Saturday, September 19, 2009


Last night was great. Both Heather's, Dani, Susan and myself went out for alittle. I took lots of pics and when we returned some of us had a silly string fight in the dorm room... and Susan recorded it. =] So take a look at some of the pics and then look at the awesome video we made. What else is there to do in college? hehe.

Susan and I. She just woke up so still looks tired, and I am just being me!

Susan... once again, she had just waken up!

This was after the silly string fight.. I was putting the video on Schwartz's computer and trying to get mine to work.

Me, Dani and Heather in Wal Mart

Me looking studious while reading a book on hunting turkeys. (Some guy walked past while Heather was taking this and startd laughing at me... it was great. lol)

This was the first one we took.. Susan got in the way though, lol. But I like it better anyway!

If you do not know yet... then there's something wrong with you, but I like chocolate!

Drinking salad dressing

Heather "the other" and I

Schwartz/... while we were playing Susan's awesome new game called "Urban Myth"


  1. Clara:
    Going forward, please consult with me before changing your blog design. Although I do like the new look, it would be greatly appreciated if you would prepare me for schocking changes like this. Thankyou,

  2. That movie is funny!:)
    Kathryn E.

  3. Lol. Renee. That is great. However, management or not, you have no say in my blog background. It is cute though, right? I absolutely love it! Mrs. Mayville and I decided that if I ever get married, the colors are going to be black and white with just a touch of red! HAHA!, Me, married? Feel bad for that guy. j/k. Miss you bunches! And Kathryn, being there was a million imes more funny. lol. I love my roommates!!
