, well yesterday morning. Nothing real exciting happened before work, not that work was exciting there either, but it was just a normal morning. I went into work at 2 and was scheduled to get off at 8. I was on drive thru for most of my shift, which was fun. I did lose 4 coupons somehow... I turned around and they were gone. I am assuming that either my bro took them being funny or that I just dropped them somehow, although we looked everywhere for them. Oh well, they will hopefully appear somewhere. I then went on line to make food, I was very tired by this point, I do not know why but steaming makes me more tired than drive thru does. I guess because when I am on drive I am moving more so it keeps me more awake, who knows. Then at 7, Lexi was suppose to come in, but she didnt. So they called her and she didn't answer, knowing that the other scheduled closer is not the fastest closer, I did not want Kerri to have to suffer with that (Kerri is so nice) so I volunteered to come back at midnight and close (I had to go home and get some sleep though). So, I went home, played with the girls next door for alittle then went to sleep.. if only it was that easy. I never go to sleep early, I am a late night person forsure, and I could not go to sleep worth anything, I did get probably a half an hour- and hour of sleep, so it wasn't too bad.
Then, for my second shift at Taco Bell for the day. It was not too busy, we were steady, and had our breaks with no cars so that we could catch up on everything that we needed to. Kerri, Shawn and I had everything done ahead of time (well everything that is posisble to do early, we got done) and when closing came around we had no extra work to do, just the closing work. I started out breaking down line in the front of the store, but ended up trading with Shawn because he had a splint on his finger that could not get wet (so after I did most of the work up front, I went around back to finish the dishes). When we were leaving Kerri asked me to close all the time, she said she had not gotten out that early in a long time. The thing is that we were 15 minutes later than we are suppose to be, so I don't know how late they normally are, but I was kind of disapointed with being 15 minutes late. However, I have not closed in over a year, and even when I use to close all the time, I hated closing front, and only did it a couple times, and that was the main thing I did tonight... Hmmmm, not as bad as I remember! ;)
Anywho, that was my day. Now tonight i have church, and then Cierra Amber and I are having a good old, old fashion sleepover (l0ts of junk food, I am sure). Yes, we are 18, 21, and 23 but you are never too old for makeovers, and stying up all night eating food that you are going to regret eating the next morning. lol. I guess I should go to sleep now considering I have almsot been up for 24 hours, with a short nap cought in there somewhere, and will most likely be up all night again.
And with this I depart... First impressions are very important. Many people judge your character by the first time they meet you. it is important to come across as a nice, decent person. We all have our moments, but should never want to show our worse side our first time meeting someone. So remember to smile. becuase you never know who is watching; and if you need to jsut break down... get alone. There are always people watching you, and judging you, so it is best to be alone when you are at your worse.
Then, for my second shift at Taco Bell for the day. It was not too busy, we were steady, and had our breaks with no cars so that we could catch up on everything that we needed to. Kerri, Shawn and I had everything done ahead of time (well everything that is posisble to do early, we got done) and when closing came around we had no extra work to do, just the closing work. I started out breaking down line in the front of the store, but ended up trading with Shawn because he had a splint on his finger that could not get wet (so after I did most of the work up front, I went around back to finish the dishes). When we were leaving Kerri asked me to close all the time, she said she had not gotten out that early in a long time. The thing is that we were 15 minutes later than we are suppose to be, so I don't know how late they normally are, but I was kind of disapointed with being 15 minutes late. However, I have not closed in over a year, and even when I use to close all the time, I hated closing front, and only did it a couple times, and that was the main thing I did tonight... Hmmmm, not as bad as I remember! ;)
Anywho, that was my day. Now tonight i have church, and then Cierra Amber and I are having a good old, old fashion sleepover (l0ts of junk food, I am sure). Yes, we are 18, 21, and 23 but you are never too old for makeovers, and stying up all night eating food that you are going to regret eating the next morning. lol. I guess I should go to sleep now considering I have almsot been up for 24 hours, with a short nap cought in there somewhere, and will most likely be up all night again.
And with this I depart... First impressions are very important. Many people judge your character by the first time they meet you. it is important to come across as a nice, decent person. We all have our moments, but should never want to show our worse side our first time meeting someone. So remember to smile. becuase you never know who is watching; and if you need to jsut break down... get alone. There are always people watching you, and judging you, so it is best to be alone when you are at your worse.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Alittle more sun!
Today was well. I ended up sleeping in the living room again because at 2 this morning I killed 3 ants, 2 on my bed, and I saw a 3rd one on my bed, but it got away from me. My dad set out traps now, and sprayed raid, hopefully they are finally gone.
I was off today, my mom, sister and I went out to the Austintown Wal Mart to shop.. well they shopped, I was just there to be there. For once, nothing bad happened on 680, while we were on it atleast.
Next stop was back home, I did not get much sleep last night so I went to sleep "for just a half an hour" at about 4ish, I did not get up until 6. I woke up to several messages, and a missed call from a number that I did not know. (BTW: if you call me, please leave a message; because if I do not have ur number in my phone, and you do not leave a messge, I will not call you back. On occasion I don't even answer my phone if I do not know the number.)
Anywho, when I awoke I found out that the girls were next door (Arielle and Kristen) so I went outside and played with them. I had to take many videos of them, every time I stopped they asked me to make another.. they also made a couple themselves as well. Then we all ate spagetti and meatballs (thanks to Judy). Then played some more with the girls. That is exhausting. We ended the night by catching lightening bugs. (Oh, but I did get alittle more tan, athough not on th eback of arms... still =[ )
I did not have to work today, I got the day off, surprisingly. But it was a fun day. I work 2-8 tomorrow. So we will see how that goes. I guess that is all for now... pretty boring day to write about, but it was actually pretty eventful playing with the girls for 4 hours. =]
And with this, I depart... well, I guess I do not really have anything useful to say!! So, today's post just wasn't the best all around. =]
I was off today, my mom, sister and I went out to the Austintown Wal Mart to shop.. well they shopped, I was just there to be there. For once, nothing bad happened on 680, while we were on it atleast.
Next stop was back home, I did not get much sleep last night so I went to sleep "for just a half an hour" at about 4ish, I did not get up until 6. I woke up to several messages, and a missed call from a number that I did not know. (BTW: if you call me, please leave a message; because if I do not have ur number in my phone, and you do not leave a messge, I will not call you back. On occasion I don't even answer my phone if I do not know the number.)
Anywho, when I awoke I found out that the girls were next door (Arielle and Kristen) so I went outside and played with them. I had to take many videos of them, every time I stopped they asked me to make another.. they also made a couple themselves as well. Then we all ate spagetti and meatballs (thanks to Judy). Then played some more with the girls. That is exhausting. We ended the night by catching lightening bugs. (Oh, but I did get alittle more tan, athough not on th eback of arms... still =[ )
I did not have to work today, I got the day off, surprisingly. But it was a fun day. I work 2-8 tomorrow. So we will see how that goes. I guess that is all for now... pretty boring day to write about, but it was actually pretty eventful playing with the girls for 4 hours. =]
And with this, I depart... well, I guess I do not really have anything useful to say!! So, today's post just wasn't the best all around. =]
Sunday, June 21, 2009
33 =]
Today was GREAT! We started out slow on the bus, quite a few "no's", but then some came who haven't been in couple weeks (Le Le, Shuckie, and Teeter) and some brough visitors (Haliena brought her three step cousin: Toni, Antonio, and Eddie) and we ended up with 33 riders! That is the highest number we have had since I've been back, so I was very excited!!! Today was the day that everyone (with the exception of the 5 year olds and younger) went into "big church" a.k.a. main service. Once a month (3rd week of the month) all the Sunday School classes go into the auditorium, which is nice and gives those who are not in the bus ministry a chance to see the bus kids. They normally do pretty good, we of course have a few interuption every now and again, but for the most part they behave very well. After the preaching Mrs. Nielsen walked the aisle with five children from her visitor's class who accepted Christ as thier personal Savior (two of them where two of the three step cousins that Haliena brought to church... the 3rd boy is only 4 so he was in the Wilcox's class instead of visitor's class). The ride home was fun.. we forgot that two of our litle ones where going to their grandma's after church so they needed to get on Bro. Bill's bus, so we had to meet up with Bro. Bill to switch them, luckily we realized quickly so there was not much confusion, and niether busses had to back track (I don't believe), so that was good.
This afternoon was same as normal. I took a nap, lol. A much needed nap, and Gizmo (one of our cats) even napped with me for alittle. I normally do not allow the cats in my room, since I am alergic to them, however my mom had left my door open and so when I was sleeping she (the cat) jumped on my bed, so I decided to let her lay there, expecting she would try to attack my soon, however she didn't so she laid with me for alittle, then left. =] Im not competely mean!
