Monday, June 22, 2009

Alittle more sun!

Today was well. I ended up sleeping in the living room again because at 2 this morning I killed 3 ants, 2 on my bed, and I saw a 3rd one on my bed, but it got away from me. My dad set out traps now, and sprayed raid, hopefully they are finally gone.
I was off today, my mom, sister and I went out to the Austintown Wal Mart to shop.. well they shopped, I was just there to be there. For once, nothing bad happened on 680, while we were on it atleast.
Next stop was back home, I did not get much sleep last night so I went to sleep "for just a half an hour" at about 4ish, I did not get up until 6. I woke up to several messages, and a missed call from a number that I did not know. (BTW: if you call me, please leave a message; because if I do not have ur number in my phone, and you do not leave a messge, I will not call you back. On occasion I don't even answer my phone if I do not know the number.)
Anywho, when I awoke I found out that the girls were next door (Arielle and Kristen) so I went outside and played with them. I had to take many videos of them, every time I stopped they asked me to make another.. they also made a couple themselves as well. Then we all ate spagetti and meatballs (thanks to Judy). Then played some more with the girls. That is exhausting. We ended the night by catching lightening bugs. (Oh, but I did get alittle more tan, athough not on th eback of arms... still =[ )
I did not have to work today, I got the day off, surprisingly. But it was a fun day. I work 2-8 tomorrow. So we will see how that goes. I guess that is all for now... pretty boring day to write about, but it was actually pretty eventful playing with the girls for 4 hours. =]
And with this, I depart... well, I guess I do not really have anything useful to say!! So, today's post just wasn't the best all around. =]

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