Sunday, August 9, 2009

Crazy, but exciting!

This morning started our normal, but ended anything but. The Mayville's and I arrived at church to get on the bus and go out and pick up our route, as is normal. Well, we (well Mr. Mayville) quickly discovered that our bus was not working and that it was not able to take out. We thought we were going to have to call everyone and tell them that we could not pick them up, and when Shawn and I went to get the list we then realized that we had no numbers for anyone. Of course Mr. Mayville has some in his phone, but not a number for everyone, especially when they change so often. Pastor Royalty (like a breath of fresh air) assured us that we had enough vehicles to pick up kids. So Mrs. Royalty and I went out to Plaza Views and one other stop in her van, while Mr. Mayville went out in his car and picked up some. Little did we know that this morning would end up to have the most riders that we have had in awhile, and in Mr. Mayville's Ford Taurus, they fit 9 poeple. Four of which were teenagers. Mrs, Royalty and I had 7, but they were all younger ones, so that was not hectic at all. Then Mr. Nielsen's bus gets back for the 9:30 hours, and the others are not do back til the 10:30 hour, so when he returned Mr. Mayville took the bus and picked up the rest of our route. Everything turned out good in the end, just some craziness getting there. =] We had, I do believe 25 or 27 riders, and that is not including workers. On the way home we took the Nielsen's bus since we had more riders, and he shuttled everyone on his bus home in vehicles, maybe even one vehicle, I am not sure.

I had a good Sunday school class however. We had 8, which is good for us! Praise the Lord! Actually 9 if you count Mary, who is 4 years old, but refuses to go to class without her sister who was recently promoted to the 1st grade Sunday school class. She behaved in my class, but she is not allowed back until she can handle going to her right class. It's sad because now none of them will end up comng, but it is something that needs to be done. If you compromise in one area, before long you will compromise in others. Junior church went well though, Shawn did hawkeye, which gave me the opportunity to watch Mary better. So that deffinately worked out, plus I am always doing hawkeye, so it gave her the opportunity so that I am not always the only one up there.. which was deffinately a good thing.

Then Sunday night, the campers who went to teen camp plus Josh and I gave testimonies of how our week went. I was so nervous. I know everyone at church, but still get nervous when I have to speak in front of everyone.. go figure. I did better though then I did last time (nerve wise). Then one kid was absolutely hilarious during church. his dad (I am leaving names out on purpose, I believe the mother of the children about to be mentioned would prefer that I do that) had to leave for a second and so the kids were by themselves for a few moments, I was trying to make sure they were paying attention so I corrected them a couple times, but nothing major; but one boy, he was chewing on a rubberband, then wanted to stand, and was very squirmish, then to top it off, the event that Renee and I just could not hold back our laughter... he had the rubberband (which was previously in his mouth) stretched out across two hymnals as if he was about to launch it (at this point we were into the Lord's supper and although his dad had returned to the service, he was now upfront - I hope I am not making this too obvious as to who it is), I quickly stopped him and told him to put it down and leave it there until church was competely over. I can see it now... rubberband goes flying across the auditorium as everyone is partaking in the Lord's supper. It may have been a "I guess you had to be there moment" but he was literally seconds away from letting the rubberband go, and luckily Renee and I just happened to look at the same time.. which I had just gotten done praying and had just opened my eyes, a couple seconds longer and someone may have been smacked with a very thick and yellow colored rubberband, that was also covered in slobber no doubt. Very humerous though, the situation was.

Then Renee and I went to Target to return curtains of her, then to Wal Mart because she needed a new book shelf. Which, if you would have been there with the two of us trying to get this box with shelves in it you would have died in laughter. It was great fun, and we did eventualy get the box that she wanted. A few difficulties but nothing too major. After all, it was Renee and I, of course us two inteligent beings could figure it out! ;)

So, that was my day, and tomorrow I have work! So I am off to bed again, possibly. My allergies are better, but my eyes are still watering constantly and my eyes still burn and itch alittle. But, I really do look worse than i feel, I think. And, Lord willing I have plans to stay with a friend this weekend, it is kind of a secret so far, so i will keep you updated with that as time goes on!

And with this I depart... It is very important to establish your standards and to have Biblical reasoning behind what you believe. So many people fall away from the standards that they once felt so strong about. It is sad to see so many Christians fall away from the things of the Lord. So do some studying and figure out what it is that you believe, and then why you believe it. You cannot live your life based on someone else's standards, so it is important that each and every person has their own reasonings and their own convictions behind each and every standard!

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