Church was great, of course. Shawn put some really good music onto my flash drive, I am listening to it now, and I really really enjoy it so far. She is so sweet, and I am so thankful for her and her family, and so excited that we all go to the same church! We thought Boardman fireworks were going to be tonight, but as it turns out they are not until next Sunday, but the Davis's said that I can ride with them, I cannot wait. I love the Davis's they are great, and I love fireworks... so it all works out! =]
After church I played with Arielle and Kristen (two granddaughters of my neighbor), we played ball, spilt my moms pop after the ball ricoted (I am sure I spelled that wrong) off my mom. But that was because we were throwing the balls on the roof.. Arielle missed the roof that time, needless to say. Anywho, I think I will continue listening to the music Shawn gave me, and then, well I don't know yet, but we will see.
And with this I depart... Forgiveness is very important and is a must if you are striving to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord. At the same time, yes, we need to forgive, but there are some poeple who it is best for us not to be around. The Bible says as Christians we need to be seperate from the world, we cannot be seperate from the world if we have friends who are in the world. Be nice to everyone, yes, but being nice does not mean that you have to be friends with them. And chances are, if they cross you once in a wrong way, they will again. Forgive them, but maybe you shouldn't get too close again.
BTW: These little departing notes that I leave are always for me, and usually from a trial that I am trying to overcome or that the Lord brought me through.
This afternoon was same as normal. I took a nap, lol. A much needed nap, and Gizmo (one of our cats) even napped with me for alittle. I normally do not allow the cats in my room, since I am alergic to them, however my mom had left my door open and so when I was sleeping she (the cat) jumped on my bed, so I decided to let her lay there, expecting she would try to attack my soon, however she didn't so she laid with me for alittle, then left. =] Im not competely mean!
Church was great, of course. Shawn put some really good music onto my flash drive, I am listening to it now, and I really really enjoy it so far. She is so sweet, and I am so thankful for her and her family, and so excited that we all go to the same church! We thought Boardman fireworks were going to be tonight, but as it turns out they are not until next Sunday, but the Davis's said that I can ride with them, I cannot wait. I love the Davis's they are great, and I love fireworks... so it all works out! =]
After church I played with Arielle and Kristen (two granddaughters of my neighbor), we played ball, spilt my moms pop after the ball ricoted (I am sure I spelled that wrong) off my mom. But that was because we were throwing the balls on the roof.. Arielle missed the roof that time, needless to say. Anywho, I think I will continue listening to the music Shawn gave me, and then, well I don't know yet, but we will see.
And with this I depart... Forgiveness is very important and is a must if you are striving to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord. At the same time, yes, we need to forgive, but there are some poeple who it is best for us not to be around. The Bible says as Christians we need to be seperate from the world, we cannot be seperate from the world if we have friends who are in the world. Be nice to everyone, yes, but being nice does not mean that you have to be friends with them. And chances are, if they cross you once in a wrong way, they will again. Forgive them, but maybe you shouldn't get too close again.
BTW: These little departing notes that I leave are always for me, and usually from a trial that I am trying to overcome or that the Lord brought me through.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
I hate ants/Bad Day turned to Okay!
I guess I should start by saying that the house my family and I currently reside in has only been inhabitat by people in my family. My grandpa helped build this house (I do believe) and lived there until his death, when it was left to my mom. This house has always had a problem with ants in the summer time.... VERY CREEPY!!! Well, as it turns out, there are only two rooms with this problem... my sisters and, you guessed it, mine! Well it turns out that when my dad was diggin up some of the planting stuff that the hired gardener put in when my grandpa lived here, we think he disturbed the ants and their homes. My sister started seeing ants in her room a couple days ago after the first big rain (Tuesday night, I believe it was) well we had to spray Raid in there, but thankfully we got rid of them, and they were only in her room. The thing was, everytime she found one, it was already dead, so we assumed that all the Raid she had sprayed was killing them right away, but she noticed they had wings (yes, everyones worse nightmare, fying ants). Well, last night, I was lying in my bed when I felt something crawling on my leg, I hate bugs, I like jumped up and there it was an ant, on my leg... I then realized that like 6 more were crawling up my bed! GROSS!!!!!! By this time, it was like 2 in the morning. I panicked, and told my sister, her and I moved my bed and found a couple, but nowhere near as many as she had. So my dad woke up to see what all the commosion was and came into my room. So we started tearing apart the two rooms, cleaning everything, and pulling everything out so we could see where they all were. We found that the majority of them were in my sisters room but that there were some in mine. So we sprayed Raid everywere and my sister and I slept in the living room. We did not get to sleep until like 4:30 this morning. I had work at 2 and was exhausted all day!!!!!!! Oh, and yesterday when I posted that maybe Carl would be able to cheer me up the next time I needed it.. yeah. he failed that test, lol.
I spent way too much time on that subject, so on to my day today. This morning was horrible, I do not want to go into it, but I ended up going into work crying. I was walking rather quickly in, because I didnot want strangers (customers) to see my crying. Then I heard "Clara Bell", so I tunred around and who did I see? Aunt Shu Shu (a.k.a. Aunt Sherri, okay and she is not my aunt, but she is Amber Puglia's aunt, and I have known her for YEARS!!!!!) Well, she quickly gave my a hug and talked to me for a little and made me feel better! I love her, she is so sweet.
I was oline most of the day today, but they did get the air fixed.. Praise the Lord! And I was so tired I could not go like 2 minutes without yawning. Oh, but today was John's birthday, and I was so happy to be working with him, becuase he always makes me laugh (so does Gerald, but I have not worked with him in forever) but everyone was real sweet, and everyone kept asking if I was okay (of course I did not really tell anyone what was wrong, with the exception of my RGM and Amber) But today was a good day at work overall.
Then I went home with a horrible migraine... as is the norm anymore, so I took medicine and that helped, but now it is back. lol. My mom and I went to pick up my sister from work, when this maniac came speeding into the parking lot, almost hit us, then we got mad because he almost rammed us, and he had he nerve to do it 3 more times on purpose. I was so scared, because he was literally going like 40 MPH (atleast) and each time only missed us by like a foot, Im amazed he was able to miss us after 4 times. Anywho, then we went to Wal Mart, and that was, well Wal Mart. Nothing new there, except the lady who was working the check out was mean.. as I said, Wal Mart, nothing new there.
I have written entirely too much and should really go to sleep now. I wrote a lot today and I know that most of it could have been spared, but I felt like putting it anyway. Oh, and I talked to Marissa today. She sent me a message, (Marissa Hauer, from Hyles) I love that girl so much, and miss her like crazy, and am so glad that I got to talk to her, she is so sweet). I think that is all, I hope.
And with this I depart... Things may not always seem great, and you may wish for a change and for something new; but I have come to find that everytime I want a change, I usually get it, and I am usually more dissapointed with the change than what I was before it. Be content with where you are, and remain there until God places you somewhere else. Make sure you are in His Will, and He will guide and direct you day by day!!
I spent way too much time on that subject, so on to my day today. This morning was horrible, I do not want to go into it, but I ended up going into work crying. I was walking rather quickly in, because I didnot want strangers (customers) to see my crying. Then I heard "Clara Bell", so I tunred around and who did I see? Aunt Shu Shu (a.k.a. Aunt Sherri, okay and she is not my aunt, but she is Amber Puglia's aunt, and I have known her for YEARS!!!!!) Well, she quickly gave my a hug and talked to me for a little and made me feel better! I love her, she is so sweet.
I was oline most of the day today, but they did get the air fixed.. Praise the Lord! And I was so tired I could not go like 2 minutes without yawning. Oh, but today was John's birthday, and I was so happy to be working with him, becuase he always makes me laugh (so does Gerald, but I have not worked with him in forever) but everyone was real sweet, and everyone kept asking if I was okay (of course I did not really tell anyone what was wrong, with the exception of my RGM and Amber) But today was a good day at work overall.
Then I went home with a horrible migraine... as is the norm anymore, so I took medicine and that helped, but now it is back. lol. My mom and I went to pick up my sister from work, when this maniac came speeding into the parking lot, almost hit us, then we got mad because he almost rammed us, and he had he nerve to do it 3 more times on purpose. I was so scared, because he was literally going like 40 MPH (atleast) and each time only missed us by like a foot, Im amazed he was able to miss us after 4 times. Anywho, then we went to Wal Mart, and that was, well Wal Mart. Nothing new there, except the lady who was working the check out was mean.. as I said, Wal Mart, nothing new there.
I have written entirely too much and should really go to sleep now. I wrote a lot today and I know that most of it could have been spared, but I felt like putting it anyway. Oh, and I talked to Marissa today. She sent me a message, (Marissa Hauer, from Hyles) I love that girl so much, and miss her like crazy, and am so glad that I got to talk to her, she is so sweet). I think that is all, I hope.
