Friday, August 28, 2009

No more Taco Bell until Christmas!! Nice!!

I woke up this morning and my first thoughts were... I wonder what time I work today. Of course on second thought I remembered that I don't. Very nice thought. My sister mom and I went shopping. I needed a snack for Sunday School plus a card for Beth's bday, which my sister so nicely paid for all of it. I didn't even ask.. she just did! And the card I got for Beth... WAY CUTEE!!!!! Hoops and YoYo of course. I cannot go into detail though just incase she is reading this before it reaches her in the mail!

I also ordered all of my books for this semester... I got them for less than half the prize I would have had to pay had I gone through the schoo. Gotta love Amazon!!! But don't gotta love shipping and handling... one book cost me 20 cents but shipping on all books as 3.99! So the shipping was much more expensive than the book itself. lol. After Wal Mart we then went to Rulli Brothers because my mom is making her YUMMMY peperoni rolls on my bday and she loves Ruli Brothers cheese. Well I picked out a half watermelon and bananas and Sweet Tea.. and my sister got some cookies and stuff... the two of us ended up picking out more than my mom though.. very rare. lol. Oh, and my sister foung purple peppers... they were grown in water and for some reason that made em purple.. my sister loves peppers and loves purple. lol.

We then went next door and spent some time with the neighbors. We love em, they are the greatest neighbors ever!! Jimmy, is the commander at the Struther V.F.W and does a lot a lot a lot of work for them, but that is really nice of him. And they do not pay him for as much as he does... trust me.. I know what he does, and I know what he gets paid! lol

I then went to the Royalty's to watch the kiddos once again! We made cards this time for Mrs. Royalty and Pastor Joel and hid them around the house... one in the (mirror) cabinet in the bathroom, one on their bed, one on the blue chair, one just on the table, and my favorite spot... one in the fridge! Gotta love Caleb's thinking! I then gave them ring pops because they all behaved well. Then off to bed they went, Isaac came up the stairs and told me Caleb was not sleeping but they he brought "toys" in his bed and was playing, I told him to have Caleb put the toys down and go to sleep. Moments later Caleb came upstairs crying saying that the so called "toys" Isaac was speaking if was Caleb's stuffed animal that he always sleeps with. lol. Poor Caleb, my own fault though, I should have gone downstairs and taken care of it myself. I love them all, and when they say something nice it just sticks with me for forever!!! Anna is still on the "Miss Teara, are you going home yet?" kick. Man, she is just too cute. As much as she wants me to go home (which who can blame her.. she wants her mommy and daddy) I still think it is just the cutest ever!!! But Caleb and Isaac drew me a picture.. both are so nice adn I jsut love em; and Abby made me a card and picked me three raspberry's. She is just the sweetest. I am going to miss them all so much when I go to college!!!! =[ But, as Pastor Joel said, I need to follow God not man. =] Otherwise, maybe I would just stay!!

Well, I think that is all for now. I may be up at midnight and if so, I will make sure to post the fact that my bday is tomorrow. Speaking of, I got a nother card today, this time from Pastor Royalty... I know I say it on occasion, but not nearly enough.. I LOVE MY CHURCH!!!!!!!! =]

And with this I depart (I have not said that in awhile)... Trust in the Lord. There is no need to fear or to worry that is just telling God that you do not believe He can protect and lead you. I have to remind myself of this rather often but am hopefully getting better and am increasing my faith with each situation that God takes care of. Praise the Lord!!

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