Thursday, June 4, 2009

Today has been great so far!

Okay, so this morning Brittany and I headed over to Gospel. Brittany and I helped her mom in her class, and Britt did the spotlights for play practice, while I watched some of Mrs. Nielsen's class (the two girls in 4th). After play practice we had a pizza party.... YUM! I don't know if Mrs. Nielsen will ever read this, but Thank You again!!! I got to watch all of Mrs. Nielsen's class academic program, and it was so cute. They are doing a really good job, and I cannot wait to see it all tomorrow. I got to see little snipits of the highschool play, and I got to read some of the script and seems to be really nice, and I deff. cannot wait to see that all tomorrow.
After school we went to visit Mrs (Deena) Royalty. She is so sweet, adn just love tlakng with her and catching up with her. Plus, Maggie was there and it was really nice seeing her, I have not seen her in like months, I think. But Miss Deena is soooo sweet. She is so possitive and is such an encouragement to me. Someone surprised her and one night when she was out with Pastor Joel and the kids, someone came in and cleaned the entire house. So, I made it my mission to find out who it was, and i succeeded. A couple of questions is all you have to ask. She is so thankful though to that person, and that was a really nice thing that they did.
I have work now, well in a little less than 3 hours, and I just know that it will be great, bc nothing can ruin my day as of now, and I am working with April tonight, and she is just great, so Im sure everything will go well.
That is all for now. I am looking forward to helping Mrs. Nielsen tomorrow as well, then going out to eat with Bethy and Jenn, then the play!! Tomorrow is going to great, I am not going to want it to end!! =]

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