And with this I depart... Things may not always seem great, and you may wish for a change and for something new; but I have come to find that everytime I want a change, I usually get it, and I am usually more dissapointed with the change than what I was before it. Be content with where you are, and remain there until God places you somewhere else. Make sure you are in His Will, and He will guide and direct you day by day!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
No Air! =[
Today was good. I got a text from an old friend who needed me to prayer about something, so we started talking and that old friend quickly became a friend again. I am so excited, and so glad that she text me. I also got to talk to Carl, Heathe Schwartz and Rachel today. So, my day was full of talking to friends (stil no Kerlins though.. lol, Im just not good enough for them.. jk)
Anywho, then to work i went. I got there and Jacqui was telling the girl who normally goes on drive, that she was going to have me go on drive because I worked a longer shift. I was surprised for two reasons, 1. The girl never wants to go on drive, and today she did 2. normally it doesnt matter how long I work, I always go on line (to make food)... then I found out the bad news...... our air is broken.. we have no air conditioning in this extremely hot fast food restaurant. It seriously is worse than it seems, I mean we are surrounded by grills and rethermalizers and friers and heating cabinets and steam lines (very hit, trust me) so it is just awful to have no air. You seriouslt could not be online for an hour straight without needing a lot of water and some fresh air. And we are not allowed to bring in a fan, so we have to suffer through the heat until Monday. But, I did get to go my whole shift on drive thru, for the most part, so that was nice. And, as usual, we were bad hours again so I got cut an hour, I am hoping to make up some hours, staying late tomorrow or Tuesday and coming in Monday, my day off. So hopefully they need me. =] I guess that is pretty much all the excitement from work tonight, it was a crazy night, but a good one. Geoff was only mean to me once, which is good, and I got to work with Dara and April, and I love them to death. So tonight went well, better than some thats forsure. Oh, and Bro. Jeff came throug drive so I got to see him, plus 2 girls from my Sunday School class, plus my cousins Jerry, Rick and Laurie (and Rick and Laurie's daughter Peyton) so that was nice.
Anywho, enough of Taco Bell, that is like all I ahve to talk about anymore. But Carl just made me very happy. He sent me a very nice text message and it would have been the perfect cheering up message, except for the fact that I am already happy adn don't need cheered up, lol. So maybe next time I do need it, he will be there, I hope. =] And when I got home from work I was greeted with egg salad. Now to most people this isn't much, and to some poeple it's just disgusting, but to me, it is a meal that I rarely ever receive, and it makes me think of Mrs. (Deena) Royalty. Becuase almost every time I do eat it, it is because she made it. I love Mrs. Royalty so much and am so thankful for her willingness and her awesome egg salad. I will never eat egg salad again without thinking about her first. =]
Now, I should probably go to sleep, or stop ignoring text messages and reply to them, then go to sleep! ;)
And with this I depart... I truly believe that there are some people who are put into our lives that from the time we meet them, they are never going to go away. They will always be there when you need them, and will forgive and always be a friend to you. I am so thankful for those friends whom I have had since the 9th grade. I know whenever I need to talk to someone that I can talk to one of them. I have made some great friends this year at Faith, and a couple great friends when I went to Hyles, and I hope they become friends who I can always turn to as well, but for now, I know without a doubt, friends who have proved to be true friends time and time again (Amber P, Rachel, Brittany N, Kara and Susana) will always be there. I am so thankful to have them in my lives. Never take your friends for granite!!
Anywho, then to work i went. I got there and Jacqui was telling the girl who normally goes on drive, that she was going to have me go on drive because I worked a longer shift. I was surprised for two reasons, 1. The girl never wants to go on drive, and today she did 2. normally it doesnt matter how long I work, I always go on line (to make food)... then I found out the bad news...... our air is broken.. we have no air conditioning in this extremely hot fast food restaurant. It seriously is worse than it seems, I mean we are surrounded by grills and rethermalizers and friers and heating cabinets and steam lines (very hit, trust me) so it is just awful to have no air. You seriouslt could not be online for an hour straight without needing a lot of water and some fresh air. And we are not allowed to bring in a fan, so we have to suffer through the heat until Monday. But, I did get to go my whole shift on drive thru, for the most part, so that was nice. And, as usual, we were bad hours again so I got cut an hour, I am hoping to make up some hours, staying late tomorrow or Tuesday and coming in Monday, my day off. So hopefully they need me. =] I guess that is pretty much all the excitement from work tonight, it was a crazy night, but a good one. Geoff was only mean to me once, which is good, and I got to work with Dara and April, and I love them to death. So tonight went well, better than some thats forsure. Oh, and Bro. Jeff came throug drive so I got to see him, plus 2 girls from my Sunday School class, plus my cousins Jerry, Rick and Laurie (and Rick and Laurie's daughter Peyton) so that was nice.
Anywho, enough of Taco Bell, that is like all I ahve to talk about anymore. But Carl just made me very happy. He sent me a very nice text message and it would have been the perfect cheering up message, except for the fact that I am already happy adn don't need cheered up, lol. So maybe next time I do need it, he will be there, I hope. =] And when I got home from work I was greeted with egg salad. Now to most people this isn't much, and to some poeple it's just disgusting, but to me, it is a meal that I rarely ever receive, and it makes me think of Mrs. (Deena) Royalty. Becuase almost every time I do eat it, it is because she made it. I love Mrs. Royalty so much and am so thankful for her willingness and her awesome egg salad. I will never eat egg salad again without thinking about her first. =]
Now, I should probably go to sleep, or stop ignoring text messages and reply to them, then go to sleep! ;)
And with this I depart... I truly believe that there are some people who are put into our lives that from the time we meet them, they are never going to go away. They will always be there when you need them, and will forgive and always be a friend to you. I am so thankful for those friends whom I have had since the 9th grade. I know whenever I need to talk to someone that I can talk to one of them. I have made some great friends this year at Faith, and a couple great friends when I went to Hyles, and I hope they become friends who I can always turn to as well, but for now, I know without a doubt, friends who have proved to be true friends time and time again (Amber P, Rachel, Brittany N, Kara and Susana) will always be there. I am so thankful to have them in my lives. Never take your friends for granite!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
First Bible Baptist!
Well this morning I woke up rather early trying to get someone to cover my shift at work tonight, so that I could go to the tent meeting in Zelienople at First Bible Baptist. Well Geoff was mean as usual and told me noone could cover it, so I called Jacqui later and talked to her, and she said they were bad hours and she was gonna call someone off anyway so that I did not need to go in. I was very thankful for Jacqui, becuase Geoff was mean (as is the norm). Anywho,
So I got to go to First Bible Baptist. I rode there with Pastor Royalty, Jearance (Josh Royalty), and Kayla Nielsen. Then the Mayville's and Devonte came as well, but they drove in the Mayville's car. I was so excited becuase I got to see... Jenn (my Son), her family, plus the Cunningham's, the Ambrose's, Pastor Lott, Pastor Schwartz and his family, the Whalens, and others (I'm sure I am forgetting somone), but it was fun, and we heard some great preaching. Bro. Walker preached first, and then Bro Skipper. I had never heard either before, and they both had children who could sing, and did a very good job. It was just so exciting to be there, and to hear the Word of God being preached, becuase I would not have gotten that at work. I was hoping to see some others from Faith, but they did not go tonight, Beth is going tomorrow, but I work so will not be able to see her. Im sure her and Jenn will have fun though. Jenn wanted to say hi to the Kerlin's tonight, so I called Tyler first, and no answer.. so I left him a message, then Zachary did not answer either, so I left him a message. So we (well kind of I) decided to call Bradly (because he never talks to anyone from Faith while he's at home) so we called to see if he would answer... he didn't! lol. I love my friends at Faith, we had some good times, this semester is going to be different, but Im not as nervous anymore as I was before. Oh, then on the way home, Zachary called me back, but I had my phone silent because that would have been rude to answer, so I called him back when i got home, and guess what? He didn't answer. lol. Go figure. I didn't want talk to him anyway. Just Kidding.
Well, I have yet another throbbing headache and think I am going to take some medicine then go to bed, maybe.
And with this I depart... There are always going to be storms in our lives. It is impossible to escape them; but they will not last forever, and will eventually go away. The outcome of those storms may make us much more useful in the work of the Lord and much more thankful to God. They may also help in increasing our faith. So whenever a storm comes your way, just let God take control and guide as He sees fit. You can never go wrong when you are following His will for your life.
