Saturday, May 23, 2009


This weekend is going to be pretty crazy for me. I am taking time to write right now though. Today: I have to finish unpacking (yes, I have still not unpacked everything from school) and organize my room, put everything in its place, or something like that. Then I need to make sure I am completely prepared for my Sunday School lesson (Miss Holland is not going to be at church tomorrow so I am teachin the 3rd and 4th grade girls.... I AM SO EXCITED!) Then I need to get ready for my Aunt's tomorrow. We are having a picnic at her house after I get back from church (which means volleyball with the fam =]), so I need to pick out what I am wearing for church, and what I am wearing to my aunt's. I still have to wash my unform for work. Yes, I have work to. As a matter of fact, I work 4-12.. it is already 12 past noon and I need to get all this done before work. Since I do not get off til midnight I will have no time when I get back from work to do this because I need some sleep before I have to get up for church. I'm excited though, and looking forward to seeing my fam. =] So, I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend! I will!

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