Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Great Start, But Going Down Hill!!

Okay, I know it has been awhile since I have updated. Pastor Annson had my computer for awhile installing the BeSafe on it and hooking up our new wireless internet. That's right, we now have wireless internet. How awesome is that! I absolutely love it.

School has been going very well. Today however, has been, well not very good. Some of the guys have turned into complete jerks this year. But the two new guys are nice, and have a completely different energy from the rest, which is absolutely awesome. I love it!

Classes have been going very well. I was way bummed though becasue Sunday they did not run our bus. THye just took out the van because Bro. Kephart sadi that not many were coming because of Labor Day. So, I did not get to ride the bus, so I am REALLY looking forward to riding this week. I cannot wait.

I have been alittle bummed because I now have noone to talk to about just anything. Last semester there was someone who I trusted and now, well, don't. lol. So, when I need to release any worries or fears I have to call someone back home, which is a hasel in itself because I do not have much time to do that, and have to work around the schedules of those back home. But, oh well, God knows. Kepping to myself isn't such a bad thing after all.

I am terribly missing my bus kids and church family. This semester is deffinatley different than last, and all of the fears that I have this past summer are being conformed. But no worries, I am not discouraged and am still keeping on.

Sebastian, who is not here this year is stopping in tomorrow to get some stuff that he left over the summer and what not. I am looking forward to seeing him. I got to see Ashley last night and the night before, so that was kind of nice, but kind of well confusing.

I am stil without a job, and am still praying that the Lord will provide. The Lord knows, right? So we will see!

I am however, super excited about my roomates. I got every roommate that I wanted, so that was a tremendous blessing to me. =] God knows what adn who I need, praise the Lord.

I, for some reason, felt as though blogging right now was going to make me feel a lot better, however, I still feel the same, but am now missing home as well. Hopefully tomorrow will be better! =]

Please just keep me in your prayers, that is what I need!

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