So I got to go to First Bible Baptist. I rode there with Pastor Royalty, Jearance (Josh Royalty), and Kayla Nielsen. Then the Mayville's and Devonte came as well, but they drove in the Mayville's car. I was so excited becuase I got to see... Jenn (my Son), her family, plus the Cunningham's, the Ambrose's, Pastor Lott, Pastor Schwartz and his family, the Whalens, and others (I'm sure I am forgetting somone), but it was fun, and we heard some great preaching. Bro. Walker preached first, and then Bro Skipper. I had never heard either before, and they both had children who could sing, and did a very good job. It was just so exciting to be there, and to hear the Word of God being preached, becuase I would not have gotten that at work. I was hoping to see some others from Faith, but they did not go tonight, Beth is going tomorrow, but I work so will not be able to see her. Im sure her and Jenn will have fun though. Jenn wanted to say hi to the Kerlin's tonight, so I called Tyler first, and no answer.. so I left him a message, then Zachary did not answer either, so I left him a message. So we (well kind of I) decided to call Bradly (because he never talks to anyone from Faith while he's at home) so we called to see if he would answer... he didn't! lol. I love my friends at Faith, we had some good times, this semester is going to be different, but Im not as nervous anymore as I was before. Oh, then on the way home, Zachary called me back, but I had my phone silent because that would have been rude to answer, so I called him back when i got home, and guess what? He didn't answer. lol. Go figure. I didn't want talk to him anyway. Just Kidding.
Well, I have yet another throbbing headache and think I am going to take some medicine then go to bed, maybe.
And with this I depart... There are always going to be storms in our lives. It is impossible to escape them; but they will not last forever, and will eventually go away. The outcome of those storms may make us much more useful in the work of the Lord and much more thankful to God. They may also help in increasing our faith. So whenever a storm comes your way, just let God take control and guide as He sees fit. You can never go wrong when you are following His will for your life.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I Love the Rain!
Today was good. Nothing much happened though, I guess. I finally got a brownie batter blizzard from DQ, it was good. Chocolate is always good though! =]
My family and I had pizza with the neighbors. This is the second time this summer they have invited us over for pizza. Their daughter Amy and her husband Daryn were there with their two girls, Kristen and Arielle. Arielle is so cute, and I just love her. She is about to turn 5, and she was like "I am going to be a whole hand now" and she held out her hand (indicating that she would be 5) Get it? Haha! I am so stuffed from that though. We had Elmton pizza, and man was it filling, and it wasnt like I had a lot, I just had 2 slices, but almost 3 hours later and I am still stuffed. hehe.
I have not been able to go to any of the meetings at First Baptist this whole week, however, it looks like I willl be able to go tomorrow, so I am very excited about this. Jenn (my Son) is going to be there, and I cannot wait to see her, plus the Cunningham's. I was looking forward to seeing them at the school play, but they did not come, so hopefully I will see them tomorrow!
Church was good. I was in nursery with Miss Shelli tonight. I love Miss Shelli, she is so great. I didnot get to hear much of the message, but that comes with being in the nursery. We had Paul and Emily in there tonight (on the Creepers side), they are both just so cute. I tried and tried and tried, but I could not get Paul to smile. I told Mrs. Bender that I can get the two oldest boys to smile (Stephen and Daniel) but the three youngest just will not smile for me (Pat, Owen, and Paul). I guess it is something I will have to get over, or wait for they to get older. lol. I miss Anna Royalty though. The Royalty kids are gone for the week, but I just love that little girl, and I look forward to going up to her and asking her my name, just to hear her say it. lol. She is just too cute.
That is about all. I am going to try to remember to call the Kerin's tomorrow and catch up with them, we will see. Pray for no rain tomorrow night, and for the rest of the meetings at First Baptist. I can't wait to go tomorrow.
With this I depart..... Change can be scary (trust me, it scares me quite a bit sometimes), but if we are walking with the Lord, and if we are doing what we are suppose to then God will direct us, and will lead us through anything. And a lot of times it is nowhere near as bad as we think it is going to be, and we just need to sit back and relax and realize that God is in control so there is no need to worry. (Special thanks to Bethy who was the inspiration of my closing thought tonight!) Remember: (one of my favorite quotes) God will not bring you to, what He cannot bring you through!
My family and I had pizza with the neighbors. This is the second time this summer they have invited us over for pizza. Their daughter Amy and her husband Daryn were there with their two girls, Kristen and Arielle. Arielle is so cute, and I just love her. She is about to turn 5, and she was like "I am going to be a whole hand now" and she held out her hand (indicating that she would be 5) Get it? Haha! I am so stuffed from that though. We had Elmton pizza, and man was it filling, and it wasnt like I had a lot, I just had 2 slices, but almost 3 hours later and I am still stuffed. hehe.
I have not been able to go to any of the meetings at First Baptist this whole week, however, it looks like I willl be able to go tomorrow, so I am very excited about this. Jenn (my Son) is going to be there, and I cannot wait to see her, plus the Cunningham's. I was looking forward to seeing them at the school play, but they did not come, so hopefully I will see them tomorrow!
Church was good. I was in nursery with Miss Shelli tonight. I love Miss Shelli, she is so great. I didnot get to hear much of the message, but that comes with being in the nursery. We had Paul and Emily in there tonight (on the Creepers side), they are both just so cute. I tried and tried and tried, but I could not get Paul to smile. I told Mrs. Bender that I can get the two oldest boys to smile (Stephen and Daniel) but the three youngest just will not smile for me (Pat, Owen, and Paul). I guess it is something I will have to get over, or wait for they to get older. lol. I miss Anna Royalty though. The Royalty kids are gone for the week, but I just love that little girl, and I look forward to going up to her and asking her my name, just to hear her say it. lol. She is just too cute.
That is about all. I am going to try to remember to call the Kerin's tomorrow and catch up with them, we will see. Pray for no rain tomorrow night, and for the rest of the meetings at First Baptist. I can't wait to go tomorrow.
With this I depart..... Change can be scary (trust me, it scares me quite a bit sometimes), but if we are walking with the Lord, and if we are doing what we are suppose to then God will direct us, and will lead us through anything. And a lot of times it is nowhere near as bad as we think it is going to be, and we just need to sit back and relax and realize that God is in control so there is no need to worry. (Special thanks to Bethy who was the inspiration of my closing thought tonight!) Remember: (one of my favorite quotes) God will not bring you to, what He cannot bring you through!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Good Day!
Well today was an interesting one. I woke up, my mom sister and I went out.. my sister got her permit, and then we took my bro to Best Buy, and some other places (that doesn't seem like much it took all day) =] Then I talked to Jenn for awhile, and I almost got to go to the tent meetings at First Baptist, where she attends church, but it didn't work out. I think the Mayville's may have gone though, and if I would have known that I would have tried to have gone with them! But it is all for a reason!
Next on the agenda was ladie's fellowship. Mrs. Davis came and picked me up for that. Mrs. Royalty was not feeling very well and had to go play for a funeral, so she was not there for most of it. We did not have as many in attendance as normal, although this was only like my third one, but we had 12 there, and then Mrs. Royalty was able to come alittle later, and we did have a great time! We had a word search to do when we first got there, which I still have to find 6 or so words on, then we played a strawberry trivia game (the theme tonight was strawberry's), then we played um, not charades, but whatever it is called when you draw pictures and your team has to guess what you are drawing.. pictionary.. that's it (thanks Tina for helping me remember)... my team won, and I am convinced it is thanks to the Nielsen's because my "volleyball net" looked very sickly, and there were some pictures that they got when the person had barely drawin anything, they are smart, let me tell you! Plus, we stole on of the other team's points because we guessed their picture right! Mrs. Nielsen gave our team the team name "Team Win" before we had even started playing... so it fit us appropriately, lol. We then had a devotional from Mrs. House (they were Mrs. Royalty's notes, but since she could not be there for it all, Mrs. House gave it to us). The main theme this eyar has been "growing in grace" and tonight the verse we centered around was II Corinthians 15:58 (which made me think of Susan, because that is her life verse).
Today was good. I am looking forward to tomorrow, Miss Shelli and I are in the nursery together, and she asked me tongiht if I was fun in the nursery, I told her yes, so hopefully I can hold true to that.
And with this, I depart..... It is very important to take part in the activities of your local church. I am so thankful for the many woman who I can look up to and follow. I am constanly amazed by how much the women at my church do, that is not to ignore all the hard work the men do, but I sometimes think the woman get ignored so I just wanna throw out how much I appreciate them as well. So, I am thankful to have these Godly woman in my life to look up to, and I encourage everyone to strive to be someone who can be looked up to and not just another face in the church!
