Sunday, August 30, 2009

Great Birthday!

Today was without a doubt one of the best birthdays I have evr had. I was very excited that it was on a Sunday because then I would get to spend my birthday with my church family. Well as everyone already knows (if you have been reading my blog) Mrs. Bender started my birthday last Wednsday with an awesome awesome gift of just bath stuff that I needed and absolutely LOVE!!!!!!! I still can't get over it! Anywho, I recieved many cards today as well, including two from Bender girls, which made me feel even so much more special! =]I did not tell anyone this (1. Becuase I did not wanna worry my family or friends and 2. becuase I wanted to see what God could do) but with going back to Faith I needed the last of my recent check to pay for some of my first bill, deciding that it was more important to pay what I can and not worry about food right now. So I resting on faith that the Lord would provide the money that I needed to get food with for shcool (incase you did not know, we cook and buy our own food at Faith), well the Royalty's not even knowing it started the blessin for me by giving me a gift card for Wal Mart and I was able to get EVERYTHING that I neeeded as far as school supplies goes, plus sitll have 1 dollar some left, lol, but I received some money today in almost every card, and I literly almost started crying (and I am never ever moved to tears, infact I do not like crying so there is just not much that causes me to tear up). I am just so thankful that God used my church family to supply that need.

My family, of course, also made this day special for me. I was greeted with happy birthday's and I love you and at the family outing last night when it turnd midnight everyone sang to me. I loved it! lol. And my neighbor judy told my sister to buy me a cake and my mom (not knowing because they kept it a secret) also bought me cake mi (which we have not been able to eat yet, obviously). But my mom always asks us what we want for a birthday meal, so I chose pepperoni rolls (I love my mama's pepperoni rolls) so that was also very very nice!

But onto my last Sunday for awhile.... on the bus we did have a good number. I am trying to think of everyone who came to give an approximate number becuase I do not know the exact number. So having counted those who I remember I am getting the number 21, so it was atleast that many (not inclluding workers obviously), so I was excited about that!! They behaved okay on the way there, we had 4 lose their treats in 4 and 5 year olds class and two lost theirs on the way home. They I guess woke up on the way home because they did not behave very well!

Onto Sunday school class, I had, get this, just my class... 10 girls! I was vey happy, and they all did really really really well. 10 may not seem like a hole lot to you, however my average is probably like 3-5, so I was happy with 10.
Juniop church also went well, hawkeye was alittle tough at first but towards the end they started dropping like flies.. lol, so that made it easier.

On the way home, as I said earlier everyone was like awake and full of sugar or something. i did get Helena's cell phone number to call adn wake her up next Sunday, forgeting that I am not going to be here next Sunday, go figure right? But as long as I am on the same route this year (which I requested to be) then I do not leave until about 8:45 and so I will be able to call her at 8 as she requested, so all should be well. We then went to drop off Jaylin and noone was home, so we dropped off our lst stop returned to his house, and guess what, there was still noone home. So Devonte and I remembered that whenever we pick up Andrea and Alexis that he says his aunt lives in the same apartments, so we venture over back to Plaze View (with Jaylin, a 5 year old, telling us that we were suppose to turn left her and go straight here, all of which was wrong, so it is a good thing we did not listen, adn just went to Plaza View) so we make it there and his aunt and grandma were there thankfully, so all is well now, we hope!

Bro. Bruno preached tonight at churh and it was kind of bitter sweet because he and Mrs. Malepou are leaving for Africa as missionaries. We had a farewell that night at Pastor Royalty's for them and it went really well. There was a lot of people from out church that showed up and it really was a good time.

Well my schedule this week is running around alittle with my mom tomorrow then Tuesday morning breakfast with Rachel at our favorite Panera Bread (she is coming home tomorrow... I CAN'T WAIT!) then Wednesday is normal so far, and Thursday I leave (I am hoping that Pastor Joel and Mrs. Royalty call me atleast one of those nights so that I can watch the kids for them before I leave, so they can get out for alittle) ---Sidenote: I got to hold Alayna for the first time... SHE IS SOOOO CUTE!!!--- So that is all for me, busy day, full of fun, an wonderful blessings.

Oh, I almost forgot my secret sister also gave me a gift. This adorable little pillow with this really cute like rope I guess it is attached that says "Count Your Blessings" if today wasn't the perfect day for that, as well as some lotion from Bath and Body "Japenese Cherry Bossom". Now, my secret sister could not have know this but I bought a Country Apple soap for my self and a japenese cherry blosson and I just finish the apple so now I am on to the japenese cherry blossom, so now I have a lotion to go with it!!!! IT SMELLS SO GOOD! There are the fragrances from Bath and Body that I LOVE!!! although I like so many but they are 1.Country Apple (which is discontinued, but they still eell it on big sales-- go figure) 2. Japenese CHerry Blosson and 3. Dancing Waters. They are the greatest folks... trust me!

That is all for now. This is probably the most I have written in awhile so enjoy.

And with this I depart... It is so important to know were you stand and why you believe what you believe. If you go by what someone else tells you or by what you hear all the time but never actually study it for yourself then you will most likely end up losing that conviction and possibly even falling away from the things of God. So figure out what you believe and find out why you believe it! Don't go by someone else's convictions, let the Lord give you your own!

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