Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Busy Day, and more to come! But I love it!!

Today I opened (for anyone who knows me rather well you know that I dislike opening to just about the highest degree). Both of the openers requested off today and since my RGM absolutely loves both me and my brother, she decided to have the two of us open!! I much rather work my normal night shifts. This weeks schedule is very random for me, I am getting pieces of every shift: Monday 4-11P.m. Tuesday 10 A.M. - 5, Wednesday open-4 Thursday 10-4 (I did have Thursday off but my RGM asked me to work, so I said yes) Friday 2-midnight and Saturday 4-9. Yes, 6 days in a row at Taco Bell. Fun, right? Anywho, back to my point. So my bro and I opened this morning and it went okay, there is a new closing procedure that actually makes it alittle bit easier for the openers, which is nice. I was on drive thru today which is where I would have wanted to be anyway, so it worked out to my advantage. We did have a good crew though, no lazy people or not very bright new people, so that was good. And our timer for lunch was great! But still, i was rather tired by the end of my shift and ready to leave.

Next on the agenda was a short bit of time at home and then church. I was in nursery tonight with Kathryn Bender. We had a blast!!!!!! We built houses and towes out of blocks.. rood blocks and normal play blocks... fun fun! And the hole time Adelyn (my baby chunk) was sitting on my lap. Every once in awhile she would put a block on "our house" but it was usually one that did not fit well and ended up causing our house to fall over. I just love her though, SHE IS SO CUTE!!! But besides me Owen and Anna enjoyed the blocks the most, and surprisingly they all enjoyed cleaning them up! In fact, when Owen accidentally fell over the box of blocks everyone helped in picking them up again... both times they started picking them up they were not asked to, they just did, we had a great bunch of kids though. =] And for the secret that I mentioned earlier this week.. about staying the night at a friends.. well it is official, and I am so excited. Bro. Bob Mayvilee (my bus captain) his birthday is this month and his wife is taking him camping this Friday so I am going to spend the night there and keep Shawn company!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!! I just love the Mayville's and Shawn and I are the same age and will just talk and talk I am sure. However, I do have to work until midnight, so I am sure there may not be much talking Friday night, but we always have Saturday, lol!

Now, to the business of the rest of my week (which once I again, I love being busy and having something to do), tomorrow I work 10 to 4 and then I am going to the Royalty's to watch the kids! I just love them, so I do not mind this at all. Then Friday I work 2-midnight! Yikes.. but I already checked the schedule and I am wrking with some people who I want to work with, so all is well there, then I am going to the Mayville's. Then I am assuming that Shawn and I will go buscalling Saturday morning and then I work agan 4-9 (only 5 hours after a busy weekend, am I lucky or what?). Then Sunday is of course church!! Which reminds me that I need to go buy a treat for my Sunday School class.. one more thing to add to my list!!! =]

As for now, I need to wash my uniform and well there was alittle accident today at work (my zipper broke... Jaqui saved the day with safety pins) but for tomorrow and the rest of the summer I will probably end up wearing my nice black skirt instead. But, I still need to go wash clothes and then get some sleep!

And I hope you all enjoy the new layout of my blog. I use to love change, not all that much anymore, but there are still things that I like to change every once in awhile! =]

I have no words of wisdom tonight, so goodnight all!!!! God Bless!!!!


  1. Oh no! Clara! I'm so sorry I forgot to take you home! Out of sight, out of mind. No offense. I feel so bad! I was in a hurry to get home cuz K and N were coming over and I forgot.

  2. It's okay. I was in nursery adn when I didn't see you I had already assumed that you prob forgot, so I asked the Nielsen's lol. It's all good. =] Who is K and N? lol, it's sound so secretive. -[