Next on the agenda was ladie's fellowship. Mrs. Davis came and picked me up for that. Mrs. Royalty was not feeling very well and had to go play for a funeral, so she was not there for most of it. We did not have as many in attendance as normal, although this was only like my third one, but we had 12 there, and then Mrs. Royalty was able to come alittle later, and we did have a great time! We had a word search to do when we first got there, which I still have to find 6 or so words on, then we played a strawberry trivia game (the theme tonight was strawberry's), then we played um, not charades, but whatever it is called when you draw pictures and your team has to guess what you are drawing.. pictionary.. that's it (thanks Tina for helping me remember)... my team won, and I am convinced it is thanks to the Nielsen's because my "volleyball net" looked very sickly, and there were some pictures that they got when the person had barely drawin anything, they are smart, let me tell you! Plus, we stole on of the other team's points because we guessed their picture right! Mrs. Nielsen gave our team the team name "Team Win" before we had even started playing... so it fit us appropriately, lol. We then had a devotional from Mrs. House (they were Mrs. Royalty's notes, but since she could not be there for it all, Mrs. House gave it to us). The main theme this eyar has been "growing in grace" and tonight the verse we centered around was II Corinthians 15:58 (which made me think of Susan, because that is her life verse).
Today was good. I am looking forward to tomorrow, Miss Shelli and I are in the nursery together, and she asked me tongiht if I was fun in the nursery, I told her yes, so hopefully I can hold true to that.
And with this, I depart..... It is very important to take part in the activities of your local church. I am so thankful for the many woman who I can look up to and follow. I am constanly amazed by how much the women at my church do, that is not to ignore all the hard work the men do, but I sometimes think the woman get ignored so I just wanna throw out how much I appreciate them as well. So, I am thankful to have these Godly woman in my life to look up to, and I encourage everyone to strive to be someone who can be looked up to and not just another face in the church!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I love my Sunday School class!
Today was great, as all Sunday's are, we only had like 14, I think on the bus, but that is better than 13! All the busses combined had a total of 20 visitors though, which was real good, and in my Sunday school class we had 10.. which is much better than the three we had last week! =] I started a new series of lessons and we are just simply going to go through the Bible.. hehe. The book of lessons that I was given is really good and I am looking forward to it. I am also challenging the girls to do more by a monthly contest that we have where they earn different pionts for different things (obviously. there is only two months for me to do this, so hopefully Miss Holland will continue with it). The girls seemed very excited though, and they earn points by bringing thir Bible. bringing visitors, saying their memory verse from week to week, and stuff like that). We had a missionary to Japan speak in Junior Church (Miss Kuehlman... I'm sure I spelled that wrong), but she taught the boys and girls about Japan and taught us hwo to say "Praise ye the Lord" in Japenese (Shoe-o-ho-mayo) is how you say it, I do not know how it is spelled. Go figure. She was really nice and we all enjoyed her!
Church was great, we heard an awesme message from Bro. Tyler Master (he and his family are on their way to North Africa). He preached on excuses and how we all make them instead of taking the blame ourselves as we should. Bro. Bruno Malepou was also there, and I was so excited because I have not seen him in awhile, so I was anxious to hear about his experiences while he was in Africa.
We then played softball... well where going to... but we did not have enough people so Steve House tought us this game called 500. It was fun but not as fun as a softball game would have been. But Renee and I are now doing better at throwing and catching.. and I caught a ball that Steve House hit... it wasn't an extremely far hit, but probably the furthest hit that I have ever caught, so I was excited (I still can't throw very far though, hehe!) I hope that as the summer goes on that we get more and more poeple playing instead of less.
Well, I am leaving with my mom to go pick up my sister from work, so with this I depart.... I don't have any word of wisdom right now, atleast not at the moment, but I love saying that!
Church was great, we heard an awesme message from Bro. Tyler Master (he and his family are on their way to North Africa). He preached on excuses and how we all make them instead of taking the blame ourselves as we should. Bro. Bruno Malepou was also there, and I was so excited because I have not seen him in awhile, so I was anxious to hear about his experiences while he was in Africa.
We then played softball... well where going to... but we did not have enough people so Steve House tought us this game called 500. It was fun but not as fun as a softball game would have been. But Renee and I are now doing better at throwing and catching.. and I caught a ball that Steve House hit... it wasn't an extremely far hit, but probably the furthest hit that I have ever caught, so I was excited (I still can't throw very far though, hehe!) I hope that as the summer goes on that we get more and more poeple playing instead of less.
Well, I am leaving with my mom to go pick up my sister from work, so with this I depart.... I don't have any word of wisdom right now, atleast not at the moment, but I love saying that!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Our last night of VBS! =[ But it was a great one! =]
Today started with work. There really isn't much to say there. It was an okay day, and Bro. Bill came through, as he normally does on Saturdays after bus calling! I could not wait to leave and go to VBS though!
I am saddened to say that tonight was the last night of Neighborhood VBS. We had a great time though, 38 showed up tonight, which is the best we have had yet. It started off alittle rough. We could not do craft and verses at the same time, as we normally do, because we left part of the craft at the church, along with some of the cookies we had... OOPS! So we did verse, then Mrs. Mayville finished telling her story, then we did craft, and then Mr. Mayville preached. We got to make bracelets tonight, inspired by the wordless book, we had white pipe cleaners and we put 4 black beeds, then red, then white, then yellow, then green on the pipe cleaner, and they turned out very nice. This lead into Mr. Mayville giving the kids another chance to accept Jesus into their hearts. Shawn talked to one girl. but I am not sure that she completely understands, I don't know though, I forgot to talk to Shawn about that. It rained again, as it does just about every year on the last day, but we where inside so did not get harmed much by it! =] Which was good. It was a great Bible school this year, and we are praising the Lord for it all.
I am excited about tomorrow, as I always am excited for Sundays. I am about to go over my Sunday school lesson, and then off to bed. I AM SOOOO TIRED!! Tomorrow is going to be great though, I love teaching Sunday School! I am so thankful that I was given the opportunity to teach my own class through out the summer!!!! And with this I depart: VBS is a great way to spread the Word of God. They may just be kids, but if the Lord tarry's they will the ones who are left when we are all gone. It's important to teach them while they are younger!
I am saddened to say that tonight was the last night of Neighborhood VBS. We had a great time though, 38 showed up tonight, which is the best we have had yet. It started off alittle rough. We could not do craft and verses at the same time, as we normally do, because we left part of the craft at the church, along with some of the cookies we had... OOPS! So we did verse, then Mrs. Mayville finished telling her story, then we did craft, and then Mr. Mayville preached. We got to make bracelets tonight, inspired by the wordless book, we had white pipe cleaners and we put 4 black beeds, then red, then white, then yellow, then green on the pipe cleaner, and they turned out very nice. This lead into Mr. Mayville giving the kids another chance to accept Jesus into their hearts. Shawn talked to one girl. but I am not sure that she completely understands, I don't know though, I forgot to talk to Shawn about that. It rained again, as it does just about every year on the last day, but we where inside so did not get harmed much by it! =] Which was good. It was a great Bible school this year, and we are praising the Lord for it all.
I am excited about tomorrow, as I always am excited for Sundays. I am about to go over my Sunday school lesson, and then off to bed. I AM SOOOO TIRED!! Tomorrow is going to be great though, I love teaching Sunday School! I am so thankful that I was given the opportunity to teach my own class through out the summer!!!! And with this I depart: VBS is a great way to spread the Word of God. They may just be kids, but if the Lord tarry's they will the ones who are left when we are all gone. It's important to teach them while they are younger!
Last of the pics from VBS
1. It's time to sing.
2. our "albino" friend
3. Eating cookies and drinking coolaid outside
4. Mi Mi
5. Alexis
6. Brian handing out candy to kids who were singing along
7. Kids on the bur
8. Outside, still eating cookies
9. Still outside eating cookies, lol
10. Brittany teaching them the new verse.
11. All the kids showing off the bracelets they made (wordless book inspired)
12. Andrea, while making her bracelet
13. Shawn and Babe Shawn (lol.. I forgot his real name, but we have several nicknames for him)
14. Mrs. Mayville continuing her story.
15. Girls turn to say the verse.
16. Kevin, taking it for the guys
17. Brittany and Justice signing in
18. Raising their hands to answer the questions
19. Brittany teaching the verse.
20. Our turn out tonight.
2. our "albino" friend
3. Eating cookies and drinking coolaid outside
4. Mi Mi
5. Alexis
6. Brian handing out candy to kids who were singing along
7. Kids on the bur
8. Outside, still eating cookies
9. Still outside eating cookies, lol
10. Brittany teaching them the new verse.
11. All the kids showing off the bracelets they made (wordless book inspired)
12. Andrea, while making her bracelet
13. Shawn and Babe Shawn (lol.. I forgot his real name, but we have several nicknames for him)
14. Mrs. Mayville continuing her story.
15. Girls turn to say the verse.
16. Kevin, taking it for the guys
17. Brittany and Justice signing in
18. Raising their hands to answer the questions
19. Brittany teaching the verse.
20. Our turn out tonight.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Another Great Night of VBS! =]
My day started off, as is the norm this week, with work first. I had a whole ropping 4 hour shift today. lol. I told them I couldn't work later than 4 because of VBS so today I was scheduled 12-4. It was pretty good, then this old lady came in and yelled at me because I asked her a question, and she did not answer me, but I guess she thought she did, Idk, so she yelled the answer at me.. I GOT SO MAD! But my almost manager Jessi calm me down, so I'm good now.
