Tomorrow I start teaching Sunday School (3rd and 4th grade girls) for the rest of the summer. I am very excited, and cannot wait. I am getting the Sunday school books from Miss Holland tomorrow, so since I do not have them yet I am going to speak on David and Golliath. I think the girls will enjoy that (hopefully as much as the younger guys would enjoy it, if I were teaching it to them). It was a huge success when I taught on it at Faith, but I had some tricks then, to keep them interested, so that they remembered what they learned. So, pray that all goes well please! I'm not nervous about it, but I want the summer to go well, and I want the girls to go away having learned a lot. So, I am looking forward to tomorrow and to this summer, and am just putting my life in the hands of the Lord!

(The collge girls take turns every Thursday night teaching a lesson to the younger boys and girls, while church is going on.. this night I taught on David and Goliath, I had Noah get on the piano and he was Goliath, then Jo was David. They loved it, and still ask me when I am going to teach them about David and Goliath again)

-- Jo (David) cutting of Noah (Goliath's) head! --
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