I do not know why, but I have just not been able to sleep lately. This mornin I woke up at 5, forced myself to go back to sleep by 7 becase I knew I would be dead at work, if I did not get more sleep. Which, my mom woke me up at 10 telling me I was suppose to be at work at 11, not 4, like I thought. So I went into work, but luckily I was on front register adn drive thru all day. It was extremely hot, so register was where I wanted to be, because I would not have to work around all the hot food. Usually, when I work morning I am on register atleast the first half of my shift. My good news is that, I requested off for the 4th whne I came back from school, well I was 5th in line to request off so I did not get it. Well my cousin Mike is coming back so my awesome RGM asked him, for me, if he would want to work it.. and he said yes. So now, I get to spend the 4th with the fam, I am super excited!!!!! I was hoping that since I had an ealry shift today, that I would tomorrow too so that I could go to fireworks, however, I do not get off until 11. =[ it's all good thugh because I still get to go to Boardman's on Sunday. Work went real well today. I had maybe 3 rude costumers.. THAT'S IT; and a lot of nice ones. Plus, the girl at work who is, well phsyco and was rude last night, she came in today and was completely going out of her way to be nice to me. I was seriously confused, but now I know even better to stay as far away from her as possible. Geoff was even nice to me today. Kerri and Jacqui were the other 2 managers that i worked with today.. I love Kerri and Jacqui, they are soooo great! They both laugh at all the same stupid things that I laugh at, and Jacqui is even more crazy than I am. So, it works.
My night has been very predictable lately... somenights I am outside playing with the girls (depending on if they are next door or not), then I go inside, get a massive headache within an hour tops of being off work, and become extremely tired from my lack of sleep. It takes me forever to fall asleep, adn then I do not sleep very long. I am not stressed out, I don't think, but this is what happened when I was at Hyles.. only then I was, well projecting bodily fluids, as well. Tonight though, I am going to take some allergy meds (yes, two cats are much much much worse than one when you are allergic to them), but hopefully that will take care of my allergy problem for alittle, plus knock me out for a good 7 or 8 hours.
Well, I should try and go to sleep now (allergy med, here I come). Plus I am talking to Jenn and Ashley right now, so I should prob pay attention to them.
And with this I depart... Faith is something that all Christians must have. Faith that God will meet our needs and will provide when we need it. As our trials and struggles increase, so should our faith. Worrying is a sin, and God wants us to trust Him and to trust that He will provide. So there is no need to worry really. If we are living lives that are glorifying to God, then He is sure to provide for us. So serve the Lord, and have faith that He will provide.
Friday, June 26, 2009
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