Then, the moment I was waiting for, VBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had another great night (depsite the other church in our area who also was having VBS, and a carnival tonight!). We had 36 in attendacne though, not including workers, which is 12 more than last night.. so that other church didn't get all of our kids, Praise the Lord! We did our craft first, as normal (Shawn was in charge of that tonight), Britt still did verse, I was in charge of singing, Mrs. Mayville did story, and Mr. Mayville preached. We had one accept Christ as their Savior tonight, after Shawn talked to him. He was a very very sweet boy, and afterwards Shawn was talking to me (ironically about him) and he walked up to her and said "Thank you for telling me about God", it was so awesome. I just love being there for VBS, it is so great and I encouage anyone and everyone to participate in their church's VBS, most poeple don't realize how important it is. The "albino" looking kid from last year was there tonight. Last year he was not good at all, he walked out like every 5 minutes and then would come back causing a disturbance, he was much better tonight though... he could still be alittle more behaved but, we will get there I hope. We had a great group tonight, and didn't have any problems. I am super excited for tomorrow but am so sad that it is our last night.
Well I am in the process of baking cookies for tomorrow. I am making 4 dozen chocolate chip cookies (with extra chocolate chips.. YUM!) I have one batch left and then I am done, and can go to sleep for the night. I am so tired!!!!
So, with this I depart.... Have a grea night, please continuing praying for VBS and that everything continues to go well! And thank you for your prayers so far.. everyone has been kept safe and we have good attendances, praise the Lord!! We do this all for His honor and His glory!!!!!!
Then, the moment I was waiting for, VBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had another great night (depsite the other church in our area who also was having VBS, and a carnival tonight!). We had 36 in attendacne though, not including workers, which is 12 more than last night.. so that other church didn't get all of our kids, Praise the Lord! We did our craft first, as normal (Shawn was in charge of that tonight), Britt still did verse, I was in charge of singing, Mrs. Mayville did story, and Mr. Mayville preached. We had one accept Christ as their Savior tonight, after Shawn talked to him. He was a very very sweet boy, and afterwards Shawn was talking to me (ironically about him) and he walked up to her and said "Thank you for telling me about God", it was so awesome. I just love being there for VBS, it is so great and I encouage anyone and everyone to participate in their church's VBS, most poeple don't realize how important it is. The "albino" looking kid from last year was there tonight. Last year he was not good at all, he walked out like every 5 minutes and then would come back causing a disturbance, he was much better tonight though... he could still be alittle more behaved but, we will get there I hope. We had a great group tonight, and didn't have any problems. I am super excited for tomorrow but am so sad that it is our last night.
Well I am in the process of baking cookies for tomorrow. I am making 4 dozen chocolate chip cookies (with extra chocolate chips.. YUM!) I have one batch left and then I am done, and can go to sleep for the night. I am so tired!!!!
So, with this I depart.... Have a grea night, please continuing praying for VBS and that everything continues to go well! And thank you for your prayers so far.. everyone has been kept safe and we have good attendances, praise the Lord!! We do this all for His honor and His glory!!!!!!
More VBS Pics!!! =] =] =]
1. Ricky ( he woud not smile, no matter what I did)
2. Shawn and I (again), I just love her.
3. Brittany and I
4. Brittany and I (with Mr. Nielsen giving us bunny ears, lol)
5. Myself with Mil Mil and Asia (I love them sooooo much)
6. Me leading singing (attractive right?)
7. Mr. Mayville
8. Austin and Kathryn
9. Mr. Mayville and Brian helping me out with the singing.
10. Our turn out
11. Brittany doing the memory verse, assisted by Brian
12. The kids doing the craft.
13. Asia
14. Austin
15. Registration!

2. Shawn and I (again), I just love her.
3. Brittany and I
4. Brittany and I (with Mr. Nielsen giving us bunny ears, lol)
5. Myself with Mil Mil and Asia (I love them sooooo much)
6. Me leading singing (attractive right?)
7. Mr. Mayville
8. Austin and Kathryn
9. Mr. Mayville and Brian helping me out with the singing.
10. Our turn out
11. Brittany doing the memory verse, assisted by Brian
12. The kids doing the craft.
13. Asia
14. Austin
15. Registration!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Great First Night of VBS!
Today was great.. I had work this morning, and that was, well work, but my night got much better. And, Bro. Jeff Rich came through drive thru, and asked for me, so I got to go over and say hi, and it is always so encouraging to me when poeple from church come through drive thru, or come in and say hi. I don't know why, but it always greatly encouages me. Then my manager Dara asked me why i was getting off at 4 this week? Then she went, oh nevermind, I remembered it's VBS season... and she said it just like that, so that was also encouraging to me, because she automatically assumed that that's where I was going, which it is, so it was really neat. =]
Tonight was the first night of Neighborhood VBS.... I loved it. We had a lot of kids show up (24... not including workers) and we had 5-10 come at the end, who said they would be back tomorrow, so that was nice. We did a craft, and sang, and learned a memory verse. Mrs. Mayville told a story, and then Mr. Mayville preached. We had one girl. Brittany, get up during the preaching when her older sister came and got her and told her they were leaving. Briitany told her sister that she wanted to stay, so she came and sat back down (this is significant to what I am going to say, I promise). After Mr. Mayville was done preaching he gave an invitation. I took two girls with me (Taia and Antionette, both my bus kids) and Mrs. Mayville had 3 or 4 girls with her. Well both Taia and Antoinette accepted Jesus as their Savior. Then Mrs. Mayville, one of the girls who she had with her (Brittany, the same girl who almost left because of her sister) also accepted Jesus as her Savior, she walked back into the room, walked up to me and was just smiling from ear to ear and was so excited. It was such a blessing and such an encouragement and it just reminds you why we do all of this. It was so great. We did have 5-10 boys come and disturb us while we were witnessing to these girls though, and 2 adult "ladies" (I use this term losely) also disrupted us. But the girls still listened to Mrs. Mayville and I, and thankfuly just as the second lady was really, well, talking crazy, Mr. Mayville came out and talked to her, so it was no longer much of a distraction to the girls. They were all round up by this point so we sang songs on the bus ride home to kind of keep them calm, and not scattered everywhere. =]
It has been an extremely long day, and I am exhausted, but I cannot wait until tomorrow night, and Saturday. Please continuing praying for safety and for good attendance. Also pray for the salvation of these kids, and for their families. God's been good!!! And I cannot wait to see what else He has in store!!!! It's all for His glory!
Tonight was the first night of Neighborhood VBS.... I loved it. We had a lot of kids show up (24... not including workers) and we had 5-10 come at the end, who said they would be back tomorrow, so that was nice. We did a craft, and sang, and learned a memory verse. Mrs. Mayville told a story, and then Mr. Mayville preached. We had one girl. Brittany, get up during the preaching when her older sister came and got her and told her they were leaving. Briitany told her sister that she wanted to stay, so she came and sat back down (this is significant to what I am going to say, I promise). After Mr. Mayville was done preaching he gave an invitation. I took two girls with me (Taia and Antionette, both my bus kids) and Mrs. Mayville had 3 or 4 girls with her. Well both Taia and Antoinette accepted Jesus as their Savior. Then Mrs. Mayville, one of the girls who she had with her (Brittany, the same girl who almost left because of her sister) also accepted Jesus as her Savior, she walked back into the room, walked up to me and was just smiling from ear to ear and was so excited. It was such a blessing and such an encouragement and it just reminds you why we do all of this. It was so great. We did have 5-10 boys come and disturb us while we were witnessing to these girls though, and 2 adult "ladies" (I use this term losely) also disrupted us. But the girls still listened to Mrs. Mayville and I, and thankfuly just as the second lady was really, well, talking crazy, Mr. Mayville came out and talked to her, so it was no longer much of a distraction to the girls. They were all round up by this point so we sang songs on the bus ride home to kind of keep them calm, and not scattered everywhere. =]
It has been an extremely long day, and I am exhausted, but I cannot wait until tomorrow night, and Saturday. Please continuing praying for safety and for good attendance. Also pray for the salvation of these kids, and for their families. God's been good!!! And I cannot wait to see what else He has in store!!!! It's all for His glory!
Pics from our first night of VBS!
1. Shawn leading the kids in our version of the "zonk" game... I played once, and lost, lol. It's hard.
2. The kids singing "Everything's alright in my Father's house"
3. Shawn and I.... don't we look so nice! ;)
4. Kids participating in answering questions
5. Mr. Mayville making sure that everyone know that Johnny is a "loser" and did not win at zonk!
6. Amiele, Kathryn, Lydia and Miss Irene joining in on singing songs with us.
7. me and Amelia
8. Mr. Mayville saying hi to evryone, right before he started preaching.
9. Mrs. Mayville telling a story.
10. Amelia, very diligently studying the plan of salvation so that she can talk to some girls tomorrow night.
11. Bro. Brian singing along with us, while he moved his feet the whole time, it was rather amusing.


2. The kids singing "Everything's alright in my Father's house"
3. Shawn and I.... don't we look so nice! ;)
4. Kids participating in answering questions
5. Mr. Mayville making sure that everyone know that Johnny is a "loser" and did not win at zonk!
6. Amiele, Kathryn, Lydia and Miss Irene joining in on singing songs with us.
7. me and Amelia
8. Mr. Mayville saying hi to evryone, right before he started preaching.
9. Mrs. Mayville telling a story.
10. Amelia, very diligently studying the plan of salvation so that she can talk to some girls tomorrow night.
11. Bro. Brian singing along with us, while he moved his feet the whole time, it was rather amusing.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I just love Mrs. Royalty! =]
Okay, so I left off yesterday by saying that I had something I really wanted to type, but saved it for today. Well, this will not be half as exciting to any of you as it is to me. Last semester I found out what one of Mrs. (Deena) Royalty's favorite sprays was (like perfume sprays), and so I have been waiting and waiting until I could finally get her some, and it just worked out perfectly that I was able to this week. I was so hoping that she was going to come to church because I wanted to see her face when she opened it, she didn't, so Renee and i decided to go to her house. I am so glad that we did. I just could not wait to see how she reacted, and I love her so much so I wanted to do something nice for her, and she really liked it and I was just so happy. I must have looked like an idiot because I was just smiling ear to ear while she was opening it, and I cannot remember the last time I smiled that big, and was so excited to see someone open a gift... I'm such a loser, but you either love me or hate me, I guess. =] She is so sweet and can just cheer anyone up, which is such an encouragement.
Anywho, I will talk about that forever so I need to move on, lol. Church was great as usual. Pastor Royalty continued his messages on being an effective soul winner. Tonight he preached on different problems that we need to overcome (just as Jesus did) when we are soulwinning. He spoke on such instances as someone not being interested, and not being prejudice (everyone needs the Lord, no matter what race they are) and how we have to be inconvenienced in order to be an effective soulwinner, we have to allow inconveniences in, and not get bothered or annoyed with them. Then patterns that we can follow in different instances such as making sure you engage in conversation and turning the conversation to spiritual matters, and not getting sidetracked. It was just a great message, and I cannot wait until he continues it next week.
It was a great night, and I CANNOT WAIT! for VBS tomorrow. I love VBS, I look forward to this year round, the last day of VBS every year, I already get excited for the next years, and this year it seems like we have a lot of helpers, which is so encouraging seeing poeple wanting to be involved, and the bus kids will really appreciate it as well. I remember looking forward to getting on the bus every Sunday, and I could not wait to get away from people at school, and just go to church, so I think it is great that they have the neighborhood VBS.. i love it!
I just love my church so much, and am so thankful for it, and for all those who have prayed and encouraged me throughout the years. It means more to me than I could ever express.
I think I am typing too much again, I just have so much to say and am just so thankful and joyful lately. I really do have the greatest church in the world, and I am so thankful to have a part in it (even if it is a small part)! I am sure I will have much to say tomorrow and even some pictures to post. Have a great night all! "And with this I depart"... haha, I just love saying that! I apologize to anyone who is reading this and is just now realizing how wierd I am, and how much of a loser I am... lol. =] But you get to use to me (just ask Bro. Bill... he's still trying to get use to me, lol jk)!
Anywho, I will talk about that forever so I need to move on, lol. Church was great as usual. Pastor Royalty continued his messages on being an effective soul winner. Tonight he preached on different problems that we need to overcome (just as Jesus did) when we are soulwinning. He spoke on such instances as someone not being interested, and not being prejudice (everyone needs the Lord, no matter what race they are) and how we have to be inconvenienced in order to be an effective soulwinner, we have to allow inconveniences in, and not get bothered or annoyed with them. Then patterns that we can follow in different instances such as making sure you engage in conversation and turning the conversation to spiritual matters, and not getting sidetracked. It was just a great message, and I cannot wait until he continues it next week.
It was a great night, and I CANNOT WAIT! for VBS tomorrow. I love VBS, I look forward to this year round, the last day of VBS every year, I already get excited for the next years, and this year it seems like we have a lot of helpers, which is so encouraging seeing poeple wanting to be involved, and the bus kids will really appreciate it as well. I remember looking forward to getting on the bus every Sunday, and I could not wait to get away from people at school, and just go to church, so I think it is great that they have the neighborhood VBS.. i love it!
I just love my church so much, and am so thankful for it, and for all those who have prayed and encouraged me throughout the years. It means more to me than I could ever express.
I think I am typing too much again, I just have so much to say and am just so thankful and joyful lately. I really do have the greatest church in the world, and I am so thankful to have a part in it (even if it is a small part)! I am sure I will have much to say tomorrow and even some pictures to post. Have a great night all! "And with this I depart"... haha, I just love saying that! I apologize to anyone who is reading this and is just now realizing how wierd I am, and how much of a loser I am... lol. =] But you get to use to me (just ask Bro. Bill... he's still trying to get use to me, lol jk)!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
More work in the Garden!
Today (well to start, I woke up at 9... so that is better than yesterday) my mom sister and I went out to eat at KFC (actually they ate, I sat there.. I was not in a KFC mood. lol), then we went back to Ceranno's and we got some beans for the vegetable garden that we have with our neighbor, and some grass seeds, because our grass is really not doing too well this summer. When we got home, my dad was already outside with our neighbor Jimmy and one of his two granddaughters. Our first task was to plant the flowrs that we bought yesterday. So Arielle and i dug holes for the flowers (my mom did not plant them yesterday because I was at work, and she wanted to wait for me) then we watered and planted them all. Then Kristen came (the other granddaughter) with her mom and dad, and the girls and I helped my daddy lay some seeds were the dead patches of grass are. It was nice working in the garden, bc I need to get somewhat of a tan.. I don't think I have achieved this yet, but Arielle assures me that it will happen! =]
I am very much lookin forward to Neighborhood VBS, and I have been switched to the Mayville's group, and am extremely excited about this, because our entire bus route will be together now; plus Brittany and Brian will be joining us.. and I don't know if anyone else is in our group or not. But I cannot wait.
Zachary Kerlin told me that this weekend they are going to Faith, I was kinda saddened because I would love to go as well, but even if something were to work out, I am not going to miss Sunday school unless I am deadly ill and in the hospital (and considering I hate hospitals and am very stubborn, I don't see that happening anytime soon)!!!!! So, I will wait until Lydia's wedding before I see them all again. Tyler had some good news for me though, he and I are on the same bus route back at Faith, and he told me that Mr. Kephart had called him and said that last Sunday they had 50 riders on the bus..... I was sooooo excited when I heard that; and they were expecting to have more this past Sunday, so I am anxiously awaiting news of that. To switch to another Kerlin... I found out that Ce Ce (the only Kerlin girl - besides thier mom, obviously) anywho, her birthday is the day before mine, so now I am determined to get her something that she really wants and would enjoy, and I am trusting that her brothers will not tell her that I am getting her anythng.
Well, I have typed much more than I was expecting to. I didn't think I had much to say at all, and the main thing I wanted to put on here, I have not, and figure I will save that for tomorrow. So, with this, I depart! =] (I love saying that), have a great night, and remember God will not bring you to, what He cannot bring you through!
I am very much lookin forward to Neighborhood VBS, and I have been switched to the Mayville's group, and am extremely excited about this, because our entire bus route will be together now; plus Brittany and Brian will be joining us.. and I don't know if anyone else is in our group or not. But I cannot wait.
Zachary Kerlin told me that this weekend they are going to Faith, I was kinda saddened because I would love to go as well, but even if something were to work out, I am not going to miss Sunday school unless I am deadly ill and in the hospital (and considering I hate hospitals and am very stubborn, I don't see that happening anytime soon)!!!!! So, I will wait until Lydia's wedding before I see them all again. Tyler had some good news for me though, he and I are on the same bus route back at Faith, and he told me that Mr. Kephart had called him and said that last Sunday they had 50 riders on the bus..... I was sooooo excited when I heard that; and they were expecting to have more this past Sunday, so I am anxiously awaiting news of that. To switch to another Kerlin... I found out that Ce Ce (the only Kerlin girl - besides thier mom, obviously) anywho, her birthday is the day before mine, so now I am determined to get her something that she really wants and would enjoy, and I am trusting that her brothers will not tell her that I am getting her anythng.
Well, I have typed much more than I was expecting to. I didn't think I had much to say at all, and the main thing I wanted to put on here, I have not, and figure I will save that for tomorrow. So, with this, I depart! =] (I love saying that), have a great night, and remember God will not bring you to, what He cannot bring you through!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Okay, so I absolutely love taking pictures and, of course, sharing them with everyone. So that is why I have so many pictures on here. And add to the ones I have very often... so make sure you look, because you never know when I will have a new picture posted. So anywho, I hope you enjoy the pictures half as much as I do.
Most of my pictures are from Faith, but that is because I love them so much, and miss them a lot. And because I got my laptop this past semester, so 95% of the pictures that I have are from Faith. And trust me, I have a lot more than what I have posted on here. A LOT!
But that is why I am constantly adding pictures, so I hope you enjoy them!
Most of my pictures are from Faith, but that is because I love them so much, and miss them a lot. And because I got my laptop this past semester, so 95% of the pictures that I have are from Faith. And trust me, I have a lot more than what I have posted on here. A LOT!
But that is why I am constantly adding pictures, so I hope you enjoy them!
I do not know how it is possible, but I am tired. I mean, I have been staying up rather late lately, but I didnt get up til 11 this morning. Anyway, work was well, Jessi and I were online together the hole time I was at work, which I enjoyed, her and I always have fun online, but I was so tired, and had a huge migraine so I was not going as fast as normal, but the timers were stil pretty good. =]
They let me go early though because we were bad hours, but I was thankful for it, because my head still hurts! But I was quikly cheered up when I found out that Zachary had called to see how I was doing! So I talked to him for awhile, and Tyler for a little bit. I miss everyone from Fauth so much, some more than others, and some I dont really miss too much half the time, but that's okay.
Anywho, I am talking to Jenn now, so I guess I better go, because this is distracting me, and I need to uplaod photos to her blog. So, til tomorrow. Have a great night!
They let me go early though because we were bad hours, but I was thankful for it, because my head still hurts! But I was quikly cheered up when I found out that Zachary had called to see how I was doing! So I talked to him for awhile, and Tyler for a little bit. I miss everyone from Fauth so much, some more than others, and some I dont really miss too much half the time, but that's okay.
Anywho, I am talking to Jenn now, so I guess I better go, because this is distracting me, and I need to uplaod photos to her blog. So, til tomorrow. Have a great night!
Daisies! =]
Today has been great so far. i woke up this morning at 5, thanks to one of our annoying kittens, scratching at and jumping on my bed. Once I kicked her out though, I went back to sleep. And a huge surpise to me, I did not get up until 11 A.M.... this is deffinately sleeping in for me, I never sleep that late.... ever!
Then my mom my sister and I went to get some vegetables (for my mom and neighbors garden) and some flowers (for our garden). I told my mom we should get daisies, however, my mom does not like them. But I found a lot of them, and she gave in and let me get a small pot of them, I was sooooo excited. They are so pretty, and all the other flowers my mom and sister picked out were purple and white and yellow, and the dasies that I picked out were white and purple, so it went well.
I now have to get ready for work. I cannot wait 'til VBS though, so I am not too thrilled bout work, but I'm sure everything will go well! And I do not work with Geoff, he's off until Thursday!

Then my mom my sister and I went to get some vegetables (for my mom and neighbors garden) and some flowers (for our garden). I told my mom we should get daisies, however, my mom does not like them. But I found a lot of them, and she gave in and let me get a small pot of them, I was sooooo excited. They are so pretty, and all the other flowers my mom and sister picked out were purple and white and yellow, and the dasies that I picked out were white and purple, so it went well.
I now have to get ready for work. I cannot wait 'til VBS though, so I am not too thrilled bout work, but I'm sure everything will go well! And I do not work with Geoff, he's off until Thursday!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Well, this monring I woke up late (but somehow was ready sooner than normal... go figure). Bus was good, we had 19 riders, which is good, but I think all the busses were lower in number than normal. I taught Sunday School, and the girls really enjoyed it, and they all said that they have never heard the story of David and Goliath before. There was ony three girls today, but they listened very well (and got an extra treat), and when I was all done, I asked like 15 questions (and some I thought they were not going to get at all) but they answered them all, I was very excited about that. The way home went well, we do have some great kids, not perfect, but they listen and try to do right. I love them!
Dr. Godfrey spoke in church (this morning and tonight.. I was in Sunday school and Jr. church in the morning though) but I was told there were several who went forward for salvation, which is awesome. Dr. Godfrey preached on "Little things" tonight, and went through different passages in the Bible were the word "little" was used, showing us that we don't need a lot, and that God always meets our needs, and it doesn't matter if we dont have much on this earth.
We played softball after church (as normal for Sunday nights), I tihnk maybe its me, because my team lost.... again. We put up a good fight though, especially at the end there. It was a lot of fun, and a good time of fellowship, and I just love my church family, they're the greatest. And Pastor Royalty came towards the end there, and pitched, so Pastor Joel came to our team... him and Bro. Jake really hit those balls (it took Isaac like 5-10 minutes to dig the ball out of the woods after Jake hit it), but it wasn't enough to catch us up, oh well.
It was a great day, and now I cannot wait for VBS.... it is going to be great! I love Neighborhood VBS, I tihnk it was a great idea to go out and hold several different VBS's, instead of holding one at the church. Im very excited! =]
Have a great week, and stay faithful to the Lord!
Dr. Godfrey spoke in church (this morning and tonight.. I was in Sunday school and Jr. church in the morning though) but I was told there were several who went forward for salvation, which is awesome. Dr. Godfrey preached on "Little things" tonight, and went through different passages in the Bible were the word "little" was used, showing us that we don't need a lot, and that God always meets our needs, and it doesn't matter if we dont have much on this earth.
We played softball after church (as normal for Sunday nights), I tihnk maybe its me, because my team lost.... again. We put up a good fight though, especially at the end there. It was a lot of fun, and a good time of fellowship, and I just love my church family, they're the greatest. And Pastor Royalty came towards the end there, and pitched, so Pastor Joel came to our team... him and Bro. Jake really hit those balls (it took Isaac like 5-10 minutes to dig the ball out of the woods after Jake hit it), but it wasn't enough to catch us up, oh well.
It was a great day, and now I cannot wait for VBS.... it is going to be great! I love Neighborhood VBS, I tihnk it was a great idea to go out and hold several different VBS's, instead of holding one at the church. Im very excited! =]
Have a great week, and stay faithful to the Lord!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Good Day! (Can't wait for tomorrow!)
Well, I went to sleep much later than I should have last night (well this morning), but inspite of being exhausted at work this afternoon, I actually had a pretty good day. I was working with all awesome poeple again, noone lazy or rude, and it was actually rather slow (so I was not stuck online all day). Plus Kerri let me do all the frying, so I got to fry stuff instead of making orders. I did end up steaming after I was done frying, but that was fun because I had Lashawnda on line with me, and we were getting almost all the orders out at very good times. Then Cierra came and her and I were online together for awhile, and we did awesome as well.
Tomorrow I start teaching Sunday School (3rd and 4th grade girls) for the rest of the summer. I am very excited, and cannot wait. I am getting the Sunday school books from Miss Holland tomorrow, so since I do not have them yet I am going to speak on David and Golliath. I think the girls will enjoy that (hopefully as much as the younger guys would enjoy it, if I were teaching it to them). It was a huge success when I taught on it at Faith, but I had some tricks then, to keep them interested, so that they remembered what they learned. So, pray that all goes well please! I'm not nervous about it, but I want the summer to go well, and I want the girls to go away having learned a lot. So, I am looking forward to tomorrow and to this summer, and am just putting my life in the hands of the Lord!

Tomorrow I start teaching Sunday School (3rd and 4th grade girls) for the rest of the summer. I am very excited, and cannot wait. I am getting the Sunday school books from Miss Holland tomorrow, so since I do not have them yet I am going to speak on David and Golliath. I think the girls will enjoy that (hopefully as much as the younger guys would enjoy it, if I were teaching it to them). It was a huge success when I taught on it at Faith, but I had some tricks then, to keep them interested, so that they remembered what they learned. So, pray that all goes well please! I'm not nervous about it, but I want the summer to go well, and I want the girls to go away having learned a lot. So, I am looking forward to tomorrow and to this summer, and am just putting my life in the hands of the Lord!

(The collge girls take turns every Thursday night teaching a lesson to the younger boys and girls, while church is going on.. this night I taught on David and Goliath, I had Noah get on the piano and he was Goliath, then Jo was David. They loved it, and still ask me when I am going to teach them about David and Goliath again)

-- Jo (David) cutting of Noah (Goliath's) head